computing from projections of random points a dense

Computing from projections of random points: A dense hierarchy of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Computing from projections of random points: A dense hierarchy of subideals of the K -trivial degrees Noam Greenberg Victoria University of Wellington 22 nd June 2015 Joint work with Joe Miller and Andre Nies Background: K -triviality,

  1. Computing from projections of random points: A dense hierarchy of subideals of the K -trivial degrees Noam Greenberg Victoria University of Wellington 22 nd June 2015 Joint work with Joe Miller and Andre Nies

  2. Background: K -triviality, covering, cost

  3. K -triviality Theorem (Nies;Nies,Hirschfeldt;Nies,Hirschfeldt,Stephan) The following are equivalent for A P 2 ω : 1. A is K-trivial: K p A æ n q “ ` K p n q ; 2. A is low for K: K A “ ` K; 3. A is low for ML randomness: MLR A “ MLR H ; 4. A is a base for ML randomness: A ď T Z for some Z P MLR A . Solovay proved that there are noncomputable K -trivial sets; Zambella constructed a c.e. K -trivial set; Muchnik constructed a set which is low for K ; Kuˇ cera and Terwijn constructed a set which is low for ML randomness.

  4. Structure of K -triviality Theorem (Chaitin;Nies;Downey,Hirschfeldt,Nies,Stephan) 1. There are only countably many K-trivial sets. 2. The K-trivial sets induce a Σ 0 3 ideal in the Turing degrees. 3. This ideal is c.e.-generated. 4. Every K-trivial set is superlow.

  5. Covering Theorem (Kuˇ cera;Hirschfeldt,Miller) Every ∆ 0 2 random sequence computes a noncomputable c.e. set; indeed a random computes a noncomputable c.e. set if and only if it is not weakly 2 random. Theorem (Hirschfeldt,Nies,Stephan) If A is c.e. and computable from an incomplete random sequence then A is K-trivial. Theorem (Bienvenu,Day,Greenberg,Kuˇ cera,Miller,Nies,Turetsky) If A is K-trivial then A is computable from some incomplete random sequence.

  6. Stronger variants of covering Theorem (Kuˇ cera) If Z is a ∆ 0 2 random sequence then there is a noncomputable c.e. set, computable from both halves of Z. Note that both halves are low. Question (Stephan) 1. Is every K -trivial set computable from a low random sequence? 2. Is every K -trivial set computable from both halves of a random sequence? Theorem (Bienvenu,Greenberg,Kuˇ cera,Nies,Turetsky) No and no. Question What K -trivial sets are computable from both halves of a random?

  7. Cost functions How would you answer this question? What are ways to characterise subclasses of the K -trivials? Most characterisations of K -triviality are extremal. Theorem (Nies) A set A is K-trivial if and only if there is a computable approximation x A s y of A such that ÿ ` ˘ Ω s ´ Ω | A s ´ 1 ^ A s | s ă ω is finite. We say that A obeys the cost function c Ω p x q “ Ω ´ Ω x .

  8. 1 { 2-bases

  9. 1 { 2 -bases Theorem The following are equivalent for a set A: 1. A is a 1 { 2 -base: it is computable from both halves of a random sequence. 2. A is computable from both halves of Chaitin’s Ω . 3. A obeys the cost function c Ω , 1 { 2 p x q “ ? Ω ´ Ω x . Theorem The collection of 1 { 2 -bases induces a Σ 0 3 -ideal in the Turing degrees, generated by its c.e. elements; the two halves of Chaitin’s Ω form an exact pair for this ideal. Theorem (with Turetsky) A c.e. set is a 1 { 2 -base if and only if it is computable from one of the halves of Chaitin’s Ω .

  10. Where does the square root come from? First direction: 1. The halves of Chaitin’s Ω are captured by a 1 { 2-Oberwolfach test: a test x G σ y (where σ P 2 ă ω ), nested, such that λ p G σ q ď 2 ´ n { 2 ; the null set is Ş æ n . n G Ω 2. A 1 { 2-Oberwolfach test can be covered by a c Ω , 1 { 2 -bounded test: a weak 2-test x U n y such that λ p U n q ď c Ω , 1 { 2 p n q . 3. Generalised Kuˇ cera: if A obeys c then A is computable from any random set which is captured by a c -bounded test.

  11. Second direction: hungry sets As a warmup, we sketch a direct argument showing that a c.e. K -trivial set obeys c Ω . Let A be K -trivial; let Z be an A -random sequence which computes A : Φ p Z q “ A . What we want: a process of confirmation of initial segments of A : at stage s we believe that A s æ k is correct. The idea: τ is believed if many oracles compute it. We build “hungry sets” G τ with the properties: § G τ Ď Φ ´ 1 r τ s ; § They are pairwise disjoint; § The goal for G τ is Ω | τ |` 1 ´ Ω | τ | .

  12. Hungry sets: how they are useful Suppose that every true initial segment of A is eventually confirmed. Our speedup of the enumeration of A is a seuqnece s 0 ă s 1 ă s 2 ă . . . sucht that A s æ n is confirmed at stage s n . Let n ă ω . The cost of the change from A s n to A s n ` 1 is Ω n ` 1 ´ Ω k , where k “ | A s n ^ A s n ` 1 | . We charge this cost against the measure of G A sn æ k ` 1 Y G A sn æ k ` 2 Y ¨ ¨ ¨ Y G A sn æ n . These sets are pairwise disjoint across n ’s.

  13. Hungry sets: how to get them Recursively fill G τ from Φ ´ 1 r τ s ; when it is satiated, move to the next extension of τ . Suppose some τ ă A is the least which is not confirmed. This means that Φ ´ 1 r τ s Ď G τ æ 0 Y G τ æ 1 Y ¨ ¨ ¨ Y G τ . So ď Z P G τ . τ ă A The measure of the union is bounded by Ω . Doing this over with constants ǫ ą 0 shows that Z is not A -random.

  14. Hungry sets: two oracles We adapt this hungry sets argument to 1 { 2-bases. Now we have Z 1 and Z 2 , relatively random; and Φ i p Z i q “ A for i “ 1 , 2. Our hungry sets G τ will be subsets of Φ ´ 1 1 r τ s ˆ Φ ´ 1 2 r τ s . We are aiming to capture the random point p Z 1 , Z 2 q . Main idea: Suppose that τ is believed: λ p G τ q “ Ω | τ |` 1 ´ Ω | τ | . Then either the projection π 1 p G τ q or π 2 p G τ q has measure a Ω | τ |` 1 ´ Ω | τ | .

  15. Hungry sets: problems Problem: can’t keep the projections disjoint. Z 2 p Z 1 , Z 2 q Z 1

  16. Hungry sets: solutions Say τ ă τ 1 , τ still appears correct at stage s but τ 1 suddenly not. The idea is to extract oracles mapping to τ 1 from G τ and refill it with new stuff: need to re-certify. This would give us a difference test capturing p Z 1 , Z 2 q .

  17. Difference tests Definition (Franklin,Ng) A difference test is a test of the form x U n X P y where P is a Π 0 1 class (an effectively closed set), U n are uniformly c.e. and λ p U n X P q ď 2 ´ n . Theorem (Franklin,Ng) The following are equivalent for a random sequence Z: 1. Z is captured by some difference test; 2. Z is complete: Z ě T H 1 .

  18. Lebesgue density Recall that the (lower) density of P at Z is lim inf n Ñ8 λ p P | Z æ n q . Theorem (Bienvenu,Hölzl,Miller,Nies) The following are equivalent for a random sequence Z and a Π 0 1 class P: 1. Z is captured by a difference test based on P; 2. P has density 0 at Z.

  19. Back to the solution So we got a difference test capturing p Z 1 , Z 2 q . But p Z 1 , Z 2 q could be complete, so where’s the contradiction? Observe that in this case our effectively closed set is the product class P 1 ˆ P 2 : P i is the class of oracles found to compute A incorrectly via Φ i . So the density of P 1 ˆ P 2 at p Z 1 , Z 2 q is zero. But then either P 1 has zero density at Z 1 , or P 2 has zero density at Z 2 . So some Z i ě T H 1 . And then Z 1 ´ i is 2-random and cannot compute A . § Other problems when A is not c.e.

  20. p -bases

  21. k { n -bases Let us generalise. Definition A set A is a k { n -base if there is a random tuple p Z 1 , Z 2 , . . . , Z n q such that A is computable from the join of any k of the Z i ’s.

  22. k { n -bases Theorem The following are equivalent for a set A: 1. A is a k { n-base. 2. A is a k { n-base, witnessed by Chaitin’s Ω . 3. A obeys the cost function c Ω , k { n p x q “ p Ω ´ Ω x q k { n . Theorem The collection of k { n-bases induces a Σ 0 3 -ideal in the Turing degrees, generated by its c.e. elements. Corollary Every 1 { 2 -base is a 2 { 4 -base. Theorem (with Turetsky) A c.e. set is a k { n-base if and only if it is computable from some k { n part of Ω .

  23. F -bases An even more general notion turns out to be useful, for example in classifying “cyclic” k { n -bases. Joe will discuss.

  24. Other results

  25. Other ideals For p P p 0 , 1 q X Q , let B p be the collection of p -bases. § if p ă q then B p Ĺ B q . For r P r 0 , 1 s let § B ă r “ Ť p ă r B p ; and § B ą r “ Ş p ą r B p . Both are ideals. Proposition B ă r ‰ B ą r if and only if r is left- Π 0 3 .

  26. 1 { ω -bases Theorem The following are equivalent for a set A: 1. There is an infinite random sequence p Z 1 , Z 2 , . . . q such that A is computable from each Z i . 2. There is a computable partition of Ω into infinitely many columns such that A is computable from each column. 3. There is an infinite sequence p Z 1 , Z 2 , . . . q such that the join of any finitely many Z i is random, and such that A is computable from each Z i . 4. A P B ą 0 .

  27. Robust computability For X , Y Ď ω write X „ Y if |p X △ Y q X n | “ 0 . lim n n Ñ8 Definition (Hirschfeldt,Jockusch,Kuyper,Schupp) A is robustly reducible to Z if A ď T Y for all Y „ Z . Theorem The following are equivalent for a set A: 1. A is robustly reducible to a random set; 2. A is robustly reducible to Ω ; 3. For some ǫ ą 0 , A is computable from every Y such that the density of Y △ Ω is at most ǫ ; 4. A P B ă 1 . Hirschfedlt et al. proved p 2 q ô p 3 q and p 1 q ñ p 4 q .

  28. LR-hardness A set Z is LR-hard if MLR Z Ď MLR H 1 . This is equivalent to being almost everywhere dominating (Kjos-Hanssen,Miller,Solomon). Theorem Every set in B ă 1 (and more) is computable from every LR-hard random set. Question Is every K -trivial set computable from every LR-hard random set?


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