continuing claims for unemployment as a of each state s

Continuing Claims for Unemployment as a % of Each States Pre Covid - PDF document

10% 15% 20% 25% 0% 5% Continuing Claims for Unemployment as a % of Each States Pre Covid 19 Workforce Idaho South Dakota Alabama Utah Nebraska Wyoming Missouri Florida North Carolina Kansas Arizona Maryland Iowa Oklahoma

  1. 10% 15% 20% 25% 0% 5% Continuing Claims for Unemployment as a % of Each State’s Pre ‐ Covid ‐ 19 Workforce Idaho South Dakota Alabama Utah Nebraska Wyoming Missouri Florida North Carolina Kansas Arizona Maryland Iowa Oklahoma Montana Arkansas (Week Ending July 18th) Indiana Kentucky Ohio Wisconsin Colorado North Dakota Tennessee Virginia South Carolina NH New Hampshire West Virginia ME Maine Delaware Texas New Mexico Oregon Illinois Minnesota New Jersey Washington RI Rhode Island Pennsylvania VT Vermont Michigan Alaska Mississippi Georgia CT Connecticut MA Massachusetts Louisiana New York California Hawaii Nevada

  2. NH is on a Path on Steadily Declining “Continued Claims” Since Peaking the Week Ending May 2 nd . Progress Overall in the U.S has Been Slower. Continuing Unemployment Claims (Index: Each Region’s Peak = 100) 110 100 90 NH U.S. 80 70 60 50 2 ‐ May 9 ‐ May 16 ‐ May 23 ‐ May 30 ‐ May 6 ‐ Jun 13 ‐ Jun 20 ‐ Jun 27 ‐ Jun 4 ‐ Jul 11 ‐ Jul 18 ‐ Jul

  3. Pandemic Impact on NH Employment and Recovery Since Easing (Through July 18) 94.2% Hospitals 80.3% 13.9% Ambulatory Health Care Services 92.8% 70.2% 22.6% 92.7% Food & Beverage Stores 84.6% 8.1% 90.7% Nursing & Residential Care Facilities 81.8% 8.9% 89.3% Motor Vehicle & Parts Dealers 64.4% 24.9% 88.9% General Merchandise Stores 71.4% 17.5% 85.6% Clothing Stores 44.2% 41.4% 84.6% Miscellaneous Store Retailers 52.6% 32.0% Administrative & Support Services 68.7% 15.8% 84.5% 84.5% Amusement, Gambling, & Recr. 54.9% 29.7% 79.7% Food Services & Drinking Places 48.8% 30.9% Accommodation 42.6% 29.6% 72.3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Pandemic Emp. as a % of Pre ‐ Covid ‐ 19 Emp. % Gained Since Easing

  4. UI UI POR PORTAL AL www www.unempl nemploymen ymentbene tbenefits. s.nh. gov

  5. NH NH Job Jobs Po Portal www www.nhj hjob obs. s.nh. gov

  6. Vi Virtual rtual Job Job Fa Fairs th Technol 12 th Augus August 12 hnology gy and and Ma Manufactur uring


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