dept of the premier and cabinet mining regulation branch

Dept of the Premier and Cabinet Mining Regulation Branch HMCV - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dept of the Premier and Cabinet Mining Regulation Branch HMCV Meeting Air, Rain water tanks, Noise, Blasting June 2017 Andrew Querzoli Deputy Director Mining Assessments Nathan Zeman Principal Mining Assessment Officer

  1. Dept of the Premier and Cabinet Mining Regulation Branch HMCV Meeting –Air, Rain water tanks, Noise, Blasting June 2017 Andrew Querzoli – Deputy Director – Mining Assessments Nathan Zeman – Principal Mining Assessment Officer

  2. Presentation Overview 1. Background 2. Air Quality 3. Rainwater tank testing 4. Noise 5. Blasting 2 Department of State Development

  3. Relevant Government Reports and Presentations Mining Lease Mining Tenement PEPR presentation to HMCV Assessment Report - 11 April 2016 Documents Available on DPC Website: 3 Department of State Development

  4. Two Stage Mining Assessment Process Lease granted with Approval of Apply for Mining DPC Assessment of Public Statutory Program for Mining conditions and Lease by Environmental Impacts Consultation on Environment Operations outcomes to be submitting a from Mining Proposal Mining Proposal achieved in PEPR Protection and can Mining Proposal and Consultation (s35A) or refused Rehabilitation commence (s34 / s35) (s34 / s35) (s34 / s35) (PEPR) Stage 1 – Mining Lease – Completed Stage 2 - PEPR Purpose: Purpose: - Grant of mineral tenure and development approval - Operational approval Operations can commence subject to: 1) Other permits and licences 2) Access to Land 3) Native Vegetation Legislation 4) If required, payment of a Bond 4 Department of State Development

  5. Stage 2 – The PEPR Operational approval The purpose of the PEPR is to provide information demonstrating requirements of the lease can be met, and sets out the strategies to achieve the environmental outcomes determined through the lease application process. PEPR must include: • Description of operations, mining, rehabilitation and closure plans • Environmental Outcomes (level of impact) including completion outcomes • Measures for achieving the Environmental Outcomes • Measurement Criteria (Operations & Completion) and Monitoring Plans • Leading Indicator criteria (where applicable) • Results of Consultation • Consideration of Lease conditions • Operator Capability • Calculation of the max. rehabilitation liability to inform the Bond Key considerations in a PEPR assessment: • Does the evidence provided in the PEPR demonstrate the: - Effectiveness of control measures for ensuring achievement of the approved outcomes (level of impact) - Effectiveness of criteria in measuring the approved outcomes (level of impact)? - Operator capability to implement the measures and management plans? 5 Department of State Development

  6. Government requirements for a PEPR Government requirements for PEPR’s for Mining Metallic Minerals are set out through the Ministerial Determination (MD005) and Guideline (MG2b). MD005 MG2b Available on DPC Website: 6 Department of State Development

  7. Air Quality Environmental Outcomes from Lease: 1) No impacts to public health and public nuisance 2) No loss of abundance or diversity of native vegetation 3) No impacts to agricultural productivity 7 Department of State Development

  8. Air Quality Monitoring (Measurement Criteria) from Lease: 1) Public health a) PM 10 – dust in air that is less than 10 micrometres in size b) PM 2.5 – dust in air that is less than 2.5 micrometres in size c) Chemical and Toxicological analysis of dust 2) Public nuisance a) Total Suspended Particulate Matter (TSP) b) Total Dust Deposition (TDD) c) Directional Dust Deposition (DDD) 3) Meteorological Monitoring 8 Department of State Development

  9. Air Quality Monitoring (Measurement Criteria) from Lease: 1) Public health a) PM 10 < 50 ug/m3 as a 24 hour average (includes background) b) PM 2.5 < 25 ug/m3 as a 24 hour average (includes background) 2) Public nuisance a) Total Suspended Particulate Matter (TSP) < 120 ug/m3 for all 24 hour periods < 90 ug/m3 for all 12 month periods b) Total Dust Deposition (TDD) < 2 grams / m2 / month (mine contribution) < 4 grams / m2 / month for all 12 month periods (includes background) 9 Department of State Development

  10. Air Quality Reporting requirements from Lease: 1) Real time monitoring data to be reported on the Internet for: a) PM 10 b) PM 2.5 c) Meteorological data 10 Department of State Development

  11. Air Quality Strategies from Lease for Rex to Address in PEPR: 1) “Undertake continuous dust and meteorological monitoring to inform decisions for operational response and contingency measures to be implements to prevent exceedance of compliance criteria” 2) “Progressive rehabilitation and stabilisation of disturbed areas …” Compliance from Lease: 1) “In the event that monitoring shows …. a breach, the tenement holder must immediately cease the activity which resulted in the breach” 11 Department of State Development

  12. Rainwater Tank Testing • Tenement Holder must offer to test tanks • Then test tanks for those who accept the offer • Report results against Aust. Drinking Water Guidelines • 4km based on location in relation to nearest communities • Compliance with Lease condition is minimum legislation requirement 12 Department of State Development

  13. Rainwater Tank Testing • March 2015 – Rex offered to undertake rainwater testing • This satisfied Condition 8.1 • The PEPR must include details about how this condition has been or will be complied with 13 Department of State Development

  14. Noise • EPA Environment Protection (Noise) Policy 2007 sets noise limits based on the land uses (zoning) in the relevant Development Plan • Council zoning at the time of lease grant applies • Lease sets the noise criteria to be achieved at receptors 14 Department of State Development

  15. Noise Monitoring (Criteria) • Noise measurements must follow procedures in the EPA Guidelines • Independent acoustic engineer report on annoying characteristics • Adjust noise measurements if annoying characteristics are present • Noise can be measured ‘for or at’ sensitive receptors • Monitor noise on a continuous basis, and report noise and meteorological data in real time on a public website 15 Department of State Development

  16. Noise strategies – 6 th Schedule – Condition #7 • Best practice is expected • As a minimum, implement the mitigation strategies described in the Proposal and Response Document • Investigate & implement additional design and engineering measures • Proactive measures – continuous noise and met. monitoring to inform decisions for operational response and contingencies 16 Department of State Development

  17. Noise strategies – EML 6 th Schedule – Condition #3 • “the Tenement Holder must ensure that separation distances between any extractive stockpiles and Pine Point ensure the achievement of the (noise) outcome” • Ensures the handling of stockpiles will be undertaken away from sensitive receptors • Location of stockpiles must be shown in the PEPR 17 Department of State Development

  18. Blasting Environmental Outcomes and Conditions from Lease: 1) No adverse impacts to: a) Public Safety b) Human comfort c) Third party property (including stock) d) Adjacent land use e) Aircraft f) Other receptors from airblast, flyrock and vibration cause by blasting 2) No flyrock to encroach on third party property 3) Notify property owners (subject to consent) no less than 48hrs prior 18 Department of State Development

  19. Blasting Monitoring (Measurement Criteria) from Lease: 1) Monitoring n accordance with Australian Standard AS 2187.2 Strategies from Lease for Rex to address in PEPR: 1) In accordance with Australian Standard AS 2187.2 2) Blast exclusion zone 3) Blast protocol and schedule to be developed in consultation with residents within lease and adjoining the lease. 19 Department of State Development

  20. Mining Regulation Web Links: Regulatory Framework - Ministerial Determinations Regulatory Guidelines: DPC SARIG Website – 20 Department of State Development

  21. Contact Andrew Querzoli and Nathan Zeman DPC Mining Regulation Level 7, 101 Grenfell Street Adelaide, South Australia 5000 GPO Box 320 Adelaide, South Australia 5001


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