contact based loads such as drop weight and simulations

contact-based loads such as drop weight and simulations. - PDF document

18 TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPOSITE MATERIALS Effect of Facesheet Thickness on Dynamic Response of Composite Sandwich Plates to Underwater Impulsive Loading S. Avachat and M. Zhou The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering

  1. 18 TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPOSITE MATERIALS Effect of Facesheet Thickness on Dynamic Response of Composite Sandwich Plates to Underwater Impulsive Loading S. Avachat and M. Zhou The George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering School of Materials Science and Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332-0405, USA e-mail: Keywords: Sandwich structures, composites, dynamic response, underwater impulsive loading ability to generate water-based impulsive loading of a Introduction wide-range of intensities, the ability to simulate the Ships, submersibles and other marine structures are loading of submerged structures, and integrated high- speed photographic and laser interferometric susceptible to damage due to dynamic loading from underwater explosions, projectile impact and hull diagnostics. This facility is used in conjunction with computational modeling. Figures 1 (a) shows a slamming resulting from high-speed motion. By virtue of the combination of a thick core and thin schematic illustration of the experimental configuration analyzed in this paper. A projectile is facesheets, sandwich structures achieve considerably high shear-stiffness-to-weight ratios and bending- accelerated by the gas gun and impacts the piston plate, generating a planar pressure pulse in the shock stiffness-to-weight ratios than equivalent homogeneous plates made exclusively of the core tube. Depending on the projectile velocity, pressures ranging from 10 to 300 MPa can be generated in the material or the facesheet material. The primary factors that influence the structural response of a shock tube. The cylindrical shape of the shock tube allows an essentially uniform pressure to be applied sandwich structure are (1) facesheet thickness, (2) core thickness and (3) core density. The bulk of to the target over the area of contact. Figure 1 (b) shows the pressure histories corresponding to five previous research on the dynamic behavior of sandwich composites has focused on low-velocity different projectile velocities, as predicted by the    contact-based loads such as drop weight and simulations. Impulse I is calculated as I p dt , projectile impact [1-7]. Experimental studies aimed at where p is the pressure, t is the decay time. The understanding material and structural responses under blast loads have been carried out [8-10]. Espinosa et five impulse magnitudes considered in the al. simulated underwater blasts by impacting a simulations are 42, 30, 18, 12 and 4 kPa·s. projectile on a piston in contact with water [11, 12] Materials and concluded that steels may be preferred when maintenance of residual strength is a priority and The core is made of Divinycell H-100 PVC foam composite materials make better low-weight blast- [15] whose response is described by a volumetric resistant hulls. The objective of this study is to hardening model in which the evolution of the yield examine the effect of the ratio between facesheet surface is driven by the volumetric plastic strain [16]. thickness and core thickness on the dynamic response The constitutive model adopted for Dinvinycell H100 of composite sandwich structures. To this end, the PVC foam is the one developed by Zhang et al. [17] core thickness and core density are kept constant and and implemented in the current finite element code the thickness of the facesheets is varied so that the [18, 19]. The facesheets are made of a glass fiber total mass of the structure changes in every reinforced epoxy composite. Each facesheet consists configuration. Under this condition, the total mass of of plies in a bi-axial [0/90] S layup and is modeled the structure changes with the increase in facesheet with the Hashin damage model with energy-based thickness. damage evolution [20]. All panels have a core  = T = 20 mm and a core density of thickness of c c Experimental Configuration 100 kg/m 3 , giving a core unit areal mass of M = 2 c Gas gun impact has been successfully used to kg/m 2 . The side length of the plate is L = 300 mm. generate impulsive loading through water [11, 13, The facesheets, consisting of plies 0.25 mm in 14]. Important features of our facility include the thickness each, are modeled with continuum shell 1

  2. 18 TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPOSITE MATERIALS facesheet thickness and the core thickness is T varies elements. The total facesheet thickness f  R T T T T ranges from and the value of from 1 to 20 mm, giving rise to different areal mass f c f c values of the sandwich plates. The ratio between the 0.05 to 1. 500 Clamped Boundary V 0 =400 m/s, I=42 kPa·s Conditions Pressure 400 Aluminum V 0 =300 m/s,I= 30 kPa·s Flyer Transducers Pressure (MPa) s Aluminum V 0 =200 m/s, I=18 kPa·s 300 Projectile V 0 =100 m/s, I=12 kPa·s 200 V 0 =50 m/s, 76 84 Water 36 I=4 kPa·s 100 80 Gas Gun 0 Target Barrel 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 Chronograph Time (µs) All dimensions in mm (a) (b) Figure 1 (a) schematic of loading configuration for a clamped sandwich plate; (b) pressure profiles for the five projectile velocities. Finite Element Model onset of motion of back face and (3) momentum transfer through the structure. Changes made to the The numerical model explicitly accounts for the facesheets affect all three stages. In general, all things projectile, piston plate and water column in contact being equal, structures with thicker facesheets are with the sandwich plate target. A [0/90] S layup is stronger in an absolute sense, since more material is specified for each ply in the facesheets. A master- used. To reveal trends on a per weight basis, we slave contact algorithm is used for interactions analyze the results in both normalized and non- between the facesheets and core and a non- normalized forms. For the five impulse levels per unit I   , I   , penetrating, general contact algorithm is 4 kPa s 12 kPa s area considered ( implemented at projectile-piston, piston-water and I   I   18 kPa s 30 kPa s , and water-sandwich structure interfaces. Cohesive I   ), we first focus on the results for 42 kPa s elements are used at the core-facesheet interfaces to I   simulate core-facesheet debonding [18, 21]. A 18 kPa s and then compare the results for the bilinear cohesive law is implemented, accounting for different impulse levels. mixed-mode failure at the interfaces. A normal penalty-based contact algorithm is used to prevent The Hashin damage model for fiber-reinforced interpenetration of crack surfaces. The following composites takes into account tensile and quantities are tracked to quantify and compare the compressive damage. Figures 2 (a) - (d) show the responses of the sandwich plates: t F I. the displacements at the center of facesheets 1 and distribution of damage parameter in the last ply m 2; in the composite layup in facesheets-1 and 2. Note II. core crushing rate and core crushing strain; that what is shown is not the cumulative damage in III. energy dissipated in the structure; and an entire facesheet. Rather, the figures show damages IV. compressive and tensile damages in the in the ply in each of the facesheets that is farthest facesheets. away from the front face of the sandwich specimen. The distribution and severity of damage facilitate Results comparison of the results for different T f /T c ratios under identical loading conditions. Figure 2 (a) A large number of calculations have been carried out. shows the distribution of tensile damage in the matrix for the last ply of the facesheet-1, 600 μs after onset The deformation of the core shows three distinct stages of response: (1) onset of core crushing, (2) 2


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