Data Mining: References Prof. Dr. Karsten Borgwardt, Department Biosystems, ETH Z¨ urich Basel, Fall Semester 2016 D-BSSE
References I Achlioptas, P., Sch¨ olkopf, B., and Borgwardt, K. (2011). Two-locus association mapping in subquadratic time. In ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) , pages 726–734. Azencott, C., Grimm, D., Sugiyama, M., Kawahara, Y., and Borgwardt, K. M. (2013). Efficient network-guided multi-locus association mapping with graph cuts. Bioinformatics , 29(13):171–179. Becker, C., Hagmann, J., M¨ uller, J., Koenig, D., Stegle, O., Borgwardt, K., and Weigel, D. (2011). Spontaneous epigenetic variation in the Arabidopsis thaliana methylome. Nature , 480(7376):245–249. D-BSSE Karsten Borgwardt Data Mining Course, Basel Fall Semester 2016 2 / 17
References II Bishop, C. M. (2006). Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning (Information Science and Statistics) . Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., Secaucus, NJ, USA. Borgwardt, K. M. (2013). Machine Learning in Computational Biology. Machine Learning Summer School 2013, T¨ ubingen, Germany. Borgwardt, K. M. and Kriegel, H. (2005). Shortest-path kernels on graphs. In Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2005), 27-30 November 2005, Houston, Texas, USA , pages 74–81. D-BSSE Karsten Borgwardt Data Mining Course, Basel Fall Semester 2016 3 / 17
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References VI G¨ artner, T. (2003). A survey of kernels for structured data. SIGKDD Explorations , 5(1):49–58. Gretton, A., Bousquet, O., Smola, A., and Sch¨ olkopf, B. (2005). Measuring statistical dependence with hilbert-schmidt norms. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory , ALT’05, pages 63–77, Berlin, Heidelberg. Springer-Verlag. Guyon, I. and Elisseeff, A. (2003). An introduction to variable and feature selection. J. Mach. Learn. Res. , 3:1157–1182. D-BSSE Karsten Borgwardt Data Mining Course, Basel Fall Semester 2016 7 / 17
References VII Hagmann, J., Becker, C., M¨ uller, J., Stegle, O., Meyer, R. C., Wang, G., Schneeberger, K., Fitz, J., Altmann, T., Bergelson, J., Borgwardt, K., and Weigel, D. (2015). Century-scale methylome stability in a recently diverged Arabidopsis thaliana lineage. PLoS Genetics , 11(1):e1004920. Han, J. and Kamber, M. (2006). Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques . The Morgan Kaufmann series in data management systems. Elsevier San Francisco (Calif.), Amsterdam, Boston, Heidelberg. Haussler, D. (1999). Convolution kernels on discrete structures. D-BSSE Karsten Borgwardt Data Mining Course, Basel Fall Semester 2016 8 / 17
References VIII Kam-Thong, T., Azencott, C.-A., Cayton, L., P¨ utz, B., Altmann, A., Karbalai, N., S¨ amann, P. G., Sch¨ olkopf, B., M¨ uller-Myhsok, B., and Borgwardt, K. M. (2012). GLIDE: GPU-based linear regression for detection of epistasis. Human Heredity , 73(4):220–236. Kam-Thong, T., Czamara, D., Tsuda, K., Borgwardt, K., Lewis, C. M., Erhardt-Lehmann, A., Hemmer, B., Rieckmann, P., Daake, M., Weber, F., Wolf, C., Ziegler, A., Putz, B., Holsboer, F., Scholkopf, B., and Muller-Myhsok, B. (2010). EPIBLASTER-fast exhaustive two-locus epistasis detection strategy using graphical processing units. Eur J Hum Genet . D-BSSE Karsten Borgwardt Data Mining Course, Basel Fall Semester 2016 9 / 17
References IX Kam-Thong, T., P¨ utz, B., Karbalai, N., M¨ uller-Myhsok, B., and Borgwardt, K. (2011). Epistasis detection on quantitative phenotypes by exhaustive enumeration using GPUs. Bioinformatics (ISMB) , 27(13):i214–i221. Karaletsos, T., Stegle, O., Dreyer, C., Winn, J., and Borgwardt, K. M. (2012). ShapePheno: unsupervised extraction of shape phenotypes from biological image collections. Bioinformatics , 28(7):1001–1008. Leslie, C. S., Eskin, E., and Noble, W. S. (2002). The spectrum kernel: A string kernel for SVM protein classification. In Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, PSB 2002, Lihue, Hawaii, USA, January 3-7, 2002 , pages 566–575. D-BSSE Karsten Borgwardt Data Mining Course, Basel Fall Semester 2016 10 / 17
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References XI Ng, A. Y., Jordan, M. I., and Weiss, Y. (2001). On spectral clustering: Analysis and an algorithm. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14 [Neural Information Processing Systems: Natural and Synthetic, NIPS 2001, December 3-8, 2001, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada] , pages 849–856. Quinlan, J. R. (1986). Induction of decision trees. Mach. Learn. , 1(1):81–106. Quinlan, J. R. (1993). C4.5: Programs for Machine Learning . Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA. D-BSSE Karsten Borgwardt Data Mining Course, Basel Fall Semester 2016 12 / 17
References XII Rousseeuw, P. (1987). Silhouettes: A graphical aid to the interpretation and validation of cluster analysis. J. Comput. Appl. Math. , 20(1):53–65. Sch¨ olkopf, B., Smola, A. J., Williamson, R. C., and Bartlett, P. L. (2000). New support vector algorithms. Neural Comput. , 12(5):1207–1245. Shervashidze, N. and Borgwardt, K. M. (2009). Fast subtree kernels on graphs. In Bengio, Y., Schuurmans, D., Lafferty, J., Williams, C. K. I., and Culotta, A., editors, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22, Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems , pages 1660–1668. D-BSSE Karsten Borgwardt Data Mining Course, Basel Fall Semester 2016 13 / 17
References XIII Shervashidze, N., Schweitzer, P., van Leeuwen, E., Mehlhorn, K., and Borgwardt, K. M. (2011). Weisfeiler-Lehman graph kernels. Journal of Machine Learning Research , 12:2539–2561. Shi, J. and Malik, J. (2000). Normalized cuts and image segmentation. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. , 22(8):888–905. Sugiyama, M. and Borgwardt, K. M. (2013). Rapid distance-based outlier detection via sampling. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26: 27th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2013. , pages 467–475. D-BSSE Karsten Borgwardt Data Mining Course, Basel Fall Semester 2016 14 / 17
References XIV Sugiyama, M., Lopez, F. L., Kasenburg, N., and Borgwardt, K. M. (2015). Significant subgraph mining with multiple testing correction. In Proceedings of the 2015 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining . in press. Vapnik, V. N. and Chervonenkis, A. Y. (1974). Theory of pattern recognition: Statistical problems of learning [Russian] . Moscow: Nauka. Veropoulos, K., Campbell, C., and Cristianini, N. (1999). Controlling the sensitivity of support vector machines. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on AI , pages 55–60. D-BSSE Karsten Borgwardt Data Mining Course, Basel Fall Semester 2016 15 / 17
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