9/8/20 DCS/CSCI 2350: Social & Economic Networks www.mtirfan.com/DCS-2350 Mohammad T . Irfan Email: mirfan@bowdoin.edu Web: www.mtirfan.com 1 Syllabus and required background u Course website u www.mtirfan.com/DCS-2350 10 1
9/8/20 You said you are here because: u Coding related to social and economic issues u Graph theory, especially computationally u Mapping relationships within social networks u My favorite part about computer science is the real world applications u Network science and how networks influence our behaviors u Interdisciplinary aspect of it and how it relates to today's world u Push myself to think in a new way u Improve/become more comfortable coding 11 Connections 12 2
9/8/20 2012 13 14 3
9/8/20 Diffusion/ Cascades/ Contagion 15 Technology 16 4
9/8/20 Viral Facebook posts (2013) 18 Arab Spring (2010 – 2014) 19 5
9/8/20 Small World 23 6-degrees of separation u Milgram’s experiment (1960s) 24 6
9/8/20 The Internet 25 Algorithms & economics of search 26 7
9/8/20 Strategic decision- making in Networks 27 Game theory 28 8
9/8/20 Markets 60 Lives, 30 Kidneys, All Linked NY Times 29 Graphs Unifying element among all these stories 30 9
9/8/20 31 https://griffsgraphs.wordpress.com/2012/07/02/a- facebook-network/ 32 10
9/8/20 LinkedIn InMaps https://blog.linkedin.com/2011/01/24/linkedin-inmaps 33 34 11
9/8/20 35 Political blogs (2004) 36 12
9/8/20 Reading: Ch 2 (Easley-Kleinberg) Graphs "Graph theory is a terminological jungle, in which any newcomer may plant a tree." – John Barnes 38 Some Properties Puzzles Degree-sum formula Max # of edges Konigsberg bridge problem 39 13
9/8/20 Konigsberg Bridge Problem 40 Graphs Paths Cycles 41 14
9/8/20 ARPANET (1970) 42 Graphs Connectivity Components 43 15
9/8/20 High school relationships (1993-95) 44 Review of vocabulary Network ßà Graph Node ßà Vertex Edge: undirected vs. directed (arc) Degree of a node Endpoints of an edge Directed, undirected, mixed graphs Simple vs non-simple graph Subgraph Degree-sum formula Maximum number of edges Eulerian circuit problem Path Cycle Connected vs. disconnected graph Connected components of a graph High school relationships (1993-95) 45 16
9/8/20 Reading u Chapter 2 of Easley-Kleinberg u Due before the next class 46 17
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