coupling of tw o hyperbolic

Coupling of tw o Hyperbolic Conservation Law s M. Izadi August - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Stream line Diffusion Method for Coupling of tw o Hyperbolic Conservation Law s M. Izadi August 20, 2005 I nstitute for Advance studies in Basic Sciences The Plane Review of Finite Element Method (FEM) The Coupled Problem

  1. Stream line Diffusion Method for Coupling of tw o Hyperbolic Conservation Law s M. Izadi August 20, 2005 I nstitute for Advance studies in Basic Sciences

  2. The Plane • Review of Finite Element Method (FEM) • The Coupled Problem • Streamline-Diffusion Formulation • A priori Error Estimates for Sd-Method • Numerical Examples 2

  3. � W hy the Finite Elem ent Method? � Finite element method provides a greater flexibility to model complex geometries than finite difference and finite volume methods do . � The construction of higher order approximation 3

  4. Basic Principles of FEM � Finding a variational formulation of the problem: � Integrating by parts in order to decease the number of differentiations involved, thereby decreasing the smoothness demands on u. � Retaining only the essential (Dirichlet ) boundary conditions. � Approximating the solution by a finite number of degrees of freedom, i.e. within a finite dimensional space V. � Choosing basis functions, e.g. in V, that are locally supported (vanish on most of the domain). 4

  5. One Dim ensional Exam ple We consider (D) THE STRONG OR DIFFERENTIAL PROBLEM and • • By integrating twice, we can see that this problem has a unique solution 5

  6. The Sobolev Space • Define where 6

  7. Variational Form ulation • Multiplying both sides of (D) by any function yields + Integrating by part B.C. Integrating by part B.C. • Find u such that (VF) 7

  8. Variational Form ulation • Note that (D) is equivalent to (VF). (*) • With the notations and (*) can be written as: Find u such that a(u,v)=L(v) for all admissible v 8

  9. Uniqueness & Existence Theorem Thm.(Lax-Milgram ) Let a(.,.) be a bilinear form on a Hilbert space equipped with and the following properties: � a(.,.) is continuous, that is � a(.,.) is coercive that is Further � L(.) is a linear mapping on ,that is Then there exist a unique such that 9

  10. 10 Example

  11. I nterval Partition ( FEM) � Construct a finite-dimensional subspace as follows: � 11

  12. Finite Elem ent Space � Let be a set of functions such that: � 12

  13. Continuous piecew ise linear basis function 13

  14. Finite Elem ent Approxim ation • The problem (VF) is reduced to ( ) • where 14

  15. Linear system of Equations • This is equivalent to the system A =b, where 15

  16. Properties of the Stiffness m atrix A 16

  17. Properties of the Stiffness m atrix A 17

  18. � The Coupled Problem � Initial Condition � Coupling Condition 18

  19. Coupled problem � One dimensional example � or We can impose coupling condition at x=0 19

  20. Coupled problem � o t d e e n ) t , e 0 W ( u y f i c e p s 0 = x t a 20

  21. Coupled problem No coupling condition need � at x=0 In general � & � & 21

  22. � Sd-Form ulation • We consider (1) with T is a given final time value and & 22

  23. Space-tim e discretization 23

  24. Space-tim e discretization 24

  25. Finite elem ent spaces • Let k be a positive integer, introduce • Define the trial & test function spaces 25

  26. Som e notations 26

  27. Space-tim e Sd Form ulation � (2) � (3) 27

  28. Continue… � After summing over n, we rewrite (3) as follows � (4) where 28

  29. Continue … and finally � (5) where 29

  30. Continue … � After summing over n, we have Functions in are continuous in x & discontinuous in t � Define 30

  31. Continue … Summing (5) over n=0,1,…,N-1, we get the following analogue to (4) � (6) 31

  32. Basic Stability Estim ates for the Sd-m ethod � Thm. where 32

  33. A priori Error Estim ate for the Sd-m ethod To do this introduce interpolant of exact solution u and set Then we have 33

  34. Continue … 34

  35. Num erical Exam ple where a>0. This problem has the explicit solution 35

  36. Test problem 1 36

  37. 37

  38. 38

  39. Test problem 2 with the following initial condition and boundary condition 39

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  41. 41

  42. 42


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