COMMIT: Jon Meredith March 15, 2017
COMMIT is Live! We have had some WINS : • Very minimal member impact Each case has been identified and addressed quickly • Department ran an additional payment cycle on 3/ 6 • In the first week, we paid provider $100 million and processed 1 million claims • Department paid providers $81 million during the last payment cycle. 2
COMMIT is Live! • HPE Issues Call Center Issues Long wait times, as expected Calls are being disconnected HPE is hiring additional staff, increasing training and working on solving call drop issue Last week, HPE hosted daily webinars to address common questions 3
What’s HPE Doing to Help? 1. We know some providers have had challenges and we are working to address those challenges 2. S ome of these challenges are due to user error and we are increasing communications to better educate providers 3. S ome challenges are due to system configuration. The system is working as designed, but needs to be adj usted. 4. HPE is running nightly updates. 4
The Depart ment and HPE are working very closely t o ident if y needed f ixes and communicat ions. We are grat ef ul t o our providers and part ners f or t heir pat ience and collaborat ion as we work t hrough t his t ransit ion. 5
BIDM Updates • 15 years of legacy data from the old Xerox system is and will always be available in the new BIDM • Truven is loading six years of converted data from HPE into the BIDM • The converted data and new claims data will be available to external users on May 8 th • Additional BIDM capabilities will continue to be rolled out during the rest of 2017 6
PROVIDER PORTAL UPDATE • The provider portal is scheduled to be available on May 1 st . • Provisioning for RCCOs and Providers will begin at the end of this month • Enhancements to the portal will be ongoing 7
Questions? 8
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