dependently typed programming with finite sets

Dependently Typed Programming with Finite Sets Denis Firsov and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dependently Typed Programming with Finite Sets Denis Firsov and Tarmo Uustalu Institute of Cybernetics at TUT November 13, 2015 1 / 67 Outline The problem and motivation Different notions of finiteness Pragmatic finite subsets Approaches to

  1. Dependently Typed Programming with Finite Sets Denis Firsov and Tarmo Uustalu Institute of Cybernetics at TUT November 13, 2015 1 / 67

  2. Outline The problem and motivation Different notions of finiteness Pragmatic finite subsets Approaches to defining functions from finite sets Prover for quantified formulas over decidable properties on finite sets 2 / 67

  3. Motivating Example I A finite set could be defined as an inductive enumeration type: data Pauli : Set where X : Pauli Y : Pauli Z : Pauli I : Pauli 3 / 67

  4. Motivating Example I A finite set could be defined as an inductive enumeration type: data Pauli : Set where X : Pauli Y : Pauli Z : Pauli I : Pauli Next, we can list all the elements: listPauli : List Pauli listPauli = X :: Y :: Z :: I :: [] 4 / 67

  5. Motivating Example I A finite set could be defined as an inductive enumeration type: data Pauli : Set where X : Pauli Y : Pauli Z : Pauli I : Pauli Next, we can list all the elements: listPauli : List Pauli listPauli = X :: Y :: Z :: I :: [] Finally, we can prove that the list is indeed complete: allPauli : (x : Pauli) → x ∈ listPauli allPauli X = here allPauli Y = there here allPauli Z = there (there here) allPauli I = there (there (there here)) 5 / 67

  6. Motivating Example II Typically we also want decidable equality: Dec : Set → Set Dec P = P ⊎ ¬ P 6 / 67

  7. Motivating Example II Typically we also want decidable equality: Dec : Set → Set Dec P = P ⊎ ¬ P _ ≡ P?_ : (x 1 x 2 : Pauli) → Dec (x 1 ≡ x 2 ) X ≡ P? X = inj 1 refl X ≡ P? Y = inj 2 λ () X ≡ P? Z = inj 2 λ () X ≡ P? I = inj 2 λ () Y ≡ P? X = inj 2 λ () Y ≡ P? Y = inj 1 refl Y ≡ P? Z = inj 2 λ () Y ≡ P? I = inj 2 λ () Z ≡ P? X = inj 2 λ () Z ≡ P? Y = inj 2 λ () Z ≡ P? Z = inj 1 refl Z ≡ P? I = inj 2 λ () I ≡ P? X = inj 2 λ () I ≡ P? Y = inj 2 λ () I ≡ P? Z = inj 2 λ () I ≡ P? I = inj 1 refl 7 / 67

  8. Listable Finite Sets All X xs says that list xs has all elements of type X . All : (X : Set) → List X → Set All X xs = (x : X) → x ∈ xs 8 / 67

  9. Listable Finite Sets All X xs says that list xs has all elements of type X . All : (X : Set) → List X → Set All X xs = (x : X) → x ∈ xs A set X is listable if there is a list xs so that All X xs Listable : (X : Set) → Set Listable X = Σ [ xs ∈ List X ] All X xs 9 / 67

  10. Listable Finite Sets All X xs says that list xs has all elements of type X . All : (X : Set) → List X → Set All X xs = (x : X) → x ∈ xs A set X is listable if there is a list xs so that All X xs Listable : (X : Set) → Set Listable X = Σ [ xs ∈ List X ] All X xs It is the same as asking for a surjection from an initial segment of N : FinSurj : (X : Set) → Set FinSurj X = Σ [ n ∈ N ] Σ [ fromFin ∈ (Fin n → X) ] ∈ (X → Fin n) ] Σ [ toFin ((x : X) → fromFin (toFin x) ≡ x) 10 / 67

  11. Listable Finite Sets All X xs says that list xs has all elements of type X . All : (X : Set) → List X → Set All X xs = (x : X) → x ∈ xs A set X is listable if there is a list xs so that All X xs Listable : (X : Set) → Set Listable X = Σ [ xs ∈ List X ] All X xs It is the same as asking for a surjection from an initial segment of N : FinSurj : (X : Set) → Set FinSurj X = Σ [ n ∈ N ] Σ [ fromFin ∈ (Fin n → X) ] ∈ (X → Fin n) ] Σ [ toFin ((x : X) → fromFin (toFin x) ≡ x) surj2lstbl : { X : Set } → FinSurj X → Listable X lstbl2surj : { X : Set } → Listable X → FinSurj X 11 / 67

  12. Listable Finite Sets without Duplicates NoDup xs says that the list xs has no duplicates: NoDup : { X : Set } → List X → Set NoDup { X } xs = (x : X) → (p 1 p 2 : x ∈ xs) → p 1 ≡ p 2 12 / 67

  13. Listable Finite Sets without Duplicates NoDup xs says that the list xs has no duplicates: NoDup : { X : Set } → List X → Set NoDup { X } xs = (x : X) → (p 1 p 2 : x ∈ xs) → p 1 ≡ p 2 Now, we can define duplicate-free listability of a set: ListableNoDup : (X : Set) → Set ListableNoDup X = Σ [ xs ∈ List X ] All X xs × NoDup xs 13 / 67

  14. Listable Finite Sets without Duplicates NoDup xs says that the list xs has no duplicates: NoDup : { X : Set } → List X → Set NoDup { X } xs = (x : X) → (p 1 p 2 : x ∈ xs) → p 1 ≡ p 2 Now, we can define duplicate-free listability of a set: ListableNoDup : (X : Set) → Set ListableNoDup X = Σ [ xs ∈ List X ] All X xs × NoDup xs This is equivalent to having a bijection from an initial segment of N : FinBij : (X : Set) → Set FinBij X = Σ [ n ∈ N ] Σ [ fromFin ∈ (Fin n → X) ] Σ [ toFin ∈ (X → Fin n) ] ((x : X) → fromFin (toFin x) ≡ x) × ((i : Fin n) → toFin (fromFin i) ≡ i) 14 / 67

  15. Listable Finite Sets without Duplicates NoDup xs says that the list xs has no duplicates: NoDup : { X : Set } → List X → Set NoDup { X } xs = (x : X) → (p 1 p 2 : x ∈ xs) → p 1 ≡ p 2 Now, we can define duplicate-free listability of a set: ListableNoDup : (X : Set) → Set ListableNoDup X = Σ [ xs ∈ List X ] All X xs × NoDup xs This is equivalent to having a bijection from an initial segment of N : FinBij : (X : Set) → Set FinBij X = Σ [ n ∈ N ] Σ [ fromFin ∈ (Fin n → X) ] Σ [ toFin ∈ (X → Fin n) ] ((x : X) → fromFin (toFin x) ≡ x) × ((i : Fin n) → toFin (fromFin i) ≡ i) bij2lstblnd : { X : Set } → FinBij X → ListableNoDup X lstblnd2bij : { X : Set } → ListableNoDup X → FinBij X 15 / 67

  16. Listability and Decidable Equality All four notions of finiteness ( Listable , FinSurj , ListableNoDup , FinBij ) are equivalent. 16 / 67

  17. Listability and Decidable Equality All four notions of finiteness ( Listable , FinSurj , ListableNoDup , FinBij ) are equivalent. Indeed, equality on a listable set is decidable: lstbl2deq : { X : Set } → Listable X → DecEq X 17 / 67

  18. Listability and Decidable Equality All four notions of finiteness ( Listable , FinSurj , ListableNoDup , FinBij ) are equivalent. Indeed, equality on a listable set is decidable: lstbl2deq : { X : Set } → Listable X → DecEq X Therefore, we can implement removal of duplicates and convert Listable to ListableNoDup : lstbl2nodup : { X : Set } → Listable X → ListableNoDup X 18 / 67

  19. Listability and Decidable Equality All four notions of finiteness ( Listable , FinSurj , ListableNoDup , FinBij ) are equivalent. Indeed, equality on a listable set is decidable: lstbl2deq : { X : Set } → Listable X → DecEq X Therefore, we can implement removal of duplicates and convert Listable to ListableNoDup : lstbl2nodup : { X : Set } → Listable X → ListableNoDup X The other direction is trivial: nodup2lstbl : { X : Set } → ListableNoDup X → Listable X 19 / 67

  20. Listability: Example The generic proof lstbl2deq also provides an alternative way for defining an equality decider for concrete listable types like Pauli : listablePauli : Listable Pauli listablePauli = listPauli , allPauli _ ≡ P?_ : DecEq Pauli _ ≡ P?_ = lstbl2deq listablePauli Recall that the direct implementation took | Pauli | 2 lines of code. 20 / 67

  21. Finite Subsets We can give a special definition of listability of a subset given by a predicate on some base set: ListableSub : (U : Set) → (U → Set) → Set ListableSub U P = Σ [ xs ∈ List U ] ((x : U) → P x → x ∈ xs) × ((x : U) → x ∈ xs → P x) 21 / 67

  22. Finite Subsets We can give a special definition of listability of a subset given by a predicate on some base set: ListableSub : (U : Set) → (U → Set) → Set ListableSub U P = Σ [ xs ∈ List U ] ((x : U) → P x → x ∈ xs) × ((x : U) → x ∈ xs → P x) Listable sets are a special case of listable subsets: lstbl2lsub : { U : Set } → Listable U → ListableSub U ( λ _ → ⊤ ) lsub2lstbl : { U : Set } → ListableSub U ( λ _ → ⊤ ) → Listable U 22 / 67

  23. Decidable Equality for Finite Subsets In general, equality on a finite subset is not decidable: deqLstblSub : { U : Set } → (P : U → Set) → ListableSub U P → (x 1 x 2 : U) → P x 1 → P x 2 → Dec (x 1 ≡ x 2 ) deqLstblSub = ??? 23 / 67

  24. Decidable Equality for Finite Subsets In general, equality on a finite subset is not decidable: deqLstblSub : { U : Set } → (P : U → Set) → ListableSub U P → (x 1 x 2 : U) → P x 1 → P x 2 → Dec (x 1 ≡ x 2 ) deqLstblSub = ??? If P is a mere proposition, then equality is decidable: deqLstblSub1 : { U : Set } → (P : U → Set) → ListableSub U P → ((x : U) → (p 1 p 2 : P x) → p 1 ≡ p 2 ) → (x 1 x 2 : U) → P x 1 → P x 2 → Dec (x 1 ≡ x 2 ) 24 / 67

  25. Decidable Equality for Finite Subsets In general, equality on a finite subset is not decidable: deqLstblSub : { U : Set } → (P : U → Set) → ListableSub U P → (x 1 x 2 : U) → P x 1 → P x 2 → Dec (x 1 ≡ x 2 ) deqLstblSub = ??? If P is a mere proposition, then equality is decidable: deqLstblSub1 : { U : Set } → (P : U → Set) → ListableSub U P → ((x : U) → (p 1 p 2 : P x) → p 1 ≡ p 2 ) → (x 1 x 2 : U) → P x 1 → P x 2 → Dec (x 1 ≡ x 2 ) If the list contains no duplicates, then equality is decidable: deqLstblSub2 : { U : Set } → (P : U → Set) → (p : ListableSub U P) → NoDup (proj 1 p) → (x 1 x 2 : U) → P x 1 → P x 2 → Dec (x 1 ≡ x 2 ) 25 / 67

  26. Pragmatic Finite Subsets If a set P is decidable, we can effectively squash P : � _ � : { P : Set } → Dec P → Set � inj 1 _ � = ⊤ � inj 2 _ � = ⊥ 26 / 67


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