ABOUT SINGAPORE AN OVERVIEW OF SINGAPORE 2017 GDP (€286 B) Population S$447.3 Billion Mobile phone 5.6 penetration rate Million 3.6% S$79,697 105% 151% Real growth Capita GDP (€ 50,960) 2006 2017 3.9 Million (70.2%) Singapore residents LAND AREA (SQ KM) Literacy rate 719 97.0% Household access aged 15 & above T o broadband 76.3% Independent since 65% 91% 9 AUG 1965 aged 25-39 with tertiary 2006 2016 qualifications Sources: Singapore in Figures 2017 Department of Statistics and IIMDA’s Annual Surveys on Infocomm Usage in Households and by Individuals and MDA POI 2
ABOUT SINGAPORE RIE INTEGRAL TO SINGAPORE’S ECONOMIC STRATEGY GDP S$B GDP Per Capita S$K 450 130 2017 GDP S$447.3B 400 110 350 1991 90 300 First National T echnology Plan 70 250 200 50 150 1960 GDP 30 S$2.2B 100 10 50 0 -10 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Knowledge & Labour Skill Capital T echnology innovation based intensive intensive intensive intensive economy Low-end commerce MNC-led industrial Move to capital intensive Global offshoring RIE became the with only handful development surging. & high technology directed heavy emphasis cornerstone of of industries Manufacturing industries, as local wages on technology economic development catering to domestic evolving with greater swelled consumption sophistication 3
ABOUT SINGAPORE RIE2020: STRATEGIC THRUSTS 1 st National National Science and Science and Research Research technology science and technology 2005 technology 2010 innovation innovation plan technology Plan enterprise 2015 enterprise 2020 $6bil $4bil $13.9bil $16.1bil ( € 10.3B) $19bil ( €12.2B) ( € 3.8B) ( € 2.6B) ( €8.9B) $2bil ( €1.3B ) 1991 - 1995 1996 - 2000 2001 - 2005 2006 - 2010 2011 - 2015 2016 - 2020 Ensure excellent Strengthen flow Greater national Sustain a robust Ensure Emphasis on science and invest through from coordination and diverse responsiveness to competitive strategically in research to of multi-stakeholder research base and pursue new funding curiosity driven and economic and and innovation opportunities and mission oriented societal impact multi-disciplinary workforce technology research collaboration developments 4
ABOUT A * STAR OUR MISSION AND VISION MISSION VISION We advance science and develop A global leader in science, innovative technology to further technology and open economic growth and improve lives innovation 6
ABOUT A * STAR A * STAR MISSION We advance science and develop innovative technology to further economic growth and improve lives Science & Biomedical Research A * STAR Graduate A * ccelerate Engineering Research Council (BMRC) Academy Council (SERC) 11 Research Entities 9 Research Entities Commercialisation Scholarships >5,200 >4,100 ~ 40% Staff Researchers, Engineers and from >60 countries Technical Support Staff 7
ABOUT A * STAR A * STAR’S RESEARCH ENTITIES Institute for Chemical & Engineering Sciences (ICES) 2002 Institute of High Institute for Singapore Performance Infocomm Immunology Computing Research (I2R) Network (SIgN) (IHPC) 1998 2002 2005 Institute of Advanced Experimental Institute of Institute of Singapore Institute of Remanufacturing Materials Bioinformatics Drug Molecular & Micro- Bioimaging Medical and Technology Research & Institute (BII) Development Cell Biology electronics Consortium Biology (IMB) Centre (ARTC) Engineering 2001 Centre (EDDC) (IMCB) 1985 (IME) 1991 (SBIC) 2004 2006 (IMRE) 1997 2014 2018 Singapore Institute of Skin Research National Bioprocessing Genome Singapore National Institute of Bioengineering Institute of Metrology Technology Institute of Institute for Supercomputing Manufacturing & Centre (NMC) Institute (BTI) Singapore (GIS) Clinical Sciences Singapore (SRIS) Centre (NSCC) Technology Nanotechnology 1973 1990 2000 (SICS) 2006 2013 2015 (SIMTech) 1993 (IBN) 2003 1970 1990 2000 2010 Biopolis Phase I Biopolis Phase II Fusionopolis Phase I (2003) (2006) (2008) 8
ABOUT A * STAR CORE SERC CAPABILITIES Microelectronics Infocomm Sciences Computational Sciences Metrology Material Science Chemical Sciences Manufacturing Technologies Infocomm Chemicals & Electronics Engineering & media materials Advanced packaging Communications Specialty chemicals Precision engineering More-than-Moore Software and computing Performance materials Aerospace technologies Digital content Bio-Pharma processing Marine oil & gas and media Functional films Automotive Networking Logistics & supply chain management 9
ABOUT A * STAR CORE BMRC CAPABILITIES Bioimaging Molecular & Cell Biology Drugs/ Biologics Bioprocessing Discovery and Development Computational Biology Genomics & Proteomics Bioengineering & Nanotechnology Immunology Nutrition & Medical Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals personal Care technology biologics Development of small Development of high- Medical devices, info Development of molecule therapeutics value nutrition and tech, diagnostics protein-based personal care/ therapeutics consumer products 10
ABOUT A * STAR INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS & PARTNERSHIPS Continue to foster collaborations and cooperation through bilateral grants, scientific exchanges and joint symposiums 11
OUR TALENT A * STAR’S TALENT STRATEGY Strong core of Singaporean research talent, complemented by rich diversity of international researchers Creating Investing in Developing the Pipeline the Pipeline the Pipeline STEM Outreach to improve Scholarships strategy to meet Post-PhD development scientific talent needs of early career researchers, and STEM pipeline and enthuse Singaporean core development of leaders young to take up science & International diversity research as a career Sizing of scientific talent needs 13
OUR TALENT A * STAR GRADUATE ACADEMY Nurturing a Pipeline of >1,500 Singaporean PhD Talent A * STAR has awarded more than 1,500 Scholarships to develop Singaporean PhD talent since 2001. Over 800 scholars have completed their PhD/ postdoctoral training & are contributing to Singapore’s Research, Innovation and Enterprise (RIE) ecosystem Assoc Prof Karen Crasta DrYar Kar Peo Dr Jonathan LohYuin Han Dr Seah Kwang Hwee Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Data Scientist - Chief T echnology Office at ST Principal Investigator, Institute of Molecular & Assistant Vice President, Accelerate NanyangT echnological University (NTU) Electronics Cell Biology (IMCB) T echnologies Pte Ltd (A * ccelerate) A * STAR International Fellowship Recipient National Science Scholarship (PhD) Recipient A * STAR Graduate Scholarship Recipient A * STAR Graduate Scholarship Recipient 14
OUR TALENT A * STAR GRADUATE ACADEMY Building a robust & diverse talent pool Strengthening international linkages Opportunities for graduate & pre-graduate students from around the world Singapore International Pre- A * STAR Research Attachment Singapore International Graduate Award (SIPGA) Programme (ARAP) Graduate Award (SINGA) • Short-term research attachments • PhD research opportunities at • 4-year PhD programme at at A * STAR Research Institutes for A * STAR Research Institutes under A * STAR RIs, in partnership with students in the later years of their joint supervision of A * STAR NUS, NTU and SUTD Bachelors’ or Masters scientists and faculty from • Full PhD scholarships awarded to programmes overseas universities over 250 * international students • Over 850 students awarded to • Over 250 international students date awarded to date Data as at 30 June 2018 * 840 awardees across A * STAR, NTU, NUS and SUTD 15
A*STAR RESEARCH ATTACHMENT PROGRAMME (ARAP) Eligibility • Enrolled in PhD course with the university • Obtained 2nd Upper Honours (or equivalent) for BSc Terms of award Housing subsidy Monthly stipend of S$2,500 Medical insurance One-time airfare grant One-time settling-in Conference and (S$1,500) allowance (S$1,000) training allowance 18
SINGAPORE INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE AWARD (SINGA) World-Class Learning and Research Facilities Vibrant Campus Life Top-notch faculty Global learning 4 years of PhD studies Internationally Recognized Universities 20
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