INTRODUCTION Informatjon regarding cosmetjc ingredients is not diffjcult to obtain today and consumers are becoming more and more educated, capable of settjng their own criteria and choosing only cosmetjc products of the highest quality. The much bigger challenge, in the context of an abundance of informatjon, is to recognise which informatjon is reliable. Only the right amount of accurate knowledge allows us to distjnguish between conventjonal and truly natural cosmetjcs, and cosmetjcs that only claim to be natural. It is even more diffjcult for the consumer to distjnguish between cosmetjc products carrying empty marketjng claims and those that actually deliver them. BACKGROUND Cosmetjc products are an indispensable part of our lives, making the cosmetjcs industry one of the most innovatjve and lucratjve economic sectors. Due to intensive development, new cosmetjc products are launched contjnuously with the aim of meetjng consumers’ demands for efgectjve, skin friendly and environmentally friendly products, as well as manufacturers’ desires driven by innovatjon and contjnuous progress.
Many products deliver less than they claim Marketjng claims regarding cosmetjc products are becoming more and more daring, even provocatjve. Marketjng claims are based on the presence of cosmetjcally actjve ingredients and their cosmetjc efgects. However, without the suitable (i.e. suffjcient) concentratjon, absolutely no signifjcant cosmetjc efgects, described in product claims, can be expected. This raises the questjon: How can we evaluate the enormous range of cosmetjc products available today? Cosmetjc evidence is the new black The answer to the questjon above seems to be simple: by identjfying cosmetjcally actjve ingredients and, more importantly, by identjfying the concentratjons of those ingredients in a cosmetjc product. These two steps are clearly the only defjning element of a product’s quality in terms of its cosmetjc efgects. Cosmetjc regulatjons and evidence-based cosmetjcs Cosmetjc regulatjons are very poorly defjned in terms of cosmetjcally actjve concentratjons. This generally allows cosmetjc manufacturers to literally hide behind their claims. There is currently no clear regulatory requirement nor recommendatjon that would back the consumer, and ofger or evaluate informatjon regarding the content of cosmetjcally actjve ingredients, or at least ensure that a cosmetjc product is truly of acceptable quality in this respect.
Need for independent regulatjon The founders of the CosmEthically ACTIVE certjfjcate have recognised the urgent need to specify and regulate the aforementjoned defjcient area of cosmetjc regulatjons, and to bring cosmetjcs to a higher level: to set new standards for modern, high-quality natural cosmetjcs with the aim of meetjng the rising demands of consumers to change cosmetjcs for the betuer. OBJECTIVES OF THE CERTIFICATE The certjfjcate achieves the following objectjves: • to establish the concept of actjve cosmetjcs, and protect the consumer against empty claims and misleading advertjsing; • to defjne stricter conditjons when selectjng natural ingredients that will facilitate the improved protectjon of our environment; and • to set a superior quality level for cosmetjc products that are based on the skin’s natural needs. The principles and criteria of the CosmEthically ACTIVE certjfjcate are based on the highest level of knowledge and are contjnuously updated and amended based on new scientjfjc evidence.
Nature above all when selectjng ingredients Only ecologically and physiologically acceptable cosmetjc ingredients can be used: those found in nature and derived from natural sources, and those that do not occur in nature. When the latuer are irreplaceable by natural cosmetjc ingredients due to their specifjc chemical or technological characteristjcs, it is strictly required that they be synthesised from natural building blocks, into which they are subsequently broken down, meaning they are highly biodegradable. Evidence-based cosmetjcs The selectjon of individual cosmetjc ingredients is ratjonal and evidence-based. Cosmetjcally actjve ingredients are incorporated into cosmetjc products at evidence-based concentratjons that have been scientjfjcally proven to express cosmetjc efgects afuer dermal applicatjon. The cosmetjc ingredients of a vehicle must also be logically selected. Less is more The use of ratjonal cosmetjc products is demanded: individual cosmetjc ingredients in a fjnal formulatjon must be selected on a strictly case-by-case basis, i.e. based on their functjons and the efgects we want to achieve (in terms of their cosmetjc efgects and technological aspects), without redundant ingredients, and their total number should be kept to a minimum. No animal testjng A cosmetjc product must not be tested on animals because the concept of the CosmEthically ACTIVE certjfjcate pursues the highest of values and ethical principles. For detailed criteria and recommendatjons, please see the document, “Complete Guide to CosmEthically ACTIVE products”.
A WORD FROM THE FOUNDERS OF THE COSMETHICALLY ACTIVE CERTIFICATE The trend of natural, including going back to natural values, is becoming a realistjc fact of the modern world in difgerent areas of our lives, e.g. in the food sector, textjle industry and, fjnally, in cosmetjcs. We are proud to see that people are increasingly aware that we are solely responsible for our health and the environment in which we live. The vision of the CosmEthically ACTIVE certjfjcate is to build a new cosmetjc era, based on a completely unique, innovatjve and revolutjonary understanding of cosmetjcs: products based on the skin’s natural needs, formulated with ecologically and physiologically acceptable ingredients that have evidence-based actjvity and are used in cosmetjcally actjve concentratjons. The ultjmate objectjve of the CosmEthically ACTIVE certjfjcate is to gain internatjonal recognitjon as a synonym for high- quality and evidence-based, natural, healthy and sustainable cosmetjcs. We believe deeply that this is the only possible long-term future for cosmetjcs, cosmetjc manufacturers and the users of cosmetjcs. We therefore encourage you to take the challenge, and follow us in supportjng, promotjng and creatjng a natural, sustainable and healthy world. Last but not least, we are also an advocate for change in consumer consumptjon habits, with an emphasis on reducing the overall consumptjon of cosmetjc products. Use natural but use ratjonal, and use less but use smart. What you apply is who you are.
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