cracking the nonfiction code

Cracking the Nonfiction Code @kobo @mtamblyn #TOCCON In print - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cracking the Nonfiction Code @kobo @mtamblyn #TOCCON In print Fiction Non-fiction In print, with kids books Fiction Non-fiction In digital Non-fiction Fiction Why? Devices Customers Price Narwhals Competition from other

  1. Cracking the Nonfiction Code @kobo @mtamblyn #TOCCON

  2. In print… Fiction Non-fiction

  3. In print, with kids books… Fiction Non-fiction

  4. In digital… Non-fiction Fiction

  5. Why?

  6. Devices Customers Price Narwhals Competition from other sources Gift economy of the book Gift economy of the ereader

  7. 25 minutes

  8. Data

  9. Data vs. Fun

  10. Data vs. Fun (or at least Conscious)

  11. “I hold the rights for the world’s largest collection of narwhal field guides and am going to decide what to price them at the end of your talk.”

  12. “I have spent the last two days learning everything there is to know about epub3. Entertain me or I will hang myself with a lanyard.”

  13. Difficult balance

  14. Hard data.

  15. price

  16. share

  17. With interludes of Semi-substantiated speculation

  18. W, Empress of Content & Pricing Data

  19. About Kobo

  20. 2.5 million titles 7 million customers Kobo eReader Touch Kobo Vox iPad, iPhone, Android, Blackberry

  21. eBooks to almost 200 countries

  22. and some countries that only questionably exist

  23. Acquiring content in 25 countries

  24. Merchandising in 9 countries ( US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands)

  25. Merchandising in 9 countries ( US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands)

  26. What is the fiction/non-fiction split?

  27. Digital vs. Print Share of Purchase Fic$on ¡ Romance ¡ 221% ¡ Fic$on ¡ General ¡& ¡Other* ¡ 115% ¡ Fic$on ¡ Mystery ¡& ¡Detec$ve ¡ 120% ¡ Fic$on ¡ Fantasy ¡ 67% ¡ Nonfic$on ¡ RELIGION ¡ ¡ 6% ¡ Nonfic$on ¡ BIOGRAPHY ¡& ¡AUTOBIOGRAPHY ¡ ¡ -­‑16% ¡ Nonfic$on ¡ BUSINESS ¡& ¡ECONOMICS ¡ ¡ -­‑52% ¡ Nonfic$on ¡ HEALTH ¡& ¡FITNESS ¡ ¡ -­‑54% ¡ Nonfic$on ¡ FAMILY ¡& ¡RELATIONSHIPS ¡ ¡ -­‑63% ¡ Juvenile ¡ JUVENILE ¡FICTION ¡ ¡ -­‑66% ¡ Nonfic$on ¡ SELF-­‑HELP ¡ ¡ -­‑71% ¡ Nonfic$on ¡ HUMOR ¡ ¡ -­‑72% ¡ Nonfic$on ¡ BODY, ¡MIND ¡& ¡SPIRIT ¡ ¡ -­‑74% ¡ Nonfic$on ¡ SPORTS ¡& ¡RECREATION ¡ ¡ -­‑83% ¡ Nonfic$on ¡ TRAVEL ¡ ¡ -­‑89% ¡ Nonfic$on ¡ REFERENCE ¡ ¡ -­‑90% ¡ Nonfic-on ¡ COOKING ¡ ¡ -­‑92% ¡ Juvenile ¡ JUVENILE ¡NONFICTION ¡ ¡ -­‑96% ¡ Nonfic-on ¡ COMICS ¡& ¡GRAPHIC ¡NOVELS ¡ ¡ -­‑98% ¡

  28. What is moving easily to digital: Original stories à Fiction Opinion, analysis and expertise vs. data and information. à Biography, History, Business “Proprietary knowledge” à Diets and health guides, self-help, instruction

  29. Why are some categories significantly underindexed? How many of them are richly illustrated with complex formats? à Constrained by supply in digital, still not a lot of titles available vs. print How many are given as gifts? à Constrained by behaviour)

  30. The categories at the bottom of the list: those in competition with free ad-supported web resources (cookbooks, travel, etc.) à if you have a web-connected device to read on, you’ll use it…

  31. There are definitely opportunities for children’s books

  32. Gift shifting from “book” to “device to read books”

  33. Could we do a better job of on a device for kids?

  34. Sure.

  35. Are there non-fiction devices?

  36. Yes.

  37. Not about screen size.

  38. or OS.

  39. “Where the boys are…”

  40. % of Library in Non-fiction Kobo EReader 2.0 iPhone Desktop Client - Windows Kobo Website Kobo Vox Android App - downloadable Kobo Touch Desktop Client - OSX iPad Samsung Galaxy Tab Blackberry Playbook HTC Android Smartphone Desktop Client - Linux 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00%

  41. Non-fiction Pricing

  42. Price Points by # of ISBNs in Catalog

  43. 0 - 0.99 1 - 1.99 2 - 2.99 US Non-fiction pricing vs. unit sales 3 - 3.99 4 - 4.99 5 - 5.99 6 - 6.99 7 - 7.99 BACKLIST 8 - 8.99 9 - 9.99 10 - 10.99 11 - 11.99 FRONTLIST 12 - 12.99 13 - 13.99 14 - 14.99 15 - 15.99 16 - 16.99 17 - 17.99 18 - 18.99 19 - 19.99 20 - 20.99 21 +

  44. (digital non-fiction is a backlist business)

  45. 0 - 0.99 1 - 1.99 Canada – Non-fiction Pricing by Unit Sales 2 - 2.99 3 - 3.99 4 - 4.99 5 - 5.99 6 - 6.99 7 - 7.99 BACKLIST 8 - 8.99 9 - 9.99 10 - 10.99 11 - 11.99 FRONTLIST 12 - 12.99 13 - 13.99 14 - 14.99 15 - 15.99 16 - 16.99 17 - 17.99 18 - 18.99 19 - 19.99 20 - 20.99 21 +

  46. 0 - 0.99 1 - 1.99 Australia - Non-fiction Pricing by Unit Sales 2 - 2.99 3 - 3.99 4 - 4.99 5 - 5.99 6 - 6.99 7 - 7.99 BACKLIST 8 - 8.99 9 - 9.99 10 - 10.99 11 - 11.99 FRONTLIST 12 - 12.99 13 - 13.99 14 - 14.99 15 - 15.99 16 - 16.99 17 - 17.99 18 - 18.99 19 - 19.99 20 - 20.99 21 +

  47. 0 - 0.99 1 - 1.99 2 - 2.99 3 - 3.99 4 - 4.99 5 - 5.99 6 - 6.99 7 - 7.99 BACKLIST 8 - 8.99 Biography 9 - 9.99 10 - 10.99 11 - 11.99 FRONTLIST 12 - 12.99 13 - 13.99 14 - 14.99 15 - 15.99 16 - 16.99 17 - 17.99 18 - 18.99 19 - 19.99 20 - 20.99 21 +

  48. 0 - 0.99 1 - 1.99 2 - 2.99 3 - 3.99 4 - 4.99 5 - 5.99 6 - 6.99 7 - 7.99 BACKLIST 8 - 8.99 Business 9 - 9.99 10 - 10.99 11 - 11.99 FRONTLIST 12 - 12.99 13 - 13.99 14 - 14.99 15 - 15.99 16 - 16.99 17 - 17.99 18 - 18.99 19 - 19.99 20 - 20.99 21 +

  49. 0 - 0.99 1 - 1.99 2 - 2.99 3 - 3.99 4 - 4.99 5 - 5.99 6 - 6.99 7 - 7.99 Food & Cooking BACKLIST 8 - 8.99 9 - 9.99 10 - 10.99 11 - 11.99 FRONTLIST 12 - 12.99 13 - 13.99 14 - 14.99 15 - 15.99 16 - 16.99 17 - 17.99 18 - 18.99 19 - 19.99 20 - 20.99 21 +

  50. 0 - 0.99 1 - 1.99 2 - 2.99 3 - 3.99 4 - 4.99 5 - 5.99 6 - 6.99 7 - 7.99 Health & Fitness BACKLIST 8 - 8.99 9 - 9.99 10 - 10.99 11 - 11.99 FRONTLIST 12 - 12.99 13 - 13.99 14 - 14.99 15 - 15.99 16 - 16.99 17 - 17.99 18 - 18.99 19 - 19.99 20 - 20.99 21 +

  51. 0 - 0.99 1 - 1.99 2 - 2.99 3 - 3.99 Comics & Graphic Novels 4 - 4.99 BACKLIST 5 - 5.99 6 - 6.99 7 - 7.99 FRONTLIST 8 - 8.99 9 - 9.99 10 - 10.99 12 - 12.99 13 - 13.99 15 - 15.99 21 +

  52. Is there a significant self- publishing market?

  53. not yet.

  54. 7% of all unit sales self-pub

  55. non-fiction 1% self-pub

  56. Price Decay in Non-fiction

  57. 70.00% All Non-fiction 12.31 60.00% 8.82 50.00% 8.70 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 365 % of Total Quantity Sold Average Price Linear (Average Price)

  58. 70.00% Business & Non-fiction 13.81 60.00% 50.00% 11.85 11.45 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 365 % of Total Quantity Sold Average Price Linear (Average Price)

  59. 70.00% Biography 12.42 11.42 60.00% 10.60 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 365 % of Total Quantity Sold Average Price Linear (Average Price)

  60. History 70.00% 13.24 60.00% 11.50 50.00% 9.59 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 365 % of Total Quantity Sold Average Price Linear (Average Price)

  61. 70.00% Cooking 60.00% 11.46 9.65 50.00% 9.61 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 365 % of Total Quantity Sold Average Price Linear (Average Price)

  62. Health & Fitness 70.00% 60.00% 10.85 10.59 9.11 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 365 % of Total Quantity Sold Average Price Linear (Average Price)

  63. Cracking the Nonfiction Code @kobo @mtamblyn #TOCCON


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