curtis media analysis agenda

Curtis Media Analysis Agenda 1. Introductions 2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Curtis Media Analysis Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Recommendations and Analysis 3. Goldsboro Daily News Redesign and Suggestions 4. Next Steps for Both ACCS Design Statement: How might we engage superfans to

  1. Curtis Media Analysis

  2. Agenda 1. Introductions 2. Recommendations and Analysis 3. Goldsboro Daily News Redesign and Suggestions 4. Next Steps for Both

  3. ACCS

  4. Design Statement: How might we engage superfans to subscribe to ACCS

  5. Recommendations 1. Restructure Current Website 2. Experiential Marketing 3. A/B Price Testing 4. Expand ACCS

  6. How did we get here? ● Competitive Audit ● Survey * Appendix A

  7. 1 People are casual fans of the ACC, but they are Superfans of their favorite ACC school.

  8. “How would you describe yourself as an ACC Sports fan?” The last question is misleading… “I answered ‘casual fan’ ...because my interest in the ACC as opposed to Carolina is best.” “I answered “not a fan”... I’m a UNC fan and that’s it.”

  9. 2 Our competition allows cross-community discussion, but distinguishes between universities in a significant way. *Appendix B

  10. 3 Superfans are loyal. *Appendix C

  11. 68% of super fans joined message boards before the first iPhone was released (2007)

  12. 4 Sports fans value exclusive, quality content and an engaging website interface. ACCS

  13. What makes sports news worth paying for? Exclusive content/insight ● Never-before-seen content ● Inside information unobtainable anywhere else ● Exclusive content not found anywhere else. Or being the ● originating source that breaks news. ACCS

  14. What would cause you to unsubscribe from an insider sports news source? Noticeable decrease in quality ● Lack of quality stories ● Poor editorial oversight, bad software/web layout, ads for paid ● subscribers Lack of original content/original analysis/inside scoops. Bad interfaces. ● High price. ACCS

  15. 5 Superfans are willing to pay a premium price for premium content ACCS

  16. What is the most you are willing to spend for news about your favorite ACC sports team? ACCS

  17. Recommendations ACCS

  18. 1 - Rebuild 6095d054-bbbd-4f1e-4b9e -59d788f69c27-16a4/ *Appendix D and E

  19. Mack Brown on The DG Show ACCS

  20. 2 - Event Marketing Connecting with superfans! ● Basketball and Football season ● Presents multiple opportunities for growth ●

  21. 3 - A/B Price Testing PREMIUM PRICES ACCS

  22. 4 - Grow the Brand ● Start with your top reported on schools ● Hire student interns Journalists ○ Photojournalists ○ ACCS

  23. Summary Rebuild (ETLab) Experiential Marketing (ETLab + CMG) A/B Price Testing (ETLab) Grow (CMG) ACCS

  24. GDN

  25. Design Statement: How might we enhance revenue as model for similar sites? GDN

  26. What we know about target audience Web/Mobile User experience does not meet expectations Interested in Crime and Sports Consume news outside of work hours Younger audience want to be given the news Older audience will seek the news GDN

  27. GDN

  28. Recommendations 1. Site Redesign 2. Content Focus on Crime and Sports 3. Crime Podcast 4. Breaking News Alerts (Push Notifications) 5. Consider Metered Paywall / Subscription 6. Digital Sales Training 7. Marketing Push 8. Repeat for Other Sites GDN

  29. Next Steps - ACCS Start Redesign and build three sites (ET Lab) Redesign Parent Build UNC Build NC State Create Podcast (CM)

  30. Next Steps - GDN Start Redesign and deploy (ET Lab) Redesign Parent Build UNC Build NC State

  31. Appendix A Total Respondents: 98 Superfans: 43 Non-superfans: 54

  32. Appendix B

  33. Appendix C

  34. Appendix D

  35. Appendix E

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