continuous condition monitoring of pipelines and risers

Continuous condition monitoring of pipelines and risers Ole ystein - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Continuous condition monitoring of pipelines and risers Ole ystein Knudsen, SINTEF ICT 1 The SmartPipe vision An on-line system reporting the technical condition of the pipeline through a combination of sensors,

  1. Continuous condition monitoring of pipelines and risers Ole Øystein Knudsen, SINTEF ICT 1

  2. The SmartPipe vision  An on-line system reporting the technical condition of the pipeline through a combination of sensors, degradation models, and analysis tools  Self-contained, distributed sensors packages with locally produced power and wireless communication ICT 2

  3. General system requirements  No interference with laying operations  Non intrusive sensors  Low cost, simple, robust  Lifetime >20 years  Interfacing to existing sensor technology  Low power consumption  Local processing to reduce needed communication capacity ICT 3

  4. Key parts Data collection Data interpretation Decision making • Sensors • Communication • Power • Materials degradation • Analysis tools • Database • Technical condition • Warnings • Simulations • Visualisation ICT 4

  5. Lithium batteries ICT 5

  6. SmartPipe Communication Sensors  Wireless electromagnetic signal  Ultrasound wall thickness in coating measurement  Strain gauges for measuring deflection and internal pressure Power  Thermistor for temperature  A package of conventional Lithium batteries  Accelerometer for measuring vibrations and inclination  Thermoelectric generator ICT 6

  7. Battery packing  Four cells in series inserted in steel tubes  300 mm length  Space available for charge balancing electronics  Hermetically sealed to prevent water intrusion  Five 14.4 V battery packs encased in exterior bracelet  40 cells in total (120% capacity)  Close contact to cold sea water beneficial for battery lifetime  Exterior bracelet can be partially embedded in PP- insulation. ICT 7

  8. Thermoelectric generator  For pipes exposed to seawater the thermoelectric generator is capable to generate enough power.  The communication system will be operational only when there is a hot flow in the pipe  No data during installation phase  No data in shut-down period The preliminary conservative estimates  For trenched pipes an energy for a single Peltier element module storage must be used to get Buried Not buried enough power when the 20 % of Δ T 50 % of Δ T tot Δ T over Peltier over Peltier electronics is active (super capacitor) 50 °C 6 mW 35 mW 70 °C 12 mW 70 mW ICT 8

  9. Antenna Communication  Electromagnetic wave in the coating  Inter node distance: 24 m  Redundancy distance: 72 m (three nodes)  Carrier frequency: 5 MHz  Propagation loss: 0.5 dB/meter  Patent application submitted ICT 9

  10. Local analysis: • Fracture • Fatigue (fracture mech.) • Local buckling • Plastic collapse • Burst Global analysis: • Installation simulation • Free-span analysis • Fatigue (stress range/SN based) • Global buckling • Upheavals/snaking • On-bottom stability Corrosion analysis: • Corrosion rates • Wall thickness reduction • Safe operation windows ICT 10

  11. SmartPipe data management Degrada- tion analysis Host Fibre machine modem or Data base Data powerline collecion modem system Visuali- sation tools Cable or optical fibre Sub- sea Cable or optical fibre Fibre Fibre Pick-up modem or modem or antenna on powerline powerline outside of modem modem pipe ICT 11

  12. Mounting concept  Mounting in field-joint is the most feasible solution  Belt with hardware fixed to FBE coating with adhesive and strap.  Molded into the PP coating  Standard coating procedure ICT 12

  13. Demonstrator  24 meter long 10” pipe with 70 mm PP insulation  4 sensor belts with communication units distributed along the pipe. In addition one anode pad  Belts mounted in field-joints on top of FBE coating  Produced in February 2009  Tested in May 2009 Technip spool base ICT 13

  14. Demonstrator Summer 2009 Communication Sensor data 0.8 m A B C Anode 24 m ICT 14

  15. ”Reeling” test at Bredero Shaw 090625  4 cycles bending to radius of 8,225 m and straightening  No cracks or fractures in PP coating  No problems in any of the installed sensors occurred during the test ICT 15

  16. ”Reeling” test – strain gauges Measured strain during bend-test 1500 1000 500 S1 Microstrain S2 S3 0 S4 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 S5 S6 -500 -1000 -1500 Time [Seconds]  Belt C: no sign of reduced contact with steel surface after 3 ”reeling” cycles ICT 16

  17. Reeling test - Ultrasound US-6 before bending 3,00E+11 2,50E+11  4 ultrasound 2,00E+11 transducers tested 1,50E+11 Signal US-6 1,00E+11  No signs of reduced 5,00E+10 contact with steel 0,00E+00 -5,00 0,00 5,00 10,00 15,00 20,00 25,00 30,00 35,00 40,00 -5,00E+10 surface Time (microseconds) US-6 after bending  No signs of reduced 3,00E+11 energy in reflected 2,50E+11 2,00E+11 signal 1,50E+11 Signal US-6 1,00E+11 5,00E+10 0,00E+00 -5,00 0,00 5,00 10,00 15,00 20,00 25,00 30,00 35,00 40,00 -5,00E+10 Time (microseconds) ICT 17

  18. Temperature test at SINTEF 090914  Heated oil circulated in closed test pipe  Test temperature 20-140 o C  No functional problems discovered with sensor system or interfaces  Strain gauges will relax when Tg of glue is passed ICT 18

  19. SUMMARY  Sensors and electronics survives field joint moulding and reeling  Less than 2 minutes required to install the sensor hardware on the pipe.  Antennas are successfully installed.  The electromagnetic waves were successfully transmitted in the coating, and signal loss was as previously modeled.  Transition to an industrialized production and mounting procedure seems feasible. • Alternative glue must be used for operating temperatures over Tg of PP adhesive ICT 19

  20. Where are we today? Phase 2 Phase 1 General development Design and of the system and testing of pilot verification 2006-2009 2010-2012  Application for Phase 2 to be submitted autumn 2009  More companies are welcome to join in Phase 2 ICT 20

  21. The consortium ICT 21


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