Columbia College Emergency Preparedness Procedures for Students
Like other Colleges, Universities and High Schools in Canada, Columbia College practices Emergency Response Procedures to ensure all staff and students become familiar with expectations during a threat to College safety.
There are 6 all-hazard emergency responses : 1. Drop/Cover/Hold - response for earthquake 2. Evacuation e.g. fire/chemical accident 3. Lockdown - e.g. dangerous intruder 4. Hold and Secure - securing school because of external threat/danger 5. Shelter in Place - to be used if the external environment poses a threat and staying in school will ensure safety of students/staff 6. Room Clear - room evacuation in response to a medical emergency or physical altercation
1. Drop / Cover / Hold (response for earthquake)
DROP where you are, onto your hands and knees. This position protects you from being knocked down and also allows you to stay low and crawl to shelter if nearby. COVER your head and neck with one arm and hand If a sturdy table or desk is nearby, crawl underneath it for shelter If no shelter is nearby, crawl next to an interior wall (away from windows) Stay on your knees; bend over to protect vital organs HOLD ON until shaking stops Under shelter: hold on to it with one hand; be ready to move with your shelter if it shifts No shelter: hold on to your head and neck with both arms and hands
2. Evacuation e.g. fire/chemical accident The fire bell sounds the alarm.
Upon hearing the fire alarm, walk CALMLY but quickly to an EXIT.
Evacuate Columbia College (Main Campus) and stand along the pavement behind the building (alongside the rail tracks) Do not stand on the road.
Evacuate Columbia College (North Campus) and stand outside the building to the east. Stay with your classmates and your instructor. Wait for the roll call. Do not stand on the road.
3. Lockdown – e.g. dangerous intruder
For Lockdown ……………
The alarm will sound and a message will be relayed over the Personal Address System : “Lockdown, lockdown, lockdown. Columbia College is in Lockdown. Seek secure shelter immediately. Lockdown, lockdown, lockdown. Evacuate Student Lounges and Hallways IMMEDIATELY!” YOU must react immediately.
Classrooms are shelter areas. If you are in the hallways, stairwells or Student Lounges, leave IMMEDIATELY! Seek shelter in a classroom. Do NOT call 911.
If you are in a classroom without an Instructor, lower the blinds, close the door and turn off the lights. Quickly and quietly barricade the door with furniture. Stay quiet and move to the back corner of the room out of view from the door.
If you have your phone, place it on silent and email your location to Await instructions (Administrator over the public address system or the Vancouver Police Dept) or for the “ All clear . Lockdown is over” message.
If you are in the washroom when the Lockdown alarm sounds, try to leave quickly and seek shelter in a classroom (or the Library, or Nurses office or Student Services if you are on Level 2 (Main Campus). If you cannot leave the washroom immediately, stay calm and remain quiet. Do not actively seek shelter in the washroom.
If you have your phone, place it on silent and email your location to Await instructions (Administrator over the public address system or the Vancouver Police Dept) or for the “ All clear . Lockdown is over” message.
4. Hold and Secure - securing the school because of external threat/danger A message will be relayed over the Personal Address System
5. Shelter in Place - to be used if the external environment poses a threat and staying in school will ensure safety of students/staff. A message will be relayed over the Personal Address System
If you cannot remember what to do for each of the 5 emergency responses then review this presentation again. Your personal safety could depend on it!
An immediate and appropriate response is required for each of these emergencies from both Staff and Students. KNOW WHERE TO GO. KNOW WHAT TO DO.
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