
Collaborations Cynthia Carnes, PharmD, PhD Advancing Todays - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Research Collaborations Cynthia Carnes, PharmD, PhD Advancing Todays Discoveries to Improve Health Scientific Prenup agreements: Hoping for the Best While Planning for the Worst Prospective Full Collaboration Plans Clear

  1. Research Collaborations Cynthia Carnes, PharmD, PhD Advancing Today’s Discoveries to Improve Health

  2. Scientific “ Prenup agreements”: Hoping for the Best While Planning for the Worst • Prospective • Full Collaboration Plans • Clear delineation of scope of work and expectations • Budget planning for future or current grant submissions Advancing Today’s Discoveries to Improve Health

  3. Key Elements of a Collaboration Plan 1) Who will do what: Be as specific as possible Trainees or staff designated? 2) Define the organizational structure: a. Time and effort b. Meetings and communication (frequency, who calls meetings) c. Regulatory responsibilities Advancing Today’s Discoveries to Improve Health

  4. Key Elements of a Collaboration Plan (continued) 3) Address sensitive issues: a. Authorship b. Compensation and financial management c. Data sharing, management and retention 4) Intellectual Property a. Single or multi-institution b. Academic vs. non-academic Advancing Today’s Discoveries to Improve Health

  5. Key Elements of a Collaboration Plan (continued) 5) Customized reagents, constructs, etc: a. who maintains inventory b. disposition after the collaboration ends c. scope of use 6) Planning for conflict resolution: a. Who will mediate b. Final decision authority Advancing Today’s Discoveries to Improve Health

  6. Resources • scientists Advancing Today’s Discoveries to Improve Health

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