core security and wpi joint project project goal

CORE Security and WPI Joint Project Project Goal Take the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CORE Security and WPI Joint Project Project Goal Take the techniques that make games easy to use and apply them to professional security software. The Team Eric - Code Mike Code AJ - Code - CONFIDENTIAL - Professor Shue Professor

  1. CORE Security and WPI Joint Project

  2. Project Goal Take the techniques that make games easy to use and apply them to professional security software.

  3. The Team Eric - Code Mike – Code AJ - Code - CONFIDENTIAL -

  4. Professor Shue Professor Moriarty The Team CS IMGD Beth Hankel - Art Professor Claypool CS, IMGD

  5. Core Impact Professional Network Security Penetration testing:  Ethical Hacking  Scan and attack a computer network to discover vulnerabilities  By Experts for Experts…

  6. How Do Games Do Complex Information?

  7. Concept Art - CONFIDENTIAL -

  8. Concept Art - CONFIDENTIAL -

  9. Concept Art

  10. Concept Art

  11. Software Storyboard

  12. Game UX Techniques  Direct manipulation  Sound and animation  Context-relative information

  13. Game UX Techniques  Spatial network layout

  14. Architecture Separate Thread CORE Prototype Python Mayhem Engine Boost SFML GWEN General Purpose Graphics UI C++

  15. Usability Study Does our prototype perform better than the existing interface?  Control group: Core Impact Pro  Test group: Prototype Network security task 1) ○ Scan a network ○ Attack a machine ○ Discover a new network Subjective survey questions 2) ○ What did they think about the interface - CONFIDENTIAL -

  16. Usability Study Interface Test Score N Standard Error CORE Impact Pro 9.07 15 0.702 Mayhem 11.19 13 0.477 Prototype Independent t-test (2-tailed): P = 0.0225 Interface Subjective N Standard Error Survey 12.5 CORE Impact Pro 15 2.465 16.8 Mayhem 12 1.011 Prototype Independent t-test (2-tailed): P < 0.0001 - CONFIDENTIAL -


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