
Cosmological Perturbative formalism Numerical method Quasistatic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Braneworld models DGP background geometry DGP and the ISW effect Cosmological Perturbative formalism Numerical method Quasistatic approximation perturbationsinthe SA results NB results DGPscenario

  1. ● Braneworld models ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect Cosmological ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation perturbations�in�the ● SA results ● NB results DGP�scenario ● Comparison to observations ● Summary Sanjeev�S.�Seahra Department�of Mathematics�&�Statistics University�of New�Brunswick,�Canada in�collaboration�with:�Antonio Cardoso,�Kazuya�Koyama�and Fabio�P�Silva arXiv:�0711.2563�[astro-ph] Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 1/11

  2. Braneworld models ● Braneworld models ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results ● NB results ● Comparison to observations ● Summary observable universe Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 2/11

  3. Braneworld models ● Braneworld models ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results ● NB results ● Comparison to observations ● Summary Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 2/11

  4. Braneworld models ● Braneworld models ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results ● NB results ● Comparison to observations ● Summary Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 2/11

  5. Braneworld models ● Braneworld models ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results ● NB results ● Comparison to observations ● Summary Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 2/11

  6. Braneworld models ● Braneworld models ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results ● NB results ● Comparison to observations ● Summary Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 2/11

  7. Braneworld models ● Braneworld models ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results ● NB results ● Comparison to observations ● Summary Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 2/11

  8. Braneworld models (AdS�bulk) ● Braneworld models ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results Randall-Sundrum ● NB results ● Comparison to observations model ● Summary Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 2/11

  9. Braneworld models ● Braneworld models ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism (Minkowski�bulk) ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results Dvali-Gabadadze- ● NB results ● Comparison to observations Porrati�model ● Summary Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 2/11

  10. Braneworld models (AdS�bulk) ● Braneworld models ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism (Minkowski�bulk) ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results Dvali-Gabadadze- Randall-Sundrum ● NB results ● Comparison to observations Porrati�model model ● Summary Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 2/11

  11. Braneworld models (AdS�bulk) ● Braneworld models ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism (Minkowski�bulk) ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results Dvali-Gabadadze- Randall-Sundrum ● NB results ● Comparison to observations Porrati�model model ● Summary each�model�specified�by�a�single�length�parameter Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 2/11

  12. Braneworld models (AdS�bulk) ● Braneworld models ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism (Minkowski�bulk) ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results Dvali-Gabadadze- Randall-Sundrum ● NB results ● Comparison to observations Porrati�model model ● Summary each�model�specified�by�a�single�length�parameter Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 2/11

  13. DGP background geometry ● Braneworld models ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results ● NB results ● Comparison to observations ● Summary Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 3/11

  14. DGP background geometry ● Braneworld models future ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results ● NB results ● Comparison to observations ● Summary past Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 3/11

  15. DGP background geometry ● Braneworld models future ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results ● NB results ● Comparison to observations ● Summary e n a r b past Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 3/11

  16. DGP background geometry ● Braneworld models future ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect braneworld�symmetry: ● Perturbative formalism we�need�to�excise�one ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation half of the�bulk�and ● SA results ● NB results replace�it�with�the�mirror ● Comparison to observations ● Summary image�of the�other�half e n a r b past Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 3/11

  17. DGP background geometry ● Braneworld models future ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect braneworld�symmetry: ● Perturbative formalism we�need�to�excise�one ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation half of the�bulk�and ● SA results ● NB results replace�it�with�the�mirror ● Comparison to observations ● Summary image�of the�other�half e n a r b past branch�ambiguity:�which�half�of�bulk�do�we�keep? Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 3/11

  18. DGP background geometry ● Braneworld models future ● DGP background geometry ● DGP and the ISW effect braneworld�symmetry: ● Perturbative formalism we�need�to�excise�one ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation half of the�bulk�and ● SA results ● NB results replace�it�with�the�mirror ● Comparison to observations ● Summary image�of the�other�half normal self- e n branch accelerating a r b branch past branch�ambiguity:�which�half�of�bulk�do�we�keep? Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 3/11

  19. DGP background geometry ● Braneworld models future brane�trajectory�fixed ● DGP background geometry by�Friedmann�eq: ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results ● NB results ● Comparison to observations ● Summary normal self- e n branch accelerating a r b branch past branch�ambiguity:�which�half�of�bulk�do�we�keep? Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 3/11

  20. DGP background geometry ● Braneworld models future brane�trajectory�fixed ● DGP background geometry by�Friedmann�eq: ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results ● NB results ● Comparison to observations ● Summary normal self- e n branch accelerating a r b branch past branch�ambiguity:�which�half�of�bulk�do�we�keep? Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 3/11

  21. DGP background geometry ● Braneworld models future brane�trajectory�fixed ● DGP background geometry by�Friedmann�eq: ● DGP and the ISW effect ● Perturbative formalism ● Numerical method ● Quasistatic approximation ● SA results ● NB results ● Comparison to observations ● Summary normal self- e n branch accelerating a r b branch self-accelerating�branch can�have�late�time acceleration�without�a cosmological�constant past branch�ambiguity:�which�half�of�bulk�do�we�keep? Sanjeev S. Seahra; 26 August, 2008 Cosmological perturbations in the DGP scenario - p. 3/11


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