computational complexity

Computational Complexity Lecture 9 Alternation (Continued) 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Computational Complexity Lecture 9 Alternation (Continued) 1 ATM Guess 0 Guess 1 Guess 0 Guess 1 Guess 0 Guess 1 2 ATM Alternating Turing Machine Guess 0 Guess 1 Guess 0 Guess 1

  1. Recall Search using Decision Suppose given “oracles” for deciding all NP languages, can we easily find certificates? Yes! So, if decision easy (decision-oracles realizable), then search is easy too! Say, given x, need to find w s.t. (x,w) ∈ L ’ (if such w exists) consider L 1 in NP: (x,y) ∈ L 1 iff ∃ z s.t. (x,yz) ∈ L ’. (i.e., can y be a prefix of a certificate for x). Query L 1 -oracle with (x,0) and (x,1). If ∃ w, one of the two must be positive: say (x,0) ∈ L 1 ; then first bit of w be 0. For next bit query L 1 -oracle with (x,00) and (x,01) 13

  2. Recall Search using Decision Suppose given “oracles” for deciding all NP languages, can we easily find certificates? Yes! So, if decision easy (decision-oracles realizable), then Use L 2 so that (x,z,pad) search is easy too! in L 2 iff (x,z) in L 1 . Can query L 2 with same size Say, given x, need to find w s.t. (x,w) ∈ L ’ (if such w exists) instances consider L 1 in NP: (x,y) ∈ L 1 iff ∃ z s.t. (x,yz) ∈ L ’. (i.e., can y be a prefix of a certificate for x). Query L 1 -oracle with (x,0) and (x,1). If ∃ w, one of the two must be positive: say (x,0) ∈ L 1 ; then first bit of w be 0. For next bit query L 1 -oracle with (x,00) and (x,01) 13

  3. NP ⊆ P/log ⇒ NP=P Recall finding witness for an NP language is Turing reducible to deciding the language 14

  4. NP ⊆ P/log ⇒ NP=P Recall finding witness for an NP language is Turing reducible to deciding the language If NP ⊆ P/log, then for each L in NP, there is a poly-time TM with log advice which can find witness (via self- reduction) 14

  5. NP ⊆ P/log ⇒ NP=P Recall finding witness for an NP language is Turing reducible to deciding the language If NP ⊆ P/log, then for each L in NP, there is a poly-time TM with log advice which can find witness (via self- reduction) Guess advice (poly many), and for each guessed advice, run the TM and see if it finds witness 14

  6. NP ⊆ P/log ⇒ NP=P Recall finding witness for an NP language is Turing reducible to deciding the language If NP ⊆ P/log, then for each L in NP, there is a poly-time TM with log advice which can find witness (via self- reduction) Guess advice (poly many), and for each guessed advice, run the TM and see if it finds witness If no advice worked (one of them was correct), then input not in language 14

  7. NP ⊆ P/poly ⇒ PH= Σ 2P 15

  8. NP ⊆ P/poly ⇒ PH= Σ 2P Will show Π 2P = Σ 2P 15

  9. NP ⊆ P/poly ⇒ PH= Σ 2P Will show Π 2P = Σ 2P Consider L = {x| ∀ w 1 (x,w 1 ) ∈ L ’ } ∈ Π 2P where L ’ = {(x,w 1 )| ∃ w 2 F(x,w 1 ,w 2 )} ∈ NP 15

  10. NP ⊆ P/poly ⇒ PH= Σ 2P Will show Π 2P = Σ 2P Consider L = {x| ∀ w 1 (x,w 1 ) ∈ L ’ } ∈ Π 2P where L ’ = {(x,w 1 )| ∃ w 2 F(x,w 1 ,w 2 )} ∈ NP If NP ⊆ P/poly then consider M with advice {A n } which finds witness for L ’: i.e. if (x,w 1 ) ∈ L ’, then M(x,w 1 ; A n ) outputs a witness w 2 s.t. F(x,w 1 ,w 2 ) 15

  11. NP ⊆ P/poly ⇒ PH= Σ 2P Will show Π 2P = Σ 2P Consider L = {x| ∀ w 1 (x,w 1 ) ∈ L ’ } ∈ Π 2P where L ’ = {(x,w 1 )| ∃ w 2 F(x,w 1 ,w 2 )} ∈ NP If NP ⊆ P/poly then consider M with advice {A n } which finds witness for L ’: i.e. if (x,w 1 ) ∈ L ’, then M(x,w 1 ; A n ) outputs a witness w 2 s.t. F(x,w 1 ,w 2 ) L = {x| ∃ z ∀ w 1 F(x, w 1 , M(x,w 1 ; z)) } 15

  12. Boolean Circuits 16

  13. Boolean Circuits Non-uniformity: circuit family {C n } 16

  14. Boolean Circuits Non-uniformity: circuit family {C n } Given non-uniform computation (M,{A n }), can define equivalent {C n } 16

  15. Boolean Circuits Non-uniformity: circuit family {C n } A n ,q 0 x (x,A n ) Given non-uniform computation (M,{A n }), can define equivalent {C n } 16

  16. Boolean Circuits Non-uniformity: circuit family {C n } A n ,q 0 x (x,A n ) Given non-uniform computation (M,{A n }), can define equivalent {C n } Advice A n is hard-wired into circuit C n 16

  17. Boolean Circuits Non-uniformity: circuit family {C n } A n ,q 0 x (x,A n ) Given non-uniform computation (M,{A n }), can define equivalent {C n } Advice A n is hard-wired into circuit C n Size of circuit polynomially related to running time of TM 16

  18. Boolean Circuits Non-uniformity: circuit family {C n } A n ,q 0 x (x,A n ) Given non-uniform computation (M,{A n }), can define equivalent {C n } S i = z e n o Advice A n is hard-wired into . w o i f r e circuit C n s Size of circuit polynomially related to running time of TM 16

  19. Boolean Circuits Non-uniformity: circuit family {C n } A n ,q 0 x (x,A n ) Given non-uniform computation (M,{A n }), can define equivalent {C n } S i = z e n o Advice A n is hard-wired into . w o i f r e circuit C n s Size of circuit polynomially related to running time of TM Conversely, given {C n }, can use description of C n as advice A n for a “universal” TM 16

  20. Boolean Circuits Non-uniformity: circuit family {C n } A n ,q 0 x (x,A n ) Given non-uniform computation (M,{A n }), can define equivalent {C n } S i = z e n o Advice A n is hard-wired into . w o i f r e circuit C n s Size of circuit polynomially related to running time of TM Conversely, given {C n }, can use description of C n as advice A n for a “universal” TM |A n | comparable to size of circuit C n 16

  21. SIZE(T) 17

  22. SIZE(T) SIZE(T): languages solved by circuit families of size T(n) 17

  23. SIZE(T) SIZE(T): languages solved by circuit families of size T(n) P/poly = SIZE(poly) 17

  24. SIZE(T) SIZE(T): languages solved by circuit families of size T(n) P/poly = SIZE(poly) SIZE(poly) ⊆ P/poly: Size T circuit can be described in O(T log T) bits (advice). Universal TM can evaluate this circuit in poly time 17

  25. SIZE(T) SIZE(T): languages solved by circuit families of size T(n) P/poly = SIZE(poly) SIZE(poly) ⊆ P/poly: Size T circuit can be described in O(T log T) bits (advice). Universal TM can evaluate this circuit in poly time P/poly ⊆ SIZE(poly): Transformation from Cook’ s theorem, with advice string hardwired into circuit 17

  26. SIZE bounds 18

  27. SIZE bounds All languages (decidable or not) are in SIZE(T) for T=O(n2 n ) 18

  28. SIZE bounds All languages (decidable or not) are in SIZE(T) for T=O(n2 n ) Circuit encodes truth-table 18

  29. SIZE bounds All languages (decidable or not) are in SIZE(T) for T=O(n2 n ) Circuit encodes truth-table Most languages need circuits of size ! (2 n /n) 18

  30. SIZE bounds All languages (decidable or not) are in SIZE(T) for T=O(n2 n ) Circuit encodes truth-table Most languages need circuits of size ! (2 n /n) Number of circuits of size T is at most T 2T 18

  31. SIZE bounds All languages (decidable or not) are in SIZE(T) for T=O(n2 n ) Circuit encodes truth-table Most languages need circuits of size ! (2 n /n) Number of circuits of size T is at most T 2T If T = 2 n / 4n, say, T 2T < 2 (2^n)/2 18

  32. SIZE bounds All languages (decidable or not) are in SIZE(T) for T=O(n2 n ) Circuit encodes truth-table Most languages need circuits of size ! (2 n /n) Number of circuits of size T is at most T 2T If T = 2 n / 4n, say, T 2T < 2 (2^n)/2 Number of languages = 2 2^n 18

  33. SIZE hierarchy 19

  34. SIZE hierarchy SIZE(T’) ⊊ SIZE(T) if T= ! (t2 t ) and T’=O(2 t /t) 19

  35. SIZE hierarchy SIZE(T’) ⊊ SIZE(T) if T= ! (t2 t ) and T’=O(2 t /t) Consider functions on t bits (ignoring n-t bits) 19

  36. SIZE hierarchy SIZE(T’) ⊊ SIZE(T) if T= ! (t2 t ) and T’=O(2 t /t) Consider functions on t bits (ignoring n-t bits) All of them in SIZE(T), most not in SIZE(T’) 19

  37. Uniform Circuits 20

  38. Uniform Circuits Circuits are interesting for their structure too (not just size)! 20

  39. Uniform Circuits Circuits are interesting for their structure too (not just size)! Uniform circuit family: constructed by a TM 20

  40. Uniform Circuits Circuits are interesting for their structure too (not just size)! Uniform circuit family: constructed by a TM Undecidable languages are undecidable for these circuits families 20

  41. Uniform Circuits Circuits are interesting for their structure too (not just size)! Uniform circuit family: constructed by a TM Undecidable languages are undecidable for these circuits families Can relate their complexity classes to classes defined using TMs 20

  42. Uniform Circuits Circuits are interesting for their structure too (not just size)! Uniform circuit family: constructed by a TM Undecidable languages are undecidable for these circuits families Can relate their complexity classes to classes defined using TMs Logspace-uniform: 20

  43. Uniform Circuits Circuits are interesting for their structure too (not just size)! Uniform circuit family: constructed by a TM Undecidable languages are undecidable for these circuits families Can relate their complexity classes to classes defined using TMs Logspace-uniform: An O(log n) space TM can compute the circuit 20


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