complex distillation systems theory and models

Complex distillation systems. Theory and models. Pio Aguirre - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Complex distillation systems. Theory and models. Pio Aguirre INGAR Santa Fe-Argentina Outline 1.- Introduction. 2.- Theory in simple columns design. 3.- Reversible distillation columns and sequences. 4.- Optimal synthesis distillation

  1. Complex distillation systems. Theory and models. Pio Aguirre INGAR Santa Fe-Argentina

  2. Outline 1.- Introduction. 2.- Theory in simple columns design. 3.- Reversible distillation columns and sequences. 4.- Optimal synthesis distillation columns sequences.

  3. 1.- Introduction. Mathematical models in Distillation ⇒ predict values: Product composition for F (x F ) Minimum energy demand Rmin Minimum number of stages Nmin Relationship R/Rmin vs N/Nmin Mathematical models for: Process optimization, design, synthesis. Process control. Process fault diagnosis. Interest in Distillation grows because of: Energy intensive process: Petrochemical, Biofuels. New processes. Complex sequences: energy intensive. Reactive distillation: equipment intensive. Reactive-extractive distillation. High improvement potentials in distillation processes.

  4. 1.- Introduction. Different mathematical models according to their sizes: Aggregated (reduced): minimal information. Simple analytical formulae. Short cuts: few equations but require numerical solution. Rigorous: conservation laws, thermodynamics and constitutive models. Trade off: size and complexity vs. information. Limitations: Rigorous models ⇒ general purpose. Simple and reduced models ⇒ especial cases.

  5. 1.- Introduction Fundamental concepts in distillation Models components: Mass balances V-L equilibrium Energy balances Very exact descriptions using rigorous models for distillations Concepts derived from distillation theory: Pinch points Residue curves Distillation points

  6. 2.- Theory in simple columns design. Mathematical models. Minimum energy demand. Minimum number of stages. Thermodynamic aspects V-L Equilibrium Ideal Mixtures T vs X(Y), P=cte. diagram = K = K ( x , y , T , P ) P ( T ); i i i = 1 , ... i NC = y K ( T ) x i i i

  7. 2.- Theory in simple columns design. Simple columns. Mathematical models. Minimum energy demand. Minimum number of stages. Assumptions: Constant relative volatility and Constant difference in vaporization enthalpy ⇓ Constant Molar Overflow (CMO) ⇓ Straight operating line, decoupling mass and energy balances Y vs X diagram

  8. Computing minimum energy demand. Constant molar overflow ⇒ Operating points belong to Straight lines Tray by tray calculations, equilibrium stages

  9. Minimum energy demand. Pinch at Feed tray. The number of stages increases at the feed location.

  10. Minimum number of stages. Total reflux = Distillation points X k ⇒ VLE ⇒ Y k * = X k+1 ⇒ VLE ⇒ Y * k+1 = X k+2 …

  11. V-L Equilibrium Non- Ideal Mixtures X vs Y ; P=cte. diagram K = K ( x , y , T , P ) i i = γ ( x , T ) P ( T ); i i Constant molar overflow?.

  12. Multicomponent systems. Adiabatic Column. Constant pressure. Rigorous simulation. Liquid composition profiles A B 0,8 C Pinch points? Feed Stage: 42 0,7 0,6 Fraccion Molar 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Stages Composition profiles ( F, i = 0.33/ 0.33/ 0.34 - D, i = 0.7946/ 0.205/ 0 - B, i = 0/0.4184/0.5815 - p = 101.3 Kpa ) n-pentane, n-hexane and n-heptane

  13. Ternary systems. Adiabatic Column. Constant pressure. Liquid composition profiles. Rigorous simulation. (1) Specifying a liquid product composition (B) and the reboil ratio, the succession of liquid composition tray- 5 tray profile can be computed. 4 Increasing Reboil Ratio 3 The liquid profile approaches a pinch point. 2 The number of stages ⇒ ∞ at each 1 point: 1, 2, … Adiabatic Stripping Profile B (3) (2)

  14. Ternary systems. Adiabatic Column. Constant pressure. Liquid composition profiles Specifying: F 1) liquid product composition (B) 2) reboil ratio value Pinch * L * V * 3) equilibrium between L* and V*, a liquid composition can be computed. Changing reboil ratio ⇒ different pinch point composition (1) B 5 4 Increasing Reversible = Collection of Reboil Ratio 3 Profile Pinch 2 Reversible 1 Adiabatic Profile Stripping B Profile (3) (2)

  15. Reversible path for a bottom: distillative alcoholic mixture. Reversible Profile Adiabatic Profiles

  16. Reversible path for a bottom: distillative alcoholic mixture. Starting from product D (T D ) and increasing reboil ratio, the profile is computed. Temperature and Energy results from the reversible profile. Temperature Reversible Path Energy

  17. Acetone Acetone Azeotrope Acetone-Chloroform Disjunct Arm Reversible Profile Chloroform Benzene Benzene Reversible path for a bottom (B): azeotropic system. Points computed with newton homotopy.

  18. 3.- Reversible distillation columns and sequences. Specifying: 1) Feed composition, 2) product compositions B and D satisfying total mass balance, D rev 2) reboil and reflux ratios satisfying total energy balance, Q C rev 3) equilibrium between L* and V* and between L and V, V L F liquid composition profiles can be computed. * L * V * PINCH CURVES, PINCH PATHS, Q H rev REVERSIBLE PROFILES, REVERSIBLE PATHS, ETC. NO ASSUMPTION ON V-L EQUILIBRIUM AND ON ENTHALPY MODELS

  19. 3.- Reversible distillation columns and sequences. , = Equilibrium PINCH EQUATIONS y K x i s i , s i , s L x + D x = V y Mass balances s i , s i , D s i , s Given: L + D = V Energy balance s s X D , Y D , P, T D and Q D + at least one liquid composition L h + D h Q = V h s L , s D D s V , s can be computed: X ,s s ∈ S: set of different kinds of pinches . ( , , , ) K = K x y T p i i i , s i , s s s NO ASSUMPTION ON V-L EQUILIBRIUM AND ON h = h ( x , T , p ) L , s L , s i , s s s ENTHALPY MODELS h = h ( y , T , p ) V V i , s s s p = p Constant pressure Thermodynamic Properties s C

  20. 3.- Reversible distillation columns and sequences. Pinch profiles for products B and D. Mass balance line: B-F-D Pinch points satisfying total energy balance. Reversible Profile from B NO ASSUMPTION ON V-L EQUILIBRIUM AND ON MOLAR FLOWS Reversible Profile from D

  21. Pinch profiles for products B and D. Mass balance line: B-F-D Moving F : Reversible specification NO ASSUMPTION ON V-L EQUILIBRIUM AND Reversible Profile from B ON MOLAR FLOWS Reversible specification Reversible profiles intersect at feed Reversible composition Profile from D

  22. Pinch profiles for products B and D. Sharp splits. Adiabatic profiles and pinch profiles. Pinch points → critical points for the adiabatic profiles NO ASSUMPTION ON V-L EQUILIBRIUM AND ON Reversible Profile MOLAR FLOWS from Bottom Stable pinch Saddle pinch Reversible Profile from Top Adiabatic Profiles Axis – Binary Reversible Profile

  23. D rev, max (1) Upper Q C, rev min D rev, max Saddle Pinch Point y * F Double Pinch Point F Lower Saddle Q H, rev (2) (3) Pinch Point B rev, max B rev, max Reversible Distillation. (Sharp). For each feed composition, there exists a special, “preferred” specification. V-L equilibrium vector (Y*-X*) belongs to Mass balance line: D-F-B. NO ASSUMPTION ON V-L EQUILIBRIUM AND ON MOLAR FLOWS

  24. Reversible distillation. For each feed composition, there exists a special “preferred” product specification set. Other product specifications ⇒ Non reversible distillation (1 col.) Are pinch points always “observable” in adiabatic columns profiles? It depends on feed and product specification and on RR. Non sharp in this figure. D rev (1) Q > Q C, rev D rev F y * F Lower Saddle Pinch Point Q > Q H, rev (3) (2) B rev, max B rev, max

  25. Reversible distillation. (Y* - X*) � B-F-D ⇒ Reversible specification “Observable” pinch in adiabatic column. Double feed pinch. Adiabatic profile shape is determined by the pinch point. Adiabatic Profiles

  26. Non Reversible distillation. (X* - Y*) ⊈ B-F-D Pinch topology. Specifying reflux and reboil ratios Three pinches for D → upper triangle Three pinches for B → lower triangle Minimum reflux ⇒ pinch triangles touch each other at Feed composition Note: some pinches outside: x b <0

  27. Residue curves Acetone distillation lines Pinch profiles and Residue curves dominate distillation theory. Distillation boundary (DB) Not possible to cross DB at total reflux Benzene Chloroform

  28. d ( V x ) − i = F y Vap i dt dV − Residue curves = F Vap dt K x = y i i i F vap ; Y; T; P d x − − i V = F ( y x ) Vap i i dt dV − = F Vap dt K x = y i i i V; X; T; P

  29. Residue curves / distillation lines Acetone Azeotropic system with no distillation boundary Benzene Heptane

  30. Ternary systems Residue curves divide the simplex in two regions. One region may be convex. Adiabatic profiles only cross residue curves to the locally convex side when going from products to feed.

  31. Improving energy distribution in Simple columns. Temperature – Energy Pinch profiles 1,20 rectifying section Reduce Temperature T/298·K stripping section 1,15 Cumulative energy profiles obtained from pinch equations. 1,10 Ideal three-component mixture 1,05 0 100 200 300 Cumulative Energy (KJ/s)

  32. Improving energy distribution in simple columns . Pinch path for 4-component mixture. # of paths into the simplex: 3

  33. Improving energy distribution in simple columns . Pinch path for 3-component mixture. # of paths into the simplex: 2 Which one should be used to approximate reversible profiles?


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