COMP2111 System Modelling and Design 1
Who are we? Lecturer in Charge: I am Dr. Christine Rizkallah, a lecturer at UNSW who works on, among other things, formal verification and programming languages. I work on several projects with Data61. Lecturer: Dr. Paul Hunter is a casual lecturer at UNSW who works on, among other things, theoretical computer science including algorithms and verification. Guest lecturer: Prof. Carroll Morgan works at UNSW and Data61. His research interests revolve around formal methods and information flow security. Course admin: Dr. Liam O’Connor is a casual academic at UNSW who works on formal methods and programming languages with various companies and the people at Data61. Tutors: Vivian Dang and Mathew Di Meglio who have both worked on programming languages and security at UNSW. 2
Contacting Us Forum There is a Piazza forum available on the website. Questions about course content should typically be made there. You can ask us private questions to avoid spoiling solutions to other students. I highly recommend disabling the Piazza Careers rubbish. Administrative questions should be sent to and . 3
What is this course about? Put the word engineering back into SE. Climb up the ladder of evolution: 1 Craft code that (provably) works according to specifications. 2 Cobble together code that passes a few tests. 3 Crap out code so it beats the compiler’s checks. 4
Course Structure The course content will be as follows (subject to change): Week 1: Calculating with Logic , Carroll Week 2: Discrete Maths Recap , Paul Week 3: Recursion and Induction , Paul Assignment 1 Week 4: Propositional Logic , Paul Assignment 1 due Week 5: First-Order Logic , Christine Assignment 2 Week 6: Flexibility Week Assignment 2 due Week 7: Lambda Calculus , Higher-Order Logic, Christine Week 8: Hoare Logic , Christine Assignment 3 Week 9*: Hoare Logic cont’d , Christine Assignment 3 due Week 10: State Machines , Automata, Paul Week 11*: Wrap-up, Revision , Christine *Monday Week 9 is a public holiday. Monday Week 11, there will be a lecture. 5
Assessment Warning For many of you, this course will present new topics. Even if you are a seasoned programmer, you may have to learn from scratch. Three assignments, each worth 10%. Weekly online quizzes (except weeks 6 and 11), worth 16%. Class participation, worth 4%. Final exam, worth 50%. 6
Resources Course website Short post by Liam O’Connor Books: E Lehman, FT Leighton, A Meyer: Mathematics for Computer Science C Morgan: Programming from Specifications John C. Reynolds: The Craft of Programming KA Ross and CR Wright,: Discrete Mathematics 7
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