colf colfax ax brt t t task f ask for orce ce me meetin

Colf Colfax ax BRT T T Task F ask For orce ce Me Meetin ing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Colf Colfax ax BRT T T Task F ask For orce ce Me Meetin ing December 12, 2019 Agenda 1) Colfax BRT Project Updates 2) Pedestrian Safety & Streetscaping 3) Funding Background 4) Design Updates 5) Project Development &

  1. Colf Colfax ax BRT T T Task F ask For orce ce Me Meetin ing December 12, 2019

  2. Agenda 1) Colfax BRT Project Updates 2) Pedestrian Safety & Streetscaping 3) Funding Background 4) Design Updates 5) Project Development & Funding Methodology 6) Project Timelines 7) Near Term Projects 8) Vision Zero Updates 9) Recommended Next Step 2

  3. Colf Colfax ax BRT T Pr Proje oject ct U Upda pdate

  4. Colfax BRT Procurement Update Colfax BRT NEPA & Preliminary Design Scope Procurement: Current Schedule  Issue RFP - 1 st Quarter 2020  Issue NTP – 3 rd Quarter 2020  NEPA/PE Duration – 18 to 24 months 4

  5. East Colfax Tentative Timeline Pre-Design & Environmental (18 to 24 months) 1 − Determine different transit elements, BRT applications, and length − NEPA Work − Refine cost estimates and funding plans Design Engineering 2 (12 to 18 months) Right of Way Construction 3 4 (18 to 24 months) (18 to 24 months) 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 5

  6. Colfax BRT Project Scope NEPA and Preliminary Design Scope Elements:  Environmental Assessment, NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act)  Preliminary Design (survey, ROW, roadway plans, BRT Stations, utilities, drainage, signals, phasing)  Travel Modal and Traffic Analysis  Public and stakeholder involvement and coordination  Cost Estimates  FTA CIG (Capital Investment Grant) Application  Financial and Funding Analysis 6

  7. NEPA Process Scoping Purpose and Need Evaluate Alternatives Document Environmental Impacts Decision Document Determine the scale of the Develop a reasonable range of Develop problem statement project alternatives to solve the problems Identify the need for the Describe alternatives being Lead Agency signs the Notify the public and Determine meaningful criteria to project considered, including No Action NEPA decision document stakeholders and ask for evaluate the alternatives alternative Perform operational analysis their future involvement Public notice of decision Operational criteria for existing conditions Disclose impacts to natural and Determine the NEPA class human environmental resources Environmental criteria Develop goals and objectives of action: for the project Provide mitigation commitments Select a Preferred Alternative Categorical Exclusion to reduce the impacts where appropriate and reasonable Environmental Assessment Environmental Impact Statement Decision on Preferred Alternative Scoping Evaluation of alternatives and disclosure of impacts • Public and Stakeholder Outreach at Milestones 7

  8. NEPA Preliminary Design Process The NEPA preliminary design process will include incorporating aspects of streetscaping elements into design. This will include: • Safety improvements such as medians and bulb- outs • Consideration of aesthetic features (i.e. pavers, stamped concrete) • Opportunities for water quality features • Placement of pedestrian scale lighting • Placement of street furnishings City will involve the BIDs in design process. 8

  9. Pede dest stria ian Saf Safety & ty & Stre Streets tscaping Process and Schedule Update

  10. Funding B Bac ackgr grou ound

  11. Elevate Denver Funding • $20 million approved in Elevate Denver Bond for Pedestrian Safety Improvements and Streetscaping within four Colfax BIDs • Early Assumptions • Funds would be used to make pedestrian safety improvements in Bluebird and West Colfax BID areas, informed by design plans. • Funds would be used to make pedestrian safety and streetscaping enhancements in Colfax and Mayfair BID areas, informed by respective streetscape master plans. 11

  12. BID Plans Informed the Amount of the Bond Request • Funding amount based on cost estimates of preliminary engineering designs (West Colfax/ Bluebird) or streetscape plans (Colfax/ Mayfair) from each BID. • BID cost estimates included construction, design, and contingency • Cost estimates and designs were based on side-running BRT at time. 12

  13. How was $20 million determined? Based on cost estimates provided by Colfax BIDs: • Design and construction costs were pulled from each plan and totaled. • A 20% contingency was added to design and 20% contingency was added to construction. • 5% was added for Water Quality • 1% was added for Public Art Total cost was estimated to be ~20 million 13

  14. Desi sign U Upda pdates

  15. Factors that have Changed Since Bond Process Began East Colfax • Based on community input, a decision to move from side-running to center-running BRT was made after Elevate Denver bond process was complete • The design change from side-running to center-running BRT greatly alters the envelope of the pedestrian and streetscape improvements, meaning the cost estimates assumed for streetscaping work are no longer accurate • Additional funding opportunities may be available to strengthen project West Colfax • The City has modified designs based on public input process and future need • Community desire for landscaping in medians wasn’t considered in bond cost estimates for West Colfax 15

  16. Incorporating Streetscaping + Pedestrian Safety with Center-Running BRT Design Streetscaping Improvements Streetscaping Improvements Pedestrian Lighting (based on side-running BRT) (based on center-running BRT) Furnishings Trash Receptacles Banners/ Wayfinding Pavers or Stamped Concrete Street Trees 16

  17. Project Development & Funding Methodology

  18. Goal is to leverage funding and strengthen project that results in the following outcomes: • Meet broader community vision & goals • Delivering a multi-modal corridor • Expanding tree canopy • Improving air & water quality • Supports local needs along the corridor • Highest quality project possible • Meet safety needs of entire corridor 18

  19. East & West Colfax Stakeholders 19

  20. East Colfax Project Development Process Plan • Align plan for Colfax with city goals and values • Coordination between partners to define project Design • Initiate preliminary (NEPA) design process • Produce cost estimates to understand need Programmatic • Investigate additional funding opportunities to leverage • Coordination on design with partners to align values and needs 20

  21. West Colfax Project Development Process Plan • Align plan for Colfax with city goals and values • Coordination between partners to define project Design • Initiate preliminary design process • Produce cost estimates to understand need Programmatic • Investigate additional funding opportunities to leverage • Coordination on design with partners to align values and needs 21

  22. Funding Summary • Cost estimates will be developed for each design on East and West Colfax • Costs are likely to exceed funding so additional funding sources will be leveraged • Leveraging additional funding will allow the City to build a more complete project • Once the appropriate funding stacks are in place, funding from each source will be allocated accordingly 22

  23. Timelines

  24. Tentative Project Timelines The improvements on West Colfax are on a different time-line than the improvements on East Colfax. • The design for East Colfax is being coordinated with BRT • NEPA and Preliminary Design process will be initiated in 2020. 24

  25. West Colfax Tentative Timeline Planning (12 to 15 months) 1 − Public Outreach − Concept Development & Refinement Design Engineering 2 (12 to 18 months) Construction 3 (24+ months) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 25

  26. East Colfax Tentative Timeline Pre-Design & Environmental (18 to 24 months) 1 − Determine different transit elements, BRT applications, and length − NEPA Work − Refine cost estimates and funding plans Design Engineering 2 (12 to 18 months) Right of Way Construction 3 4 (18 to 24 months) (18 to 24 months) 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 26

  27. Near Term Projects

  28. Near Term Streetscaping- East Colfax Given the timeline of the BRT project, we will be moving forward with the soft streetscaping elements that were recommended from the BID plans. “Soft” Streetscape Elements • Funding outside of Elevate Denver Bond will be used to move forward with the soft elements ahead of the BRT project. • Soft elements are those that can be installed and then be moved and reinstalled after BRT construction. Furnishings • BIDs will be involved in picking the “pallet” of furnishings to build off visions in streetscape master plans. Trash Receptacles • The soft furnishings will help reinforce the unique character U areas of Colfax that were established in the streetscape master plans. Bike Racks 28

  29. Near Term Streetscaping- East Colfax Near-Term (Prior to BRT Construction) Long-Term (During BRT Construction) “Soft” Streetscape Elements “Hard” Streetscape Elements Furnishings Pedestrian Lighting/ Banner Poles Pavers or Stamped Concrete Trash Receptacles U Bike Racks Street Trees 29


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