datahub comparative historical comparative historical

Datahub Comparative Historical Comparative Historical Datahub - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Datahub Comparative Historical Comparative Historical Datahub National Accounts, 1870 present present National Accounts, 1870 Jan Pieter Pieter Smits Smits Jan Groningen Growth and Development Groningen Growth and Development

  1. Datahub Comparative Historical Comparative Historical Datahub National Accounts, 1870­ ­present present National Accounts, 1870 Jan­ ­Pieter Pieter Smits Smits Jan Groningen Growth and Development Groningen Growth and Development Centre Centre Debin Ma Ma Debin London School of Economics London School of Economics

  2. Databases Groningen Growth and Databases Groningen Growth and Development Centre Development Centre ­Maddison dataset (Angus Maddison) Maddison dataset (Angus Maddison) ­ ­ICOP/ EU ICOP/ EU­ ­KLEMS (Bart van Ark; KLEMS (Bart van Ark; ­ Marcel Timmer Timmer) ) Marcel ­Comparative Historical National Comparative Historical National ­ Accounts (Jan­ ­Pieter Pieter Smits Smits) ) Accounts (Jan

  3. GGDC databases: GGDC databases: ­Exposure Exposure ­ ­Links to other websites Links to other websites ­ ­International International Datahub Datahub (IEHA) (IEHA) ­

  4. Aim of the new dataset on HNaccounts HNaccounts: : Aim of the new dataset on ­Disaggregation Disaggregation at industry level at industry level ­ ­Local currencies; Local currencies; ­ ­Estimates in current and constant Estimates in current and constant ­ prices prices ­Construction of historical PPP Construction of historical PPP­ ­ ­ benchmarks (see Fremdling Fremdling­ ­De De Jong Jong­ ­ benchmarks (see Timmer; ; Frankema Frankema­ ­Smits Smits) ) Timmer

  5. Data sources: Data sources: ­Old generation national accounts which Old generation national accounts which ­ are not digitalised digitalised (Feinstein, Hoffman, (Feinstein, Hoffman, are not Kendrick) Kendrick) ­New estimates, scholars willing to New estimates, scholars willing to ­ agree their data sets (HNacc HNacc for Italy, for Italy, agree their data sets ( Spain and Portugal) Spain and Portugal) ­Linking to existing networks (see Linking to existing networks (see ­ Nordic Historical National Accounts Nordic Historical National Accounts project and perhaps also to the project and perhaps also to the Hitotsubashi project) project) Hitotsubashi

  6. Need for standardisation standardisation (see (see Need for background paper): background paper): ­Level of aggregation: a flexible Level of aggregation: a flexible ­ framework; framework; ­Output estimates for services Output estimates for services ­ (productivity assumptions) (productivity assumptions) ­Type of deflators Type of deflators ­ ­PPP benchmarks PPP benchmarks ­

  7. Biases in estimates due to differences in Biases in estimates due to differences in measurement of services, deflators and measurement of services, deflators and PPPs (see the background paper) (see the background paper) PPPs ­Debate on Debate on PPPs PPPs (Ward (Ward­ ­ ­ Devereux/Broadberry controversy, work Devereux/Broadberry controversy, work of Fukao­ ­Ma Ma­ ­Yuan) Yuan) of Fukao ­Sensitivity analysis deflators, also in Sensitivity analysis deflators, also in ­ contemporary accounts (Dutch level of contemporary accounts (Dutch level of GDP 33% lower in 1807!) GDP 33% lower in 1807!) ­Problems with services Problems with services ­

  8. Data series constructed so far: Data series constructed so far: ­Scandinavian countries, Netherlands, Scandinavian countries, Netherlands, ­ Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, UK; Germany, UK; ­United States, Canada, Australia and United States, Canada, Australia and ­ New Zealand New Zealand ­Africa (three regions) Africa (three regions) ­ ­East Asia: Japan, Taiwan, Korea and East Asia: Japan, Taiwan, Korea and ­ China and ... China and ...

  9. Co­ ­operation with London School of operation with London School of Co Economics (Debin Debin Ma) Ma) Economics ( More detailed comments on East Asian More detailed comments on East Asian Statistics Statistics


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