3 Sept. 2010 Concept Paper ARF registration scheme for DR Capabilities 1 Introduction The Asia-Pacific Region suffers from various natural disasters. When hit by large-scale disaster,, it would be very difficult for the affected country alone to effectively respond to the tremendous emergency humanitarian needs. At the 13th ARF in Kuala Lumpur on 28 July 2006, the Ministers adopted the ARF Statement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response, which stipulates that ARF participating countries will endeavor to enhance cooperation that supports and complements existing regional and international disaster management and emergency response mechanisms. Since then, the ARF has worked together to develop the Strategic Guidance for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief, which is being finalized. ASEAN, as the driving force of the ARF, has been developing the Standard Operating Procedure for Regional Standby Arrangement and Coordination of Joint Disaster Relief and Emergency Response Operations (SASOP). Recently, the ASEAN Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Center) has become operational on an interim basis. When the affected country seeks assistance from other countries, it would be convenient if the affected country can overview the information on the disaster relief capabilities of neighboring countries. Thus, Japan proposes that ARF starts consideration of establishing an ARF registration scheme for DR capabilities. 2 Proposed approaches: ARF registration scheme for DR Capabilities - The ARF registration scheme for DR Capabilities provides the member states with the information on what disaster relief capabilities are available in what member states with a view to improving readiness at the regional level. The ARF registration scheme consists of voluntary and non-binding registration of - civilian and military capabilities for DR, information-sharing regarding disaster relief, as well as maintenance and updating of the registered capabilities and information regarding disaster relief. Both the registered capabilities and information regarding disaster relief will be - uploaded on an online database. This database will function along the following lines: � Member states register their civilian and military capabilities for DR on a voluntary basis. � The database will be regularly updated.
-Actual deployment will be based on requests from or consent of the affected state and be at the discretion of the assisting states. -After this scheme is in operation, ARF member countries may wish to conduct exercises or training by utilizing it.. - Cooperation with the AHA Center could be discussed. - If necessary, Japan will consider further utilization of the scheme. - Close cooperation with the UNOCHA should be assured. The UNOCHA has been renovating its asset registration system on a global level. Therefore, our proposal will assist the UNOCHA-led system at the regional level. If you have any comments or questions, please send e-mail to the following e-mail addresses until 30th September, 2010. Mr. Hirohisa MORI Director, International Security Policy Office, International Policy Division, MOD Tel +81-3-3268-3111 ex. 20395 Fax +81-3-5261-5120 E-mail morihir@mod.go.jp Mr. Katsuhisa SATO Assistant Director, International Policy Division, MOD Tel +81-3-3268-3111 ex. 20394 Fax +81-3-5261-5120 E-mail satoukat@mod.go.jp Ms. Chika KOIKE Official, National Security Policy Division, Foreign Policy Division, MOFA Tel+81-3-5501-8210 Fax+81-3-5501-8211 E-mail chika.koike@mofa.go.jp
ARF ISM ARF-ISM JPN Bangkok, 3 September 2010 Concept of AR p RF Registration g Scheme e for DR Mi i t Ministry of Defense, Japan f D f J
How can we conduct effi icient and effective DR? Asia Pacific Region 1978 ~ 2007 ・ Difficult for one country to respond More than 40% of the world’s natural disasters to a large-scale natural disaster About 90% of the world’s disaster related casualties About 90% of the world s disaster-related casualties ・ Quick response necessary Large Scale Natural Disasters since1990 ・ Sharing experiences and know-how Sharing experiences and know how 2005 2010 ・ Coordination among international Pakistan Pakistan relief teams relief teams 1995 Kobe 1993 India 2008 Sichuan 2001 2001 India 1999 1991 Multilateral cooperation India Earthquake The Philippines 1991 Bangladesh 2008 Typhoon 2006 Myanmar 2004 Cyclone Java Sumatra 2009 Flood Padang 2
How to realize Regiona al Cooperation for DR AADMER ASEAN ARDiEx ・ SASOP ・ AHA Center ARF Statement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response ARF General Guidelines for DR Cooperation ARF Strategic Guidance for HADR ARF ARF DiREx ARF Multilateral Registration Scheme for DR
Concept of ARF Registrati Concept of ARF Registrati ion Scheme for DR (Image) ion Scheme for DR (Image) Country E Country E Country D Country D Country C Country C Country F Country F ARF Registration n Scheme for DR Main Functions - Voluntary and non-bi inding registration of civilian and military c capabilities for DR Country G Country G Country B Country B - Information-sharing reg arding DR - Maintenance and updati Maintenance and updati ing of relief asset database ing of relief asset database - Exercise or training usin ng the registered capabilities and informa ation regarding DR Country A Country A Country H Country H Governm ment of disaster-affec cted country 4
To the N To the N Next Step Next Step 2010 Sep. 2010 Sep. Proposal of Proposal of the Concept the Concept Welcoming the comments on the concept from the member countries i
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