colorado state university pueblo works

Colorado State University-Pueblo Works May 2019 Board of Governors - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Colorado State University-Pueblo Works May 2019 Board of Governors Meeting Timothy Mottet | Donna Souder Hodge Context What does it mean to become the peoples university by 2028? Steady enrollment growth Increased retention and graduation

  1. Colorado State University-Pueblo Works May 2019 Board of Governors Meeting Timothy Mottet | Donna Souder Hodge

  2. Context

  3. What does it mean to become the people’s university by 2028? Steady enrollment growth Increased retention and graduation rates Meaningful placements Financial sustainability University reserves and enhanced CFI score Ability to invest monies in innovation Preferred employer in Southern Colorado

  4. How do we get there? Build to our capacity (+1,442 students, 27% increase, or $8.1 million) Implement a set of strategic investments totaling $34 million to execute Vision 2028 Create a culture of trust, responsiveness, innovation What is likelihood for success? Capture market, which is available Execute 10 research-based initiatives Develop infrastructure to manage implementation and investments Drive results using performance metrics and annual reporting

  5. Performance Project Management Initiatives Tasks Outcomes Accountability Enrollment Problem Statement Retention Vision 2028 Visualization Completion Placement

  6. Current state Future state Alignment

  7. CSU-Pueblo Peer Group Avg 7,449 3,936 Enr Enrollm lment Problem Statement 68.4 Re Rete tention 70.6 Vision 2028 Visualization Completion Com 41.2 32.4 83% Pl Placement National Avg 86%

  8. Current State Capacity Delta Enrollment 3,936 5,378 1,442 Residents living on campus 820 920 100 % of Undergrad to grad 97% / 3% 90% / 10% % online enrollment 3% 10% 7%

  9. Student Type Fall 2018 Per Year New Potential Delta NEW FRESHMEN Pueblo County 294 394 100 Other SoCO Counties 125 275 150 Out-of-state/Intl 83 133 50 NEW TRANSFERS Pueblo County 125 369 244 Other SoCO Counties 113 275 162 Out-of-state/Intl 73 93 20 NEW ADULT LEARNERS (UG) SoCO Region 438 1638 1200 Total 1251 3177 1926 NEW GRADUATE STUDENTS Graduate Students 207 600 393

  10. Current state Future state Alignment

  11. Current State Vision 2028 Future State Enrollment 3,936 Enrollment 5,378 Retention 70.6 68.4 Retention Completion 41.2 32.4 Completion 83% Placement 86% Placement

  12. Enrollment Problem Statement Retention Initiative 1 New Financial Vision 2028 Aid Model Completion Visualization Placement

  13. Enrollment Problem Statement Retention Initiative 2 Vision 2028 Athletics Completion Visualization Placement

  14. Enrollment Initiative 3 Problem Statement Retention University Vision 2028 Tracks Centers Completion Visualization Placement

  15. Enrollment Problem Statement Retention Initiative 4 Vision 2028 New Advising Model Completion Visualization Placement

  16. Enrollment Problem Statement Initiative 5 Retention CSU-Pueblo Vision 2028 at Colorado Springs Completion Visualization Placement

  17. Enrollment Initiative 6 Problem Statement Retention Adult Learning Vision 2028 Program Completion Visualization Placement

  18. Enrollment Initiative 7 Problem Statement Retention General Education & Vision 2028 Capstone Completion Visualization Curriculum Redesign Placement

  19. Current state Future state Alignment

  20. SYSTEM GOALS: INITIATIVES MAP TO SYSTEM GOALS: Ensu Ensure stu student sa satisf sfac action and and succ success ss. We will ensure access and affordability and make sure Ini nitiative 1: New Financial Aid Model students receive the support they need to succeed, graduate and obtain the benefits of their post- Init nitiativ ive 2: Athletics graduate careers. Problem Statement Expa Expand stat statewide pre presence. Our outreach efforts Ini nitiative 3: University Tracks Center include initiatives aimed at increasing the percentage of students enrolling in higher education and Ini nitiative 4: New Advising Model increasing the proportion of students who choose to Vision 2028 enroll in one or more of the CSU System campuses. Init nitiativ ive 5: CSU-Pueblo @ Colorado Springs Create fina financial al sus sustainability. We will reinforce our Ini nitiative 6: Adult Learning contributions to Colorado in teaching, research and Visualization service, and the positive economic impact of the Ini nitiative 7: General Education and Capstone Redesign state's investment in public higher education. Transform Colorado’s future. We will provide an MISSION: Developing students to navigate work in a educated workforce to keep Colorado competitive in rapidly changing world. the global marketplace through teaching, research and outreach.

  21. Our goal: A financially sustainable CSU-Pueblo by 2028 TBA We will raise $50 million through campaign Campaign We will procure $16 million through external funding External We are seeking $34 million to execute Vision 2028

  22. Colorado State University-Pueblo Works


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