
CPFI Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International Student - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CPFI Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International Student Information Session - 2018 WHAT IS CPFI? Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International (CPFI) is a worldwide ministry of individuals working in all areas of pharmaceutical service

  1. CPFI Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International Student Information Session - 2018

  2. WHAT IS CPFI? Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International (CPFI) is a worldwide ministry of individuals working in all areas of pharmaceutical service and practice. CPFI’s mission is to serve Christ and the world through pharmacy.

  3. MEET OUR EXECUTIVE OFFICERS President: Kaitlyn Van Peursem Secretary: Sarah Mills PY2 PY2 Irvine, CA Memphis, TN Treasurer: Jack Roh Vice President: Dani Youmans PY2 PY2 Tampa, Florida Raleigh, NC

  4. WEEKLY MEETINGS • Mondays during common hour in Beard 214a • Discussion-based student led bible studies • Time to connect with students from different classes and relax!

  5. SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES • Collecting supplies and wrapping for Operation Christmas Child • Blood pressure screenings at local churches • Making meals at the Ronald McDonald House

  6. TCMDA • Triangle Cristian Medical Dental Association is a central North Carolina local ministry group that seeks to care for Christian healthcare students and practitioners in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and surrounding areas. • We have events with local dental, medical, and PA students • Dinners with local healthcare speakers • Pastor: Corey Whittaker - coreywhitt@gmail.com

  7. UPCOMING EVENTS • Our first meeting is Monday, August 27 th in Beard 214a! We’ll have pizza :) • TCMDA Lake day is Saturday, August 25 th !

  8. CONTACT US! • Executive officers: • Kaitlyn: kvp@email.unc.edu • Dani: dayouman@ad.unc.edu • Faculty Advisor: • Dr. Heidi Anksorus - hanksoru@email.unc.edu

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