
COMMIT: Jon Meredith March 15, 2017 COMMIT is Live! We have had - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

COMMIT: Jon Meredith March 15, 2017 COMMIT is Live! We have had some WINS : Very minimal member impact Each case has been identified and addressed quickly Department ran an additional payment cycle on 3/ 6 In the first week, we

  1. COMMIT: Jon Meredith March 15, 2017

  2. COMMIT is Live! We have had some WINS : • Very minimal member impact  Each case has been identified and addressed quickly • Department ran an additional payment cycle on 3/ 6 • In the first week, we paid provider $100 million and processed 1 million claims • Department paid providers $81 million during the last payment cycle. 2

  3. COMMIT is Live! • HPE Issues Call Center Issues  Long wait times, as expected  Calls are being disconnected  HPE is hiring additional staff, increasing training and working on solving call drop issue  Last week, HPE hosted daily webinars to address common questions 3

  4. What’s HPE Doing to Help? 1. We know some providers have had challenges and we are working to address those challenges 2. S ome of these challenges are due to user error and we are increasing communications to better educate providers 3. S ome challenges are due to system configuration. The system is working as designed, but needs to be adj usted. 4. HPE is running nightly updates. 4

  5. The Depart ment and HPE are working very closely t o ident if y needed f ixes and communicat ions. We are grat ef ul t o our providers and part ners f or t heir pat ience and collaborat ion as we work t hrough t his t ransit ion. 5

  6. BIDM Updates • 15 years of legacy data from the old Xerox system is and will always be available in the new BIDM • Truven is loading six years of converted data from HPE into the BIDM • The converted data and new claims data will be available to external users on May 8 th • Additional BIDM capabilities will continue to be rolled out during the rest of 2017 6

  7. PROVIDER PORTAL UPDATE • The provider portal is scheduled to be available on May 1 st . • Provisioning for RCCOs and Providers will begin at the end of this month • Enhancements to the portal will be ongoing 7

  8. Questions? 8


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