Designing Cypher (a graph query language) Narrated by Tobias Lindaaker, Developer at Neo Technology #neo4j,#cypher @thobe
Once upon a time… ~2001
in the kingdom of Sweden ~2001
there was a DBMS that had some interesting things going for it… ~2001
a few years later… This presentation has been given at StrangeLoop, the video is online: This is a Stand-Alone Sequel ~2016
The Precursors to Cypher First release of Cypher 2001 2006 2010 2011 (July) Embedded Custom code Java API HTTP API deployment server model
The Origin of Cypher
The Origin of Cypher (query)--[MODELED_AS]--->(drawing) ^ | | | [IMPLEMENTS] [TRANSLATED_TO] | | | v (code)<-[IN_COMMENT_OF]-(ascii art)
The Origin of Cypher (query)--[MODELED_AS]--->(drawing) ^ | | | [IMPLEMENTS] [TRANSLATED_TO] | | | v (code)<-[IN_COMMENT_OF]-(ascii art) MATCH (query)-[:MODELED_AS]->(drawing), (code)-[:IMPLEMENTS]->(query), (drawing)-[:TRANSLATED_TO]->(ascii_art) (ascii_art)-[:IN_COMMENT_OF]->(code) WHERE = {query_id} RETURN code.source
v1: Read Only START john=node:Person(name="John") MATCH (john)-[:KNOWS]-(friend)-[:KNOWS]-(foaf) WHERE NOT (john)-[:KNOWS]-(foaf) RETURN foaf July 2011 ( neo4j 1.4 )
v2: Graph write no update of search structures START john=node:Person(name="John") MATCH (john)-[:KNOWS]-(friend)-[:KNOWS]-(foaf) WHERE NOT (john)-[:KNOWS]-(foaf) AND NOT (john)-[:RECOMMENDATION]->(foaf) CREATE (john)-[:RECOMMENDATION]->(foaf) RETURN foaf Oct 2012 ( neo4j 1.8 )
Neo4j 2.0: labels and proper indexes Cypher “feature complete” MATCH (john:Person{name:"John"}), (john)-[:KNOWS]-(friend)-[:KNOWS]-(foaf) WHERE NOT (john)-[:KNOWS]-(foaf) MERGE (john)-[:RECOMMENDATION]->(foaf) ( neo4j 2.0 ) Dec 2013
A brief Cypher overview Pattern matching: Carrying results from a query into a new MATCH (n), (a)-[:REL]->(b) MATCH (a)-[:KNOWS]->(b) + filtering: WITH a, avg(b.age) AS frAge WHERE n=b AND a.val < n.val WHERE frAge > 15 MATCH (a)<-[:FOLLOWS]-(c) Returning results RETURN RETURN AS name ORDER BY x.score LIMIT 10 OPTIONAL MATCH Creating data: CREATE (p:Person{name:”Tobias”}) Match-or-null Updating data: SET = ”John” MERGE Match-or-create Deleting data: with ON MATCH and ON CREATE REMOVE p.age DELETE n to perform updates
CYPHER 2.0 MATCH (n) RETURN n Multiple versions Put the version in the query, and support multiple versions of Cypher in the Neo4j Server
Improve based on user feedback … good, but not as good as we hoped… photo credits: Columbia Journalism Review
Query caching - amortise cost of optimisation
Whole program analysis MATCH (john:Person{name:"John"}), (john)-[:KNOWS]-(friend)-[:KNOWS]-(foaf) RETURN
Whole program analysis MATCH (john:Person{name:"John"}), (john)-[:KNOWS]-(friend)-[:KNOWS]-(foaf) -[:KNOWS]-(foaf) RETURN
Recent additions: Procedures CALL dbms.listProcedures() YIELD name, signature, description MATCH (me:Person{name:{myName}}), (me)-[:KNOWS]-()-[:KNOWS]-(foaf) WHERE NOT (me)-[:KNOWS]-(foaf) CALL apoc.load.jdbc('mysql:…', "SELECT * FROM people WHERE id = " + YIELD row RETURN, row.address
it isn’t all roses
Semantically different things look similar MATCH (n:Measurement) RETURN abs(n.value) MATCH (n:Measurement) RETURN avg(n.value) MATCH (a:Foo{key:{a}}), (b:Foo{key:{b}}), p=(a)-[:BAR*1..]-(b) WHERE all(n in nodes(p) WHERE n.value > {m}) RETURN length(p)
Constructs with intricate semantics Deprecated: MATCH (a:Foo{key:{a}}), (b:Foo{key:{b}}) CREATE UNIQUE (a)-[:KNOWS]-(u)-[:KNOWS]-(b) Better: MATCH (a:Foo{key:{a}}), (b:Foo{key:{b}}) MERGE (a)-[:KNOWS]-(u)-[:KNOWS]-(b)
Constructs with intricate semantics MATCH (a)-->(b)<--(c) RETURN a.key,b.key,c.key vs key:y key:x MATCH (a)-->(b) MATCH (b)<--(c) RETURN a.key,b.key,c.key
Constructs with intricate semantics <no rows> MATCH (a)-->(b)<--(c) RETURN a.key,b.key,c.key vs key:y key:x MATCH (a)-->(b) MATCH (b)<--(c) RETURN a.key,b.key,c.key a.key:’x’, b.key:’y’, c.key:’x’
Constructs with intricate semantics <no rows> MATCH (a)-->(b)<--(c) RETURN a.key,b.key,c.key vs key:y key:x MATCH (a)-->(b) MATCH (b)<--(c) RETURN a.key,b.key,c.key a.key:’x’, b.key:’y’, c.key:’x’ MATCH (a)-[x]->(b) MATCH (b)<-[y]-(c) WHERE x <> y RETURN a.key,b.key,c.key
“Syntactic sugar” vs single canonical syntax MATCH (n) WHERE = "bar" vs MATCH (n{foo: "bar"}) MATCH (n WHERE foo < 10) vs MATCH (n) WHERE < 10
Predicates on variable length paths MATCH (a)-[r*]->(b) WHERE all(x IN r WHERE x.weight > 0) would be simpler if it could be written as: MATCH (a)-[r* WHERE weight > 0]->(b) although there are other problems that would come from that…
LOAD CSV will be replaced LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "some.csv" AS line CALL apoc.load.csv("some.csv") YIELD map AS line
Parameters avoid SQL injection
Labels and Relationship Types cannot be passed as parameters MATCH (n:{label}) SET n:{label}
openCypher 6/20/2016 QueryOptions CREATE Index Opening the language design process ; DROP Index CREATE UniqueConstraint DROP UniqueConstraint CREATE NodePropertyExistenceConstraint Implementations for other platforms DROP NodePropertyExistenceConstraint CREATE RelationshipPropertyExistenceConstraint DROP RelationshipPropertyExistenceConstraint Compatibility test suite LoadCSV Start Match Unwind Grammar specification Merge Create Set Delete Reference implementation Remove Foreach With Defining the next version of Cypher Return ALL UNION BulkImportQuery 1/1
Future features Cypher keeps evolving You can get involved through openCypher
Sub queries are powerful MATCH (me:Person{name:{myName}}), (me)-[:FRIEND]-(friend) WITH me, collect(friend) AS friends MATCH (me)-[:ENEMY]-(enemy) RETURN me, friends, collect(enemy) AS enemies
Sub-queries for side effects MATCH (me:Person{name:{myName}}), (me)-[:FRIEND]-(friend) WITH me, collect(friend) AS friends MATCH (me)-[:ENEMY]-(enemy) DO { UNWIND friends AS friend MERGE (friend)-[:ENEMY]-(enemy) } DO will replace FOREACH
Existential sub-queries MATCH (actor:Actor) WHERE EXISTS { (actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie), (other:Actor)-[:ACTED_IN]->(movie) WHERE = AND actor <> other } RETURN actor
More Sub-queries MATCH (me:User{name:{username}})-[:FOLLOWS]->(user) WHERE = {country} MATCH { // authored tweets MATCH (user)<-[:AUTHORED]-(tweet:Tweet) RETURN tweet, tweet.time AS time UNION // favorited tweets MATCH (user)<-[:HAS_FAVOURITE]-(favorite)-[:TARGETS]->(tweet:Tweet) RETURN tweet, favourite.time AS time } RETURN DISTINCT tweet ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 100
Projections and comprehension MATCH (person:Person{ssn:{mySSN}}), Inspired by Facebook’s GraphQL (person)-[emp:EMPLOYED_BY]->(employer) WHERE NOT exists(emp.endDate) Returns a single column ‘person’ containing: WITH person, AS employer ORDER BY emp.startDate DESC LIMIT 1 RETURN person{ { .ssn, ssn: “192168-0001”, .firstName, firstName: “John”, .lastName, lastName: “Smith”, employer, employer: “The Company, Inc.”, friends: [ friends: [ MATCH (person)-[:FRIEND]-(friend) {ssn: “009933-1126”, WHERE friend.age > 12 firstName: “Marty”, RETURN friend{ lastName: “McFly”}, .ssn, {ssn: “123987-4506”, .firstName, firstName: “Emmet”, .lastName lastName: “Brown”}, } ] ]} }
The End
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