design of a control and monitoring system for the mirror

Design of a control and monitoring system for the mirror alignment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Design of a control and monitoring system for the mirror alignment of the CBM RICH detector FAIRNESS 2016 Garmisch-Partenkirchen Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Claudia Hhne Jordan Bendarouach CBM RICH JLU Gieen 15 th -19 th February

  1. Design of a control and monitoring system for the mirror alignment of the CBM RICH detector FAIRNESS 2016 Garmisch-Partenkirchen Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Claudia Höhne Jordan Bendarouach – CBM RICH – JLU Gieβen – 15 th -19 th February

  2. Outline I. Introduction II. Qualitative control of mirror misalignment 1) Principle of the CLAM alignment control method 2) Test set-up in downscaled RICH prototype 3) Qualitative result and misalignment study III. Quantitative determination of mirror misalignment 1) Principle of the method 2) Quantitative misalignment measurements IV. Correction of misalignment in data 1) First results V. Summary 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 2/34

  3. Introduction CBM at FAIR: explore the QCD phase diagram in the region of high baryon density with A+A ● collisions Energy range (Au-Au) from 2 to 11 AGeV beam energy @SIS100 (up to 35 AGeV @SIS300) ● EM probes ● Low mass vector mesons – J/Ψ – photons – Identify electrons ! 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 3/34

  4. Introduction Photons: access to early temperatures ● [A. Drees] Excitation function – Low-mass vector mesons: in-medium ● properties of ρ Strength due to coupling to baryons (in – HADES) Go to real dense matter – … SIS 300 Intermediate range: access to fireball radiation ● (in NA60): QGP, 4p- or r-a 1 chiral mixing Quarkyonic phase – J/Ψ: charm as a probe for dense baryonic / ● partonic matter Propagation of charm – – Distribution amongst hadrons 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 4/34

  5. Introduction RICH detector for electron identification (CO 2 radiator, ● glass mirrors, MAPMT plane) laterally scaled prototype built and successfully tested ● in beamtests at CERN PS (2011, 2012, 2014) Four-mirror test setup within the prototype: The mirrors ● are remotely controlled, offering the possibility to induce misalignments 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 5/34

  6. Introduction CBM: high ring density environment & RICH will be moved ● Perfectly aligned and stable mirror system is prerequisite ● for accurate and highly efficient ring reconstruction Online mirror alignment control system required ● In case of misalignment: ● Efficiency losses in ring reconstruction: ring splitting, ring – distortion, double rings, ring-track mismatches Misidentification due to distorted ring parameters – 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 6/34

  7. Introduction Detect misalignment: Quantitative determination - CLAM method of misalignment: Correction routines: See effects on: - Using data: HERA-b - A&B axes, B/A - Hardware: CLAM - dR - Radius Φ Ch θ 0 C' θ Ch a C In case of misalignment, lines appear broken and the targets are now displaced, with regard to the external ones 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 7/34

  8. Outline I. Introduction II.Qualitative control of mirror misalignment 1) Principle of the CLAM alignment control method 2) Test set-up in downscaled RICH prototype 3) Qualitative result and misalignment study III. Quantitative determination of mirror misalignment 1) Principle of the method 2) Quantitative misalignment measurements IV. Correction of misalignment in data 1) First results V. Summary 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 8/34

  9. CLAM principle* Qualitative control measurement ● Mirror Frame Photo-multiplier Grid of retro-reflective stripes – Illuminate grid with LEDs – Grid of retroreflective Record grid reflection through the – stripes Mirror mirrors Wall Perfect grid → alignment ● Broken lines → misalignment ● Target Dots External Targets Quantitative position measurement ● Target dots on grid crossings – Target dots on external frame – Nikon Camera surrounded by LEDs * Developed by the COMPASS experiment – Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 553 (2005) 135 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 9/34

  10. CLAM principle Qualitative control measurement ● Mirror Frame Photo-multiplier Grid of retro-reflective stripes – Illuminate grid with LEDs – Grid of retroreflective Record grid reflection through the – stripes Mirror mirrors Wall Perfect grid → alignment ● Broken lines → misalignment ● Target Dots External Targets Quantitative position measurement ● Target dots on grid crossings – Target dots on external frame – Nikon Camera surrounded by LEDs 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 10/34

  11. Prototype set-up and equipment Test setup in RICH prototype for beamtest at CERN Nov 2014 ● CLAM camera surrounded by 3 LEDs Retro-reflective grid & Target dots at entrance Four-mirror system remotely controlled 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 11/34

  12. Prototype set-up and equipment View inside the prototype ● 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 12/34

  13. Prototype set-up and equipment 3 fixation points & 3 rotation axes ● 1, 2 and 4 mrad displacements induced ● for each measurement Event selection: ● Beam (e - and π - @1-2 GeV) between mirrors – not focussed Approximate selection of events with beam – passing right between two mirrors with finger scintillator detector RotD A1 RotY RotX A2 A3 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 13/34

  14. Qualitative misalignment study Mirror system viewed by the CLAM camera and reconstructed rings ● Left: right after the reference alignment – 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 14/34

  15. Qualitative misalignment study Mirror system viewed by the CLAM camera and reconstructed rings ● Left: right after the reference alignment – Right: lower left mirror rotated by 4 mrad Backwards around Y axis – A B 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 15/34

  16. Qualitative misalignment study Rotation of 1, 2 and 4 mrad backwards, A1 ● A around Y axis. Foreseen impact on rings: A2 A3 B Comparison ● RotY Bmean = 4.49 cm B axis distribution for reference data set 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 16/34

  17. Qualitative misalignment study Rotation of 1, 2 and 4 mrad backwards, A1 ● A around Y axis. Foreseen impact on rings: A2 A3 B Comparison ● RotY Bmean = 4.49 cm Bmean = 4.37 cm B axis distribution for B axis distribution for 1 mrad reference data set misalignment around RotY axis 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 17/34

  18. Qualitative misalignment study Rotation of 1, 2 and 4 mrad backwards, A1 ● A around Y axis. Foreseen impact on rings: A2 A3 B Comparison ● RotY Bmean = 4.49 cm Bmean = 4.37 cm Bmean = 3.99 cm Limit at 4.25 4 mrad displacement: Apply B axis cut to enhance B axis distribution for B axis distribution for 1 mrad distorted rings sample, as it turns reference data set misalignment around RotY axis out the finger scintillator had not properly selected the events 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 18/34

  19. Qualitative misalignment study Impact on ellipticity ➔ Increasing ellipticity with – increasing misalignment Application of cut to separate – distorted from undistorted data samples Ring distortion into elliptic shapes ➔ and lower radius: Such rings are lost in later – identification cuts! Keep distortions at minimum ➔ Be able to correct ➔ 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 19/34

  20. Outline I. Introduction II. Qualitative control of mirror misalignment 1) Principle of the CLAM alignment control method 2) Test set-up in downscaled RICH prototype 3) Qualitative result and misalignment study III.Quantitative determination of mirror misalignment 1) Principle of the method 2) Quantitative misalignment measurements IV. Correction of misalignment in data 1) First results V. Summary 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 20/34

  21. Principle of the correction with data* Fitted ring center C' and extrapolated track hit C ● Calculation of Cerenkov distances θ ch and angles Φ ch ● Sinusoidal behaviour: θ ch =θ 0 +ΔΦ∗ cos (Φ ch )+Δ λ∗ sin (Φ ch ) ● * Developed by the HERA-B experiment – Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 433 (1999) 408 C' a C : Fitted circle : Photon Hits PMT plane 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 21/34

  22. Principle of the correction with data Fitted ring center C' and extrapolated track hit C ● Calculation of Cerenkov distances θ ch and angles Φ ch ● Sinusoidal behaviour: θ ch =θ 0 +ΔΦ∗ cos (Φ ch )+Δ λ∗ sin (Φ ch ) ● ΔΦ Δλ a θ Ch θ 0 Φ Ch a θ 0 C' a θ Ch θ ch =θ 0 +ΔΦ∗ cos (Φ ch )+Δ λ∗ sin (Φ ch ) C : Cerenkov distances : Cerenkov angles : Fitted circle Φ 0 Φ Ch : Photon Hits PMT plane 15/02/2016 – Garmisch-Partenkirchen Jordan Bendarouach – FAIRNESS 2016 Page 22/34


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