denver s subregional forum approach

Denvers Subregional Forum Approach Denver Subregional Forum May - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Denvers Subregional Forum Approach Denver Subregional Forum May 17th, 2018 Denvers TIP Subregional Forum Process Sets the framework Minimum requirements DRCOG Leaves room for local control Policy How we conduct local

  1. Denver’s Subregional Forum Approach Denver Subregional Forum May 17th, 2018

  2. Denver’s TIP Subregional Forum Process • Sets the framework • Minimum requirements DRCOG • Leaves room for local control Policy • How we conduct local process to fulfill the responsibilities for TIP • Structure & schedule Denver’s Subregional Forum Approach • An evolving document of how our process shall be carried out in detail • To be amended as DRCOG TIP Policy is adopted Denver • Fulfills a requirement for documentation Operating Procedures

  3. Basic Requirements for a Subregional Process Establish a Subregional Forum under an extension of DRCOG governance • The Subregional Forum and any formal subcommittees shall be publicly noticed • meetings with an opportunity for public comment DRCOG will attend all meetings, RTD & CDOT must be invited as non-voting members • State and regional agencies eligible for direct receipt of federal TIP funding must be • offered a call for projects Maintain a link to the Long-Range Transportation Plan - ‘Metro Vision’ in the • Subregional Criteria

  4. Denver’s Structure to Support a DRCOG Subregional Process Subregional Forum* Role: Recommend Projects to DRCOG Board Technical Subcommittee* Role: Work Product Review & SRF Recommending Body *Open to the Public Other regional CDOT Multi-departmental RTD partners staff

  5. Denver’s Subregional Forum Process and Proposed Schedule

  6. Denver SRF Outcome #1 (May 2018—TODAY!): Establish Operating Procedures & Election of Officers Review the DRCOG and Denver TIP Subregional Process • Discussion & Adoption of Operating Procedures • Election of Forum Chair and Vice Chair •

  7. Denver SRF Outcome #2 (August 2018): Approve up to 3 Denver Regional Applications Review Types of Eligible Projects and • how they are to be Evaluated Confirm any additional evaluation criteria for Denver • applications, for example: Competitive given the DRCOG criteria o Financial support for the match requirements o Prior commitments to support regionally shared priorities o Finalize list of projects to be submitted for DRCOG Regional TIP •

  8. Denver SRF Outcome #3 (November 2018): Approve Subregional Criteria & Issue Call for Projects DRCOG Board will approve ‘base criteria’ for Subregional forums • Existing minimum criteria requirements all Subregions: • -Association with the three TIP Focus Areas; -Alignment with Metro Vision Objectives in the Regional Share -Base Information of the Regional Share criteria The Subregional Forums can build their process based on the DRCOG • framework, recommendations for criteria will be made through the Technical Subcommittee for final approval by SRF. Initiate Call for Projects from Denver’s SRF in late 2018 to federal • funding eligible recipients in the City & County of Denver

  9. Denver SRF Outcome #4 (March 2019): Review Scoring of Project Applications & Recommend Package of Subregional Projects to Full DRCOG Board Review, modify, and approve the scoring and ranked project list • recommended from the Technical Subcommittee The final package of projects is voted upon and approved by the SRF • The Chair of the SRF will present recommended package to the • full DRCOG Board for incorporation of projects in the 2020-2023 TIP

  10. Questions?


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