Cultybragg ggan Its Historical Importance and Potential as a Heritage Site
His istoric Envir ironment of Natio ional Physical and In International Sig ignif ific icance Last Survivor In situ Extensive Military WWII Nissen Hut PoW Architecture MoD Escape Tunnels Major events Cultural and Community Social Local, Sulzbach National and Village International relationship History Post war - EU
What prices Roman are charged Local/ at Scottish CDT Folk tourist Cultybraggan attractions and how Cold WW2 many War visitors do MoD they have?
General Tourist Stats: : Employs 200,000 people, worth £4billion to the Scottish economy 20,000,000 visits to Scotland - 32,542,556 Visits to Scottish Tourist Attractions in 2013 (ASVA) 15,614,820 of these were to Heritage sites, Historic Buildings, Museums/Galleries
Edinburgh Castle 1,420,027 National War 572,361 Museum Eden PoW Camp 150-160,000 Secret Bunker 45,000 Italian Chapel 100,000 Commando c100,000 Memorial
Most Popular Tourist Attractions in Perthshire 2013 (Visit Scotland)
Auchingarrich Famous Cultybraggan Grouse Approx 40- Experience ??? 50,000 visitors 85,304 visitors
Visitor Attraction Pricing Examples Edinburgh Castle (HS) Adult £16 Concession £12.80 Child £9.60 Family - Culloden (NTS) Adult £11 Concession £10 Child £8 Family £35 Glamis Castle (Private) Adult £11 Concession £10 Child £8 Family £35 Scone Palace Adult £10.50 Concession £9.80 Child £7.60 Family £33.00 Secret Bunker (Private) Adult £11 Concession £10 Child £7 Family £32 Cranog Centre (Private) Adult £8.50 Concession £7.50 Child £6.00 Family £21 Famous Grouse Experience Adult £10, £20, Concession £9 £30 Child £9 Family - Auchingarrich (Private) Adult £8.25 Concession - Child £6.75 Family £27.50
Other Potential Income Streams • Audio Guides (£3.50 at Edinburgh Castle, but generally have some cost from £1 upwards) • Tour Booklet (can be anywhere between £4-12) • Shop Souvenir Items (Direct and related) • Café • Historic Events/Special Occasions – related or indirect e.g. Strathearn marathon • Education – primary, secondary, tertiary, professional, research • Tours – themed, touring, overnight • Success/expansion of current activities – self-catering/guided tours • Exhibitions • Donations/Community Shares/External Funding • Average Spend per person in a Heritage Centre in addition to their admission price in 2009/10 was between £2.80 and £6.32 (VisitScotland)
Use of Cultybraggan Camp buildings on completion of major heritage developments 26% CDT Heritage use (heritage buildings marked in red) 5% private historical collection Heritage Total = 31% of buildings Other Uses = 69% of buildings
Potential Benefits From Major Heritage Development A major heritage development could bring sustainable wealth to the local economy whilst protecting the historic environment through: • Employment - Staff would be required in museumry; archiving; catering; cleaning; security; education; marketing; administration; site management • Current local businesses would benefit from the additional economic activity (construction; catering etc) • Direct spending in the local community would rise – e.g. shops/gifts/holiday lets • Create a substantial income stream that would easily sustain operations, but also supplement the restoration of the rest of the historic environment being utilised for other commercial purposes by the community and CDT (e.g. physical upgrade to current commercial lets)
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