
D Center & Ophthalmic Eye Institute EBAA June 2014 Associates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DSAEK: Does increasing the storage time from the pre-cutting of donors to the date of transplantation cause higher complication rates or cell loss? Michael Straiko, MD Zachary Mayko, MSc; Paul Phillips, MD; Joshua Galloway, CEBT; Chris Stoeger;

  1. DSAEK: Does increasing the storage time from the pre-cutting of donors to the date of transplantation cause higher complication rates or cell loss? Michael Straiko, MD Zachary Mayko, MSc; Paul Phillips, MD; Joshua Galloway, CEBT; Chris Stoeger; Mark A. Terry, MD Devers SightLine Laser Eye D Center & Ophthalmic Eye Institute EBAA June 2014 Associates

  2. Disclosures - The speaker has no financial interests relevant to the topic of this talk. - Non-relevant disclosures: - Consultant for Merck, Biotissue, Johnson & Johnson

  3. Devers Eye Institute Prospective IRB Approved Study March 2000 to May 2014 Developed and performed the first EK procedure in the U.S.: - 275 cases of DLEK (9mm and 5 mm inc) - 37 cases of DSEK - Over 1,400 cases of DSAEK - 200+ cases DMEK, 1 case DMAEK

  4. What Donor Tissue Characteristics are Important in DSAEK? - Terry MA, Shamie N, Chen ES, Hoar KL, Phillips PM, Friend DJ. Endothelial keratoplasty: the influence of pre-operative donor endothelial densities on dislocations, primary graft failure, and one year cell counts. Cornea 2008; 27:1131-7 - Terry MA, Shamie N, Straiko MD, Friend DJ, Davis-Boozer D. Endothelial keratoplasty: The relationship between donor tissue storage time and donor endothelial survival. Ophthalmology 2011;118:36-40 - Terry MA, Li J, Goshe J, Davis-Boozer D. Endothelial Keratoplasty: The relationship between donor tissue size and donor endothelial survival. Ophthalmology 2011; 118(10);1944-1949 Chen ES, Terry MA, Shamie N, Hoar KL, Friend DJ. Pre- cut tissue in Descemet’s Stripping - Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty: Donor characteristics and early post-operative complications. Ophthalmology 2008; 115: 497-502 - Terry MA, Straiko MD, Goshe J, Li JY, Davis-Boozer D. Endothelial Keratoplasty: The absence of a relationship between pre-operative donor thickness and post-operative visual acuity. Ophthalmology 2012; Feb (Epub)

  5. DSAEK Donor Tissue Characteristics: What Doesn’t Matter ? - Storage time  7 days is as good as one day (CPTS will look at 7+ days) - Cell count  2100 cell count is as good as 3,000 cell count - Age  70 y/o tissue is as good as 21 y/o tissue - Size  8.0 mm graft is as good as 9.0 mm graft for long term cell counts - Thickness  180 um graft as good as 100 um graft for visual results at 6 months

  6. Donor Storage Time AFTER Pre-cutting: Does it affect complication rates or endothelial survival? Relevance to Clinical Practice? - Tissue use can be delayed after pre-cutting by eye bank, sometimes by days - Tissue pre-cut in the U.S. is often used overseas, delaying the time of transplantation by days - Surgeons may be concerned about tissue “swelling” if tissue is pre-cut days before use and worry about how that affects endothelium - Tissue placement logistics  easier if time from pre-cutting to use is not important

  7. Pre-Cut Tissue for DSAEK Surgery

  8. Method 566 DSAEK Eyes for Fuchs’ dystrophy at Devers - 129 DSAEK Eyes for Fuchs’ dystrophy at Sightline Ophthalmic Associates - No prior glaucoma surgery, ACIOL, or confounding variable for endothelial cell loss - Correlation of Storage Time to: - Endothelial Cell Count at 6 months - Complication rate (PGF/Dislocations)

  9. Endothelial Cell Loss Over Time – No Correlation with Storage Time after Pre-Cutting 100 80 % ECD Decrease at 6 Months 60 40 R² = 0.0063 20 0 -20 -40 0 1 2 3 4 5 Cut-to-Surgery Interval (Days) (Pearson Corr. Coeff = -0.079, p = .037)

  10. Comparison of Storage Time Sub-Groups Endothelial Cell Loss at 6 Months Storage Time in Optisol after pre- Endothelial cutting by eye bank: Cell Loss Day 0-1 63 24% Transplantation SAME day as pre-cutting Day 1 Transplantation 1 day AFTER pre-cutting 470 20% Day 2 150 18% Transplantation 2 days AFTER pre-cutting Transplantation More than 2 days AFTER pre- Day > 2 12 20% cutting

  11. Storage Time Sub-group Analysis Longest Shortest - 10 Eyes from day Zero - 10 eyes from >2 day group group  Mean = 1.4 hours  Mean = 71 hours - 19 % Cell Loss at 6 - 20 % Cell Loss at 6 months months

  12. Comparison of Storage Time Sub-Groups Graft Dislocation Rates Storage Time in Optisol after pre- Dislocations cutting by eye bank: Day 0-1 63 0 (0%) Transplantation SAME day as pre-cutting Day 1 Transplantation 1 day AFTER pre-cutting 470 12 (3%) Day 2 150 3 (2%) Transplantation 2 days AFTER pre-cutting Transplantation More than 2 days AFTER pre- Day > 2 12 1 (8%) cutting Possible increase in dislocations after longer storage time, but more data needed to examine relationship

  13. What About Longer Times From Tissue Preparation to Implantation?

  14. International Data 39 Precut DSAEK tissues shipped from Lions VisionGift in Oregon to Germany - Death to DSAEK preparation  Average 4.7 days (range 2-9) - DSAEK preparation to implantation  Average 4.9 days (range 3-9) - Death to implantation  Average 9.7 days (range 5-13)

  15. International Data - ECD data not available - Complications – No primary graft failures – One dislocation (2.6%) – Successfully re-bubbled on post-operative day 2 • Tissue was precut 8 days prior to surgery • Death to surgery time of 13 days • Death to preservation time of 15h 49min - 38 uneventful DSAEK surgeries

  16. Processing to Transplantation 600 16 14 500 12 400 10 Frequency Frequency 300 8 6 200 4 100 2 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cut-to-Surgery Time (Days) Cut-to-Surgery Time (Days) Oregon/Penn Germany Mean: 1.2 Mean: 4.9 Range: 0-11 Range: 3-9

  17. Death to Transplantation 9 180 8 160 140 7 6 120 Frequency Frequency 5 100 80 4 60 3 40 2 20 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Death to Surgery Time (Days) Death to Surgery Time (Days) Oregon/Penn Germany Mean: 4.8 Mean: 9.7 Range: 2-9 Range: 5-13

  18. Complication Rates • Oregon/Penn • Germany • 695 grafts • 39 grafts • Sixteen dislocations (2.3%) • One dislocation (2.6%) – Possible increase in – Tissue was precut 8 days dislocations after longer prior to surgery storage time, but more – Death to surgery time of data needed to examine 13 days relationship. – Death to preservation • No correlation with cell loss at time of 15h 49min 6 months.

  19. Summary and Conclusions - Storage time after Pre-Cutting DSAEK tissue does not affect the cell loss seen at 6 months - Tissue stored for at least 2 or 3 days after pre-cutting can safely be used for DSAEK surgery - Surgeons should not be concerned about using tissue that was pre-cut a few days before transplantation - The upper limit of storage time is not known and further data collection (especially from our overseas colleagues who receive U.S. pre-cut tissue) is encouraged - CPTS will provide more data on death to transplantation time

  20. END The

  21. Additional Thanks Andrea Gareis-Lok for data provided by Hornhautbank – Muenchen


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