crafting the perfect resume and cv for graduate school

Crafting the Perfect Resume and CV for Graduate School Alejandra - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Crafting the Perfect Resume and CV for Graduate School Alejandra Garcia, M.A. and Kimberly Kampen Career Engagement Educator UCLA Career Center What is a Resume Vs. CV? WHAT TO INCLUDE HOW TO INCLUDE IT TODAYS AGENDA

  1. Crafting the Perfect Resume and CV for Graduate School Alejandra Garcia, M.A. and Kimberly Kampen Career Engagement Educator UCLA Career Center


  3. A RESUME…  Tells your story with your permission.  Highlights relevant experiences & accomplishments. WHAT IS  Summarizes your professional history and A qualifications. RESUME?  Can be targeted towards career interest  Compelling & persuasive  YOUR 1-2 PAGE INTRODUCTION

  4. A CV…  “Story of One’s Life”  Highlights academic achievements and scholarly potential (Research, Teaching, Service) WHAT IS A CV?  Exhaustive list of achievements  Length is flexible

  5. RESUMEFORMATTING TIPS  ABBREVIATIONS: Use correct formatting  FONT TYPE: Easy to read  BOLD/ITALICS/UNDERLINE: Sparingly  FONT SIZE: 10 – 12 point  PAPER TYPE: Neutral  MARGINS: 0.5 – 1 inch  FILE TYPE: PDF  PAGE LENGTH: 1 full page (2 max)  Disclose personal data (DOB, SS#, Height, Weight, Picture, etc.)  Disclose salary information  Include experiences over 10 years old  Be cliché or lie

  6. CV FORMATTING TIPS  ABBREVIATIONS: Use correct formatting  FONT TYPE: Easy to read  BOLD/ITALICS/UNDERLINE: Sparingly  FONT SIZE: 10 – 12 point  PAPER TYPE: Neutral  MARGINS: 0.5 – 1 inch  FILE TYPE: PDF  PAGE LENGTH: FLEXIBLE  Disclose personal data (DOB, SS#, Height, Weight, Picture, etc.)  Disclose salary information  Be cliché or lie


  8. Resume CV Header Header Objective (Optional) No Objective Education Education Experience Honors and Awards Section Breakdown Additional Skills and Research Experiences Funding Teaching Experience Service Discipline Sections

  9. RESUME HEADER VS. CV HEADER J Bruin (Updated Month, date, year) School/Department/Lab University Address 310.555.7777

  10. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS: • Three years successful experience in display advertising sales for major publications • A high-energy achiever in advertising sales with great success in reaching key decision makers at executive levels • Recipient of four sales awards for outstanding performance in teamwork, innovation, leadership and productivity R E S U M E  Optional  For those with significant experience in a given O N L Y : field S U M M A R Y  Highlight skills that are not obvious from o r Professional Experience section O B J E C T I V E  3-5 bullet points of notable accomplishments, key skills, personal traits

  11. EDUCATION List Education in Reverse Chronological order  Full degree type and Major (bold) On a CV?  Minor, Concentration, Emphasis, or Option Only include  GPA (if required)  Graduation Date (or Expected Graduation) completed  Relevant Licenses, Credentials, Certificates, Training, etc. degrees.  Do not list high school information unless you are a Freshman

  12. Projects & Professional Paid/Unpaid Research Organization Jobs & s Internships Leadership Associations EXPERIENCE (Resume) Study Abroad Sports/Recreation al Conferences & Volunteer/Communi On-Campus Trainings ty Service Involvement

  13. D E S C R I B I N G Y O U R E X P E R I E N C E S The goal is to provide context, scope, details. Paint a mental picture. They know nothing about you except for what you tell them! • 1 Responsibility/Task/Skill = 1 Bullet Point • Each bullet point starts with an Action Verb (Do not repeat) • Use key-words related to your industry/field (Refer to the job description!) • Highlight specific accomplishments/outcomes (What problem did I solve?) • Quantify/Qualify your accomplishments (How many? How much? How often?)

  14. C o o r C o o r d i d i n a n a t e d e v e v e n e n t s t w t w i c i c e a w e w e e k f o f o r u p u p t o t o 1 0 0 1 0 0 T R A N S F E R R A B L E i n d i d i v i v i d u a l d u a l s / s t u d e n t u d e n t s , s , p r p r o v i d i d i n i n g t r a i a i n i n i n g n g a n d a n d r e r e s o u r c e s t h t h a t S K I L L S p r p r e p a r e p a r e d e d t h t h e m t o t o c r c r e a e a t e a n d a n d s u p p o r t i n s u p p o i n c l u s i v e e n e n v i r o n m e n t s t s PLANNING & SERVING COMMUNICATION PRIORITIZING DIVERSE & LEADERSHIP ENVIRONMENTS

  15. A D D I T I O N A L R E S U M E H E A D E R S Awards Scholarships Professional Development Honors Research Projects Publications * F l e x i n g y o u r r e s u m e h e a d e r s

  16.  Honors and Awards  Research…  Funding… CV Headers X  Teaching Experience… Subheaders  Service…  Discipline Sections…

  17. Drop-in Hours: T-TH 10:00am-2:00pm 1:1 Resume and CV review Questions or Concerns? Emails welcome 

  18. THANK YOU!!!


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