comfortably cosmopolitan how patterns of social cohesion

Comfortably cosmopolitan? How patterns of social cohesion vary with - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Comfortably cosmopolitan? How patterns of social cohesion vary with crime and fear Anine Kriegler and Mark Shaw Overview Research context Cosmo City context Methodology Results Discussion Research context South

  1. Comfortably cosmopolitan? How patterns of ‘social cohesion’ vary with crime and fear Anine Kriegler and Mark Shaw

  2. Overview • Research context • Cosmo City context • Methodology • Results • Discussion

  3. Research context • South African Cities Network’s reference group on urban safety • Developing city level safety indicators • Case study on social cohesion, safety and perceptions in Cosmo City • Time

  4. Cosmo City • Mixed-income, mixed-use PPP • 5 000 RDP, 3 000 credit-linked, 3 300 bonded, 1 000 apartments + schools, parks, retail, commercial, industrial etc. • 70 000+ • Building from 2005, residential completed 2012

  5. Cosmo City • Designed explicitly for social inclusion and cohesion for diverse income levels • Shared spatial use – multi-purpose centre • Neighbourhood design • Naming

  6. Average annual household income 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 Ward 100 Cosmo City Ward 97 Honeydew etc. Ward 113 Greater Diepsloot

  7. Methodology • Interviews – City of Joburg and developers • Survey: demographics, security, local governance, social cohesion, fear, perceptions, experiences of crime (25 Qs) • Based on VOCS but mobile • 400 households, matching housing type proportions

  8. Results: social cohesion • 85% feel part of local community • 73% feel part of whole community • 85% proud to be resident of Cosmo • 73% interact with diverse backgrounds • 87% either satisfied with or keen to interact more Strong social cohesion

  9. Results: fear of crime • 50% always feel safe in Cosmo • 31% in VOCS • 7% feel unsafe in public space • 37% in VOCS Relatively low fear of crime

  10. Results: crime victimisation • About 90% said household has experienced crime in the last 5 years • Rates x3+ greater than in VOCS • 6% said member of household has been murdered in last 5 years High victimisation rates – some implausibly

  11. High social cohesion + low fear of crime + (too) high self-reported crime victimisation

  12. Discussion • Mobile, informal format encourage telescoping? • Actually crime level perception? • Social cohesion → share crime information, blur household boundaries, raise perception of victimisation even while reducing fear

  13. Thank you


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