Conservation Easements, Restoration, Funding Opportunities
▪ Streams ▪ Floodplains ▪ Riparian Zones ▪ Transitional area between water and land ecosystems ▪ Wetlands, and Wetland Soils ▪ Large woodlots
What is a conservation easement? ▪ A deed restriction placed on a piece of property to protect resources associated with that parcel forever. Types of land protected under a conservation easements include. ▪ Rivers, Streams, and Lakeshores ▪ Natural habitat for wildlife ▪ Scenic landscapes and lands that have local, cultural or historical significance
What activities are NOT allowed on a conservation easement? ▪ Restrictions vary on an easement by easement basis. Prohibited activities may include: ▪ Drilling and Mining ▪ Building Construction ▪ Timber Harvesting ▪ Mowing and Spraying ▪ Erection of Power lines or other utilities
What activities are allowed on a conservation easement? ▪ Camping, fishing, hiking, hunting etc. are allowed with landowner permission where local ordinances allow ▪ Landowner retains rights to privacy, access ▪ Easements on private land and not public ▪ Anything consistent with deed restrictions ▪ Firewood
Why grant a conservation easement? • Protect property and natural resources from impending development – in perpetuity • Financial gain if selling easement Clean Ohio Green Space Conservation Fund Wetland Reserve Program • Tax benefits if donating easement • Property Tax Reduction • Post Construction BMP
▪ Agricultural Easements ▪ Environmental Covenants ▪ Fee Simple Acquisition
Definition: the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition Why is restoration needed? ▪ Wetlands were drained for agricultural uses ▪ Streams were modified for drainage ▪ Woodlands were cleared for development ▪ Impervious surfaces and lack of stormwater controls led to degraded streams
We are here to help! Thank You! KYLE WILSON Conservation Program Manager Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District 1404 Goodale Blvd. Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43212 cell: 614-512-4356 email:
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