May 13, 2013 Shawnee County Planning Commission Welcome!
Zoning and Subdivision Items ACZR11/02 Special Event Amendment May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Background • Proposed amendment initiated by Shawnee County Planning Commission on August 13, 2012. • A recent event drew attention to the fact that the Zoning Regulations lacked a mechanism governing temporary, short-term uses of land. • Basic structure of Zoning Regulations is based on permanent land uses and their associated accessory structures/uses. • Leaves uncertainty how regulations apply, if at all, to temporary land use activity. May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Background • Identified as Special Events, these events include concerts, festivals, rodeos, carnivals, off-road racing, etc. • Such events may be short-term but can and often do have impacts on area property and provision of public services. May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Background • Special events generate traffic that can lead to congestion and parking problems; they can produce noise from various on-site activities; and, have extended hours of operation that can be disruptive to neighboring property. • So as not to limit the opportunity for special events but create an environment where they can be successful in locations that result in minimal to no impact, it is recommended that special events be subject to a review process with criteria to minimize the possibility of conflict. May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Proposal • Special Events Defined: A temporary, short-term use of land or structure conducted on private property , not otherwise included as a permitted or accessory use by these regulations. [ § 32.01] • Participants. Include but not limited to spectators, event management and staff, vendors and security. [ § 32.01] • General Requirements. Special events are subject to: Maximum Duration: 4-days • Maximum Frequency: 2-times per calendar year for similar • events on the same property. [ § 32.02] May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Proposal Special Events Defined: [ § 32.01] Type 2. Type 1. Type 3. • Any event open to the • Any event open to the • Any event open to the general public and the general public, general public, total participants are attendance to which attendance to which less than 50 persons. requires an admission requires an admission or entrance fee. or entrance fee. • Not include: sound • Total participants are amplification; lasting • Total participants are more than 1-day; from 50-200 persons. greater than 200 extending beyond persons. • Including , bnlt, 7am to 11pm; and, concerts, • Including, bnlt, motorized events. performances, festival, concerts, fairs, carnivals, off- performances, festival, road racing, etc. fairs, carnivals, off- road racing, etc. May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Proposal • Specific Requirements by Type: [ § 32.04] • Type 1 Events. Exempt from permit req’s. provided meet the general requirements of § 32.02. • Type 2 Events. Subject to review & approval by Planning Director following review & comment by Sheriff, Fire, Public Works, & Health Agency. Notification of property owners w/in 1,000’ radius • SEP may be issued w/ or w/out conditions • SEP may be denied if non-compliant. Denial may be • appealed to BZA. May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Proposal • Specific Requirements by Type: [ § 32.04] • Type 3 Events. Subject to review & approval by Planning Commission following review & comment by Sheriff, Fire, Public Works, & Health Agency. Notification of property owners w/in 1,000’ radius • SEP may be issued w/ or w/out conditions • If denied, decision may be appealed to County • Commission. If owners of 20% or more of land area req. to be notified file protest, the action will be brought before the County Commission. May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Proposal • Application Requirements: [ § 32.05] • Application. Applications for a Special Event Permit shall be accompanied by: Verification of ownership/permission • Verification property taxes are current and up to date • Written plan of operation • Site plan • Permissions for alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverages • Designation of contact person • May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Proposal • Evaluation Factors. Proposed amendment includes performance standards and evaluation criteria that are intended to provide a consistent, effective and objective basis for evaluation of special event proposal. • Performance Standards. Type 2 & 3 events shall comply w/ 12 different performance standards to reduce possible detrimental effects and promote public safety. [ § 32.03] Impact on Neighboring Property Health & Sanitation Traffic Emergency Services Parking Lighting Location Signage Setback Other Permits & Laws Sight Triangle Site Restoration May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Proposal Performance Standards. A performance standard is a minimum requirement that has to be met regardless of the type of event. 1. Impact on Neighboring Property. Not impair the usefulness, enjoyment or value of adjacent property. 2. Traffic. Not cause undue traffic congestion or accident potential. 3. Parking. Adequate parking shall be provided on-site w/ no parking permitted in public right-of-way. 4. Location. Not located on site where use is deemed potentially hazardous to the public. 5. Setback. No event shall be located w/in 50-feet of a street right-of-way or property line. May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Proposal Performance Standards. A performance standard is a minimum requirement that has to be met regardless of the type of event. 6. Sight Triangle. Event shall meet the sight triangle req’s . of § 27.03(l). 7. Health & Sanitation. Health Agency req’s . for food & beverage safety, provision of potable water supply, provision for disposal of solid waste, and sewage disposal. 8. Emergency Services. Provide ability for emergency services to respond to emergency situations. 9. Lighting. Lighting sources shall be aimed or shielded so direct illumination is confined to the property. May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Proposal Performance Standards. A performance standard is a minimum requirement that has to be met regardless of the type of event. 10. Signage. Permit 1 on-site sign not exceeding 6 s.f. in area and 6 feet in height, and, with approval up to 2 off-site directional signs. 11. Other Permits & Laws. Event shall comply with all other local, state and federal laws. 12. Site Restoration. Site shall be left free of debris, litter or any other unsightly evidence of event upon completion. May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Proposal Criteria to be Considered. Criteria provide a standard of measurement by which to evaluate a proposal and are used to establish conditions. [ § 32.06] 1. The zoning classification for the land for which the permit is sought, with special scrutiny being given to proposals in residential or higher density areas; 2. The proximity of neighboring residences, businesses and schools and whether or not a special event would have a detrimental effect on such uses. 3. The quantity and quality of public access roads to the site, particularly whether the roads are capable of safely handling the number of patrons expected at the event. May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Proposal Criteria to be Considered. Criteria provide a standard of measurement by which to evaluate a proposal and are used to establish conditions. 4. Availability of water and whether it will be of sufficient quantity and quality for public consumption, for sanitary and health concerns and for adequate fire protection; 5. Availability of waste disposal and sanitary facilities and the proximity of the site to a public water supply or water course that could be contaminated without proper facilities and protection being provided by the event’s organizers; 6. Proximity to emergency services (police, fire, medical) and the ability of emergency services to effectively provide services to the site; taking into consideration conditions of access roads, volume of patrons, distance from station, etc.; May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
SPECIAL EVENTS Proposal Criteria to be Considered. Criteria provide a standard of measurement by which to evaluate a proposal and are used to establish conditions. 7. The nature of the proposed event and the number of patrons it is projected to attract; 8. Whether alcoholic liquor or cereal malt beverages will be permitted at the site; 9. Anticipated weather conditions and organizer’s plans to combat potential detrimental health problems resulting from excessive heat, cold, drought or precipitation; 10. Whether temporary structures will be constructed or erected at the site and whether they conform to fire codes, if applicable; May 13, 2013, Planning Commission Hearing
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