computational models of discourse texttiling

Computational Models of Discourse: TextTiling Caroline Sporleder - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Computational Models of Discourse: TextTiling Caroline Sporleder Universit at des Saarlandes Sommersemester 2009 13.05.2009 Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse Text Segmentation . . .

  1. Computational Models of Discourse: TextTiling Caroline Sporleder Universit¨ at des Saarlandes Sommersemester 2009 13.05.2009 Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  2. Text Segmentation . . . indentification of (sub-)topic shifts Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  3. Text Segmentation Example Penicillin is a group of beta-lactam antibiotics used in the treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible, usually Gram-positive, organisms. The discovery of penicillin is usually attributed to Scot- tish scientist Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928. Fleming noticed a halo of inhibition of bacterial growth around a contaminant blue-green mold Staphylococcus plate culture. Fleming concluded that the mold was releasing a substance that was inhibiting bacterial growth and lysing the bacteria. Common adverse drug reactions associated with use of the penicillins include: diarrhea, nausea, rash, urticaria, and/or superinfection (including candidiasis). Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  4. Text Segmentation Example Penicillin is a group of beta-lactam antibiotics used in the treatment of bacterial infections caused by susceptible, usually Gram-positive, organisms. The discovery of penicillin is usually attributed to Scot- tish scientist Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928. Fleming noticed a halo of inhibition of bacterial growth around a contaminant blue-green mold Staphylococcus plate culture. Fleming concluded that the mold was releasing a substance that was inhibiting bacterial growth and lysing the bacteria. Common adverse drug reactions associated with use of the penicillins include: diarrhea, nausea, rash, urticaria, and/or superinfection (including candidiasis). Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  5. Identifying Sub-Topic Boundaries Why not simply use paragraph boundaries or section headings? not all paragraph boundaries reflect topic changes (Stark 1988) paragraphing conventions are genre-dependent (e.g., news texts) subsections often too large ⇒ segmentation into multi-paragraph units Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  6. Identifying Sub-Topic Boundaries Why not simply use paragraph boundaries or section headings? not all paragraph boundaries reflect topic changes (Stark 1988) paragraphing conventions are genre-dependent (e.g., news texts) subsections often too large ⇒ segmentation into multi-paragraph units Applications Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  7. Identifying Sub-Topic Boundaries Why not simply use paragraph boundaries or section headings? not all paragraph boundaries reflect topic changes (Stark 1988) paragraphing conventions are genre-dependent (e.g., news texts) subsections often too large ⇒ segmentation into multi-paragraph units Applications hypertext display information retrieval text summarisation Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  8. Sub-Topic Segmentation Methods Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  9. Sub-Topic Segmentation Methods find linguistic markers for “topic-shift” adverbial clauses and prosodic markers (Brown & Yule, 1983) certain (discourse) markers: oh, well, ok, however (Litman & Passonneau, 1995) pronoun reference structure (Passonneau & Litman, 1993) tense and aspect (Webber 1987) distribution of lexical chains distribution of lexical items (Hearst 1997) (for expository texts) Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  10. Sub-Topic Segmentation Methods find linguistic markers for “topic-shift” adverbial clauses and prosodic markers (Brown & Yule, 1983) certain (discourse) markers: oh, well, ok, however (Litman & Passonneau, 1995) pronoun reference structure (Passonneau & Litman, 1993) tense and aspect (Webber 1987) distribution of lexical chains distribution of lexical items (Hearst 1997) (for expository texts) Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  11. TextTiling (Hearst, 1997) Main Hypothesis “. . . when [a] subtopic changes, a significant proportion of the vocabulary changes as well.” (Hearst, 1997, p. 40) ⇒ related to segmentation with lexical chains but “shallower” (thus easier to compute) Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  12. Text Structure Types (Skorochod’ko 1972) Compute word overlap between sentences and look at distribution of highly connected sentences: chained ringed monolithic piecewise Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  13. TextTiling (Hearst, 1997) Example: Stargazer text (life on earth and other planets) Segments: 1 Intro: search for life in space (paragraphs 1–3) 2 The moon’s chemical composition (4–5) 3 How early earth-moon proximity shaped the moon (6–8) 4 How the moon helped life evolve on earth (9–12) 5 Improbability of the earth-moon system (13) 6 Binary/trinary star systems make life unlikely (14–16) 7 The low probability of nonbinary/trinary systems (17–18) 8 Properties of earth’s sun that facilitate life (19–20) 9 Summary (21) Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  14. Distribution of Terms Distribution of terms in Stargazer (Hearst 1997, p. 42) Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  15. Distribution of Terms frequent terms (e.g., moon ): main topic less frequent but uniformly distributed terms ( scientist ): neutral terms that cluster ( binary ): indicative of sub-topic boundaries ⇒ need to find clusters Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  16. Comparing adjacent text blocks Aim Determine which sentence boundaries correspond to sub-topic boundaries. compute lexical score for the gap between pairs of text blocks. text blocks contain k adjacent sentences and act as moving windows low lexical scores preceded and followed by high lexical scores may indicate topic shifts Lexical Score Three possibilities: dot product of word vectors (tf.idf weighting found not to work so well) vocabulary introduction lexical chains Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  17. Comparing adjacent text blocks Hearst (1997), p. 44: Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  18. The TextTiling Algorithm Three main steps: 1 Tokenisation: tokenisation stop word removal stemming splitting text in equal-size “pseudo-sentences” (token sequences) 2 Computing Lexical Score set block size k (i.e., size of moving window) ≈ avg. paragraph length compute score 3 Boundary Identification assign a depth score to each token sequence gap i (find peak at left hand side l and peak at right hand side r , depth − score ( i ) = score ( l ) − score ( i ) + score ( r ) − score ( i )) smooth scores minor heuristics for boundary assignment (prevent boundaries that are too close, mover boundaries to paragraph breaks) sort boundary scores and assign top n boundaries Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  19. Determining Boundaries Hearst (1997), p. 51 Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  20. Applying the algorithm to Stargazers Hearst (1997), p. 55 Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  21. Evaluation Manually created gold standard seven annotators for 12 articles inter-annotator agreement: kappa score of .647 Kappa Score K = P ( A ) − P ( E ) 1 − P ( E ) where P ( A ) is the proportion of times that the annotators agree and P ( E ) the proportion of times that they would be expected to agree by chance. Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  22. Evaluation Algorithm parameters block/window size number of words in a token sequence smoothing parameters number of boundaries to assign ⇒ ideally optimise on development set Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  23. Evaluation Hearst (1997), p. 56 Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

  24. And after TextTiling? Other work on text segmentation mostly also based on lexical overlap, e.g., Choi (2000): cosine between word vectors of adjacent sentences plus comparison of ranks typically evaluated on artificial data sets (join different texts and attempt to find the boundaries) What do you think about evalutation on artificial data sets? Caroline Sporleder Computational Models of Discourse

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