confirmation at st mary s

CONFIRMATION AT ST MARYS BISHOP MARCUS will celebrate C onfirmation - PDF document

The Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Diocese of Leeds - Registered Charity No. 249404 Royal Fold, New Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5EA Parish Priest: Fr Larkin Telephone:014 22 83 2 08 5 Website: Email: Parish Priest:

  1. The Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Diocese of Leeds - Registered Charity No. 249404 Royal Fold, New Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5EA Parish Priest: Fr Larkin Telephone:014 22 83 2 08 5 Website: Email: Parish Priest: Facebook: The Good Shepherd Halifax Deanery: Parish Safeguarding: Veronica Gregory 01422 884496 or Diocesan Office 0113 261 8069 Sacred Heart School: Sunday 2 nd February 2020 The Presentation of the Lord Year A (P297) MUSIC FOR TODAY’S LITURGY Processional 830 Holy, Holy, Holy 559 Gloria 527 Memorial Acclamation 560 Gospel Acclamation 539 Communion 883 Offertory 607 Recessional 770 ACCOMPANIMENT TODAY: Matt Stansfield Thank you READERS THIS WEEK NEXT WEEK BARRY GELDARD BRIAN LAWRENCE 9.30am RICHARD CONSTANTINE NICK BURCCHNALL JOHN PEART- BINNS MAUREEN FLYNN PLEASE PRAY FOR: OUR SICK: , Betty Russell, Gerald Leah, Thomas Davis, Mary Harwood, Mary Howard, Pam Shand, Edna Harwood, Rosa Maria Santos - in addition to those mentioned on the Prayer Tree. CLERGY: Please remember to keep in your prayers those who are unwell at this time, especially, Fr David Drake-Brockman, Fr Peter Smith, Canon Philip Fitzgerald, Fr Maurice Pearce, Mgr John Dunne, Deacon Patrick Kelly and Deacon Edwin Murphy. LATELY DEAD: Tony Gregson, Sylvia Calvert, Stephen O’Brien , Marie Huddleston. – May all who have died recently rest in peace and rise in glory. ANNIVERSARIES: Maud Dean 2008, Dorothy Singleton 2012, David Walmsley 2014, Kathleen Cockroft 1994, Kevin Fozzard 1976, Dorothy May Greenwood 2011, and all those whose anniversaries occur about this time. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

  2. MASSES AND SERVICES 9.30am Sun Presentation of the Betty Russell GOOD SHEPHERD MASS 2 nd Lord CHURCH 5.00pm Feb Dorothy May MASS Greenwood 2011 Mon NO St Blaise _____ _____ 3 rd MASS or Feb St Ansgar Fr John’s House Tues 10.30am Weekday in Ordinary Fr J. M. Williams 64 Erringden Road 4 th MASS Time (Hallam) Mytholmroyd Feb Wed The Angelus 5 th St Agatha November Dead List GOOD SHEPHERD 12.00 noon 2020 CHURCH Feb MASS Fr John’s House Thur 10.30am 6 th Ss Paul Miki and Kathleen Cockroft 64 Erringden Road MASS Companions 1994 Mytholmroyd Feb Fri NO 7 th Weekday in Ordinary ______ _____ MASS Time Feb Sat The Angelus 8 th St Jerome Emiliani November Dead List GOOD SHEPHERD or 10.00am 2020 CHURCH Feb St Josephine Bakhita MASS Sun Missa pro populo 9.30am 5 th Sunday in 9 th GOOD SHEPHERD MASS Ordinary Time CHURCH Feb 5.00pm Fr A Phillips MASS (Leeds) CONFIRMATION AT ST MARY’S BISHOP MARCUS will celebrate C onfirmation in St Mary’s Halifax at 7 -00pm Wednesday 5th February 2020 during which he will confirm 2 young people of our Parish. Please do come along and join in the celebrations. LENT HOUSE GROUPS A five week course starting week beginning 2 March. It has been specially written for “ Hebden Royd Churches Together ” that explores the music that has touched our lives and encouraged us on our Christian journey. It sounds like a fascinating topic for discussions. Do try to take part and learn from our sisters and brothers in Christ. People who have participated have found great benefit from these groups. There are a range of times and locations to suit most requirements. Please sign the list at the back of church for days and times that suit you . Kay Pierce

  3. AGM The long delayed date for the AGM has been set. We will have the AGM after Sunday morning Mass on 23 February . Please make a note and give your support by attending what will be a very focussed and short meeting. Consultors are requested to make a note of the date. Thank you. KNEELERS (HASSOCKS) FOR PRAYER Please don’t forget to put the hassocks back in their collection point near the bulletin table. Thank you. YOUTH GROUP FINAL GOODBYE ☹ The Youth Group and leaders will be having a final meal on Thursday to celebrate the time that we have spent together over the past 4 years. Most of the group are preparing for their exams over the coming months and the time is right to end this phase. Leaders would like to thank them for the fun and efforts that they have made over this time. We have seen them mature into fine young people. Thank you also for the ventures that they have taken part in on behalf of our parish eg Liturgical hangings, Movie Quiz night etc. We will begin a new phase with a younger cohort after Easter. More news about this later. Maggie Pennington, David Taylor, Gez Hodgson JOB OPPORTUNITY WITH CAFOD You may not be interested yourself - but perhaps you know someone who might be? Please feel free to forward this email to anyone who you think might be interested. The key details are:- The main purpose of this role is to provide administrative support for the work of the region’s Community Participation Coordinators which will include coordinating tasks done by a number of the North East region’s office volunteers and seeki ng improvements to the North East team’s administration activity. The Regional Admin Support Officer is part of the regional team working across a group of dioceses and will be based in one of the region’s Volunteer Centres (currently in Durham, Middlesbrough, Leeds, Sheffield and Nottingham however our Volunteer Centre in Middlesbrough has got limited access for people with reduced mobility). Occasional days in London and regular work in other parts of the region will be required. This additional travel would be reimbursed by CAFOD and time off in lieu will be granted for travel over and above your normal work hours and commute. The post, which is full time (35 hours per week) reports to the Community Participation Manager for the region. Starting Salary will be in the range £25,634 - £27,099 p.a It is a fixed term post for one year. The closing date for applications is 10 February 2020 Follow this link to apply for the job: e /careers/positions/dGiaupnjPaCQqArpGK c NK4

  4. HANDEL’S MESSIAH IN MARCH 2020 Overgate Hospice Choir announces its programme for 2020, commencing with the presentation of Handel’s masterpiece on Saturday 21 March 2020 at 4.00pm in St Jude’s Church, Savile Park, Halifax HX1 2XE It is exactly twenty years ago in 1999 that the Choir first appeared as guests of St Jude’s in whose Hall weekly rehearsals are now held. Our guests will be soloists Jane Burnell, Lucy Appleyard, David Brown and Quentin Brown join with the Principals of the NATIONAL FESTIVAL ORCHESTRA led by Sally Robinson – at the Organ will be Alan Horsey and Overgate’s Music Director, Dr Simon Lindley, conducts. This, the first event of 2020, will be the first performance of Messiah since 2015 by the Overgate Choir, in which year the work was presented in the Autumn at Halifax Minster. MARY’S MEALS - JOANNA MOORHEAD ARTICLES There are a number of folders left in the coffee lounge intended for perusal over coffee (or you may take them away to read privately but please return). Joanna is becoming quite prolific at the moment and an article appearing in the Guardian Journal last week has now been included. John and Bernadette Gibson on behalf of Mary’s Meals SUPERVISION ROTA – JANUARY 2020 - “ALL ARE WELCOME” TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY FEB 4 TH 6 TH 7 TH KATHLEEN GREEN NICK BURCHNALL KERRY ROWE HELEN GAVAGHAN FR JOHN MAGGIE PENNINGTON 11 TH JEAN MARSH 13 TH DEBORAH ROLLAND 14 TH CATHY DUFFY DAVID MARSH KAY PIERCE JOHN DUFFY 18 TH GEZ HODGSON 20 TH NICK BURCHNALL 21 ST DORIS MOORHEAD BARBARA BOTTOMLEY JO WOODHEAD 25 TH MARILYN SWANN 27 TH RAPHAEL BENOIT 28 TH JANET ALMOND ROGER MASTERS FR JOHN MAUREEN FLYNN FLOWER ROTA 2 ND FEBRUARY LIZ GODFREY 9 TH FEBRUARY EDNA HARWOOD Please give your donation to Doris Moorhead. Thank you. CALDERDALE DROP- IN FOOD AND SUPPORT CENTRE What we need:- • Washing powder • Instant coffee • Size 4,5 & 6 nappies • Tinned meals • Baby wipes • Tinned vegetables • Bars of chocolate • Tinned meat • Warm gloves • Tinned fish • Warm socks • Washing up liquid • Bath towels • Shampoo • Bedding • Shower gel Monetary donations are also very welcome and save us valuable time. Cheques made payable to Christians Toge ther Calderdale, please write ‘Drop In’ on reverse. Volunteering If you would like to help, please call in on Thursday or Saturday, 8.30am to 12noon, or email: The box for donations is still in the entrance to Good Shepherd church. Thank you for your ongoing generosity. Barry Geldard


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