cumula tive i mpa c ts co mmunity vulne ra b ility

Cumula tive I mpa c ts, Co mmunity Vulne ra b ility De pa rtme nt - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SB 673 Community Workshop: Cumula tive I mpa c ts, Co mmunity Vulne ra b ility De pa rtme nt o f T o xic Sub sta nc e s Co ntro l Connecting Local Experiences to Protective Actions in Communities Near Permitted Hazardous Waste Facilities

  1. SB 673 Community Workshop: Cumula tive I mpa c ts, Co mmunity Vulne ra b ility De pa rtme nt o f T o xic Sub sta nc e s Co ntro l Connecting Local Experiences to Protective Actions in Communities Near Permitted Hazardous Waste Facilities October 2018 - Los Angeles, Lamont, Oakland

  2. Department of Toxic Substances Control We lc o me a nd Ope ning Re ma rks Barbara Lee , Director California Department of Toxic Substances Control Ana Mascareñas, Assistant Director for Environmental Justice and Tribal Affairs California Department of Toxic Substances Control Martha Dina Argüello , Executive Director Physicians for Social Responsibility, Los Angeles 2

  3. Department of Toxic Substances Control Pub lic E ng a g e me nt Spring 2019 Continuing Public Summer 2018-2020 October 2018 Outreach Partnership with Community Academic July-August 2018 Workshops Researchers Stakeholder 10/22 – South LA Consultation 10/24 – Lamont March & Meetings 10/25 – Oakland July 2017 Symposia: Sacramento & Diamond Bar 3

  4. Department of Toxic Substances Control Wo rksho p Ag e nda • 6:30pm Welcome and Opening Remarks • 7:00 Presentation on Draft Regulatory Framework Concepts • 7:15 World Café Community Discussion Round 1 - Community Experience Round 2 - Addressing Impacts • 8:00 Report Back • 8:25 Next Steps and Wrap Up • 8:30pm Adjourn 4

  5. Department of Toxic Substances Control Co mmunity Ag re e me nt Guide line s fo r Co nve rsa tio n • Speak from the heart : your truth, your experiences, your perspectives. Be honest, fair, and as candid as possible • Listen from the heart : let go of stories that make it hard to hear each other. All ideas and points of view have value • Trust that you will know what to say: no need to rehearse: think innovatively and welcome new ideas • Say just enough : without feeling rushed, be concise and considerate of the time of others. Share the airtime • Cell phone courtesy – be present 5

  6. Department of Toxic Substances Control Co mmunity I ntro duc tio ns – T ha nk yo u fo r jo ining us! At your table, introduce What do you value most in your yourself and community? share: 6

  7. Department of Toxic Substances Control Pre se nta tio n: SB 673 Ha za rdo us Wa ste F a c ility Pe rmitting Crite ria Bonnie Holmes-Gen Senior Environmental Scientist DTSC 7

  8. Department of Toxic Substances Control Se na te Bill 673 (L a ra ) Stre ng the ns Sa fe g ua rds in Pe rmits Health Risk Training of Community Track 1 Assessment Track 2 Facility Personnel Vulnerability Permit Violation Cumulative History Impacts SB Minimum Setback Financial Distances – 673 Assurance Sensitive Sites 8

  9. Department of Toxic Substances Control SB 673 Mitig a tio n, Mo nito ring a nd Pub lic E ng a g e me nt Pro je c ts Adding Community Protections Beyond: • Existing Hazardous Waste Permitting • California Environmental Quality Act • Tanner Act • Local Permitting Agencies 9

  10. Department of Toxic Substances Control Permitted Affected Facilities in Communities California The Proposed Pathway Approach 10

  11. Department of Toxic Substances Control Ha za rdo us Wa ste Pe rmitte d F a c ilitie s • 81 permitted facilities in California: • Treatment • Storage • Transfer • Disposal • Recycling 11

  12. Department of Toxic Substances Control Pe rmitte d F a c ilitie s in Yo ur Re g io n Permitted Affected Facilities in Communities California The Proposed Pathway Approach 12

  13. Department of Toxic Substances Control Ha za rdo us Facility Size Wa ste F a c ility Cha ra c te ristic s Number and Past Violation Type of History Environmental Permits Hazardous Waste Facility Characteristics Truck Traffic Type and Generated by Amount of the Facility Waste Hazardous Waste Activities 13

  14. Department of Toxic Substances Control Permitted Affected Facilities in Me a suring Cumula tive I mpa c ts Communities California Unde rsta nding Co mmunity Vulne ra b ility The Proposed Pathway Approach Primary Tool: • Supplemental Tools: • CalEnviroScreen 3.0 • Environmental Justice Screening Method (EJSM) • Healthy Places Index (HPI) • Air or Water (surface or groundwater) Monitoring • Risk from Diesel Truck Routes • Hazardous Waste Facility Risk Assessment • Toxic Hot Spots Assessment • Facility Compliance History • Designation as Impacted Community (AB 617) 14

  15. Department of Toxic Substances Control Permitted Affected Facilities in Communities California The Proposed Pathway Approach 15

  16. Department of Toxic Substances Control Co mmunity Pro je c t I de a s - Sho rt L ist Reduced truck traffic emissions, • Community monitoring of pollution, • replacement with clean trucks, including air, water, dust, soil, and rerouting biomonitoring Safer chemical substitutions • Healthy homes assessments and lead • abatement Community investments in • improved environmental health • Facility pollution prevention measures • Other ideas? 16

  17. Department of Toxic Substances Control Permitted Affected Facilities in Communities California SB 673 (L a ra ) - Re g ula to ry Co nc e pts The Proposed Pathway Approach Initial Recommendation of Facility Action Pathways 1. Review hazardous waste facility size, activities, and potential impacts Table Discussion: 2. Assess combined environmental impacts and increased community responses to pollution in What impacts has your community experienced areas near facilities, using CalEnviroScreen 3.0 near permitted facilities? 17

  18. Department of Toxic Substances Control SB 673 (L a ra ) - Re g ula to ry Co nc e pts Public Review and Draft List of Facility Action Pathways Table Discussion: 1. Public review and consideration of supplemental information What information is needed to best 2. Place facilities on a tiered action pathway to understand community address combined impacts and vulnerability impacts and vulnerabilities? 3. Review facility action pathways periodically 18

  19. Department of Toxic Substances Control Pro po se d Ac tio n Pa thwa ys I II III •Mitigation •Mitigation OR •Public Outreach Monitoring •Monitoring Public •Public Engagement Engagement 19

  20. Department of Toxic Substances Control SB 673 (L a ra ) Re g ula to ry Co nc e pts Permit Application Review • Additional public review of facility action pathways Table Discussion: and consideration of local data What actions should be • Public input on monitoring, mitigation and considered to address engagement strategies cumulative impacts and community • Facilities develop specific actions: community outreach vulnerabilities? and engagement, monitoring, and mitigation measures • Permit decision with conditions to address community impacts and vulnerability 20

  21. Department of Toxic Substances Control Pub lic E ng a g e me nt Spring 2019 Continuing Public Summer 2018-2020 October 2018 Outreach Partnership with Community Academic July-August 2018 Workshops Researchers Stakeholder 10/22 – South LA Consultation 10/24 – Lamont March & Meetings 10/25 – Oakland July 2017 Symposia: Sacramento & Diamond Bar 21

  22. Department of Toxic Substances Control SB 673 DT SC Co nta c ts Email: • Ana Mascareñas , Assistant Director for Environmental Justice and Tribal Affairs (916) 956-1896 • Nelline Kowbel , Acting Permitting Division Chief (510) 540-3807 • Bonnie Holmes-Gen , Senior Environmental Scientist (916) 323-9757 22

  23. Department of Toxic Substances Control Co mmunity Co nve rsa tio ns - I nstruc tio ns 1. Please join a table with other 5. Please listen to your table Host for the participants and a Host. next conversation topic. 2. There will be two rounds . Listen for 6. Select one person who is willing to the conversation topic for Round 1. report back on the ideas that you discussed in your group. Everyone will 3. Share your thoughts . Each round of help in identifying the important ideas to conversation is 20 minutes. share. 4. If you wish , Move to a different table 7. Express yourself . Feel free to jot down when time is called and continue the ideas, draw, or doodle during the conversation on a follow up topic. conversation. 23

  24. Department of Toxic Substances Control Que stio ns fo r Disc ussio n Round 1 - Community Experience: Round 2 - Addressing Adverse Impacts: What impacts has your community • What actions can be taken to lessen • experienced near permitted facilities? impacts in your community? What makes your community vulnerable • How can monitoring be used to better • and sensitive to these impacts? understand and address impacts? What steps do permitted facilities take to • What steps do permitted facilities take • proactively engage community members? to reduce impacts? 24

  25. Department of Toxic Substances Control Re po rt Ba c k a nd T ying I t T o g e the r • Share one idea that you discussed • Please limit your report out to 2 minutes to ensure that all tables get to report • Only add new ideas – we will track all ideas • We will continue to share ideas as time permits 25

  26. Department of Toxic Substances Control Thank you for joining us this evening and T ha nk Yo u sharing your time, thoughts, and input with us. 26


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