Deborah Lein VP and COO, Greater Public
How different are we? Same: • fundraising sources • engagement strategies • data access concerns Different: • On-air fundraising
The promise of CRM Better public service: • Better analytics across the enterprise • Improved content services • Improved customer service
The promise of CRM: fundraising Major gift-level intelligence: • Topical interests • Level of engagement across all activities • Relationships to other constituents
The promise of CRM: fundraising Loyal support: • Increased member acquisition • Earlier, larger first gifts and faster upgrades • Improved retention • Improved pipeline for bequests
The promise of CRM: backroom Integration and democratization of data: • Abolish the data priesthood! • Reduce data entry • Ensure greater accuracy
Why am I prioritizing CRM? Two good reasons: 1. Board-level strategic priority 2. “Cobbler’s children”: our guilty secret
Our own database
CRM immersion Key project: A Consumers Guide to CRM Systems for Public Media (with iMA and Idealware) • Independent product review of 9 CRM systems • Universal needs requirements document for public broadcasting stations of varying sizes and formats • Membership, major giving, grantseeking, corporate underwriting, e-commerce, events, e-mail marketing, customer service, payment processing, systems integration)
CRM immersion Key project: Building our own CRM • Main database • Event management • Marketing automation • Webinar platform • Drupal website
Before you select a CRM platform A COO’s perspective: 1. Understanding what a CRM platform is and isn’t 2. Setting priorities 3. Documenting critical processes 4. Understanding integration 5. Understanding pricing models
The CRM platform The database that houses the topline information from your CRM ecosystem
The CRM platform A CRM platform is a shallow net: “You can use a shallow net and catch a lot of fish, or a deep net to catch those big guys lurking at the bottom.” - Idealware
Needs requirements and ranking
Needs requirements and ranking “Cannot effectively function without this”: • What literally keeps your train on the tracks? • What are the most critical “bread and butter” activities involved? • Document and walk through with every vendor
A useful tool The “use case”: • Real-life scenario • Focus on needed results, not current process • Detailed, but written in plain English • Can represent o common occurrence o rare but important “special case” o wish list
Sample Use Cases (Greater Public) 1. Jane is the development director for Station A. She attends the PMDMC every year. We need to know that Jane has attended the conference annually (contact-level info) AND we need to know that Station A has sent their development director (account-level info). 2. Jane leaves Station A and goes to work for Station B. We need to know her previous PMDMC attendance history (contact-level info from Station A ported into her contact record at Station B). We still need to know that Station A sent her to the conference when she worked there (account-level info for Station A stays the same). We also need it to be clear in her new record at Station B that her conference attendance history was from a previous position -- Station B has not yet sent her to the conference (account-level info for Station B).
Sample Use Cases 1. Record matching: e-mail address as unique identifier. We need the system to match any of the following valid e- mail addresses to the same contact record:
Strategic decisions • Choose a powerful, broad CRM and customize for depth OR • Choose CRM that integrates effectively with specialized tools OR • Choose a highly specialized platform and add CRM functionality as you can
Integration A few things to consider: • Integration is about functionality, not just configuration • There will be additional ongoing cost • Some functionality may actually be reduced through integration
Cost A few things to consider: • Additional functionality costs money – expect sticker shock • Remember that you are replacing more than a donor database – compare apples to apples
Cost Considerations, continued: • Remember that de-centralized data means MANY more registered users • Remember that increased data collection means MANY more individual records • You don’t have to do it all at once
Great resources Heller Consulting Idealware (search on CRM)
Our contact information: Deborah Lein 612-869-8400 Jeannie Ericson 404-822-6123
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