codept a whole project dependency analyzer for ocaml

Codept, a whole-project dependency analyzer for OCaml Florian - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Codept, a whole-project dependency analyzer for OCaml Florian octachron Angeletti INRIA ICFP 2019, OCaml workshop, 23 August 2019 Discovering dependencies $ ls Discovering dependencies $ ls

  1. Codept, a whole-project dependency analyzer for OCaml Florian “octachron” Angeletti INRIA ICFP 2019, OCaml workshop, 23 August 2019

  2. Discovering dependencies $ ls

  3. Discovering dependencies $ ls ◮ Discovering project structure

  4. Discovering dependencies $ ls ◮ Discovering project structure ◮ Building project

  5. Let’s call ocamldep

  6. Let’s call ocamldep B D C Atlas A F E

  7. Let’s call ocamldep The End

  8. Let’s call ocamldep wait . . . a flower?

  9. A . . . flower ? B D C Atlas A F E

  10. A . . . flower ? B (* *) module X = A D C module Y = B module Z = C Atlas module W = D A F module R = E module S = F E

  11. $ ocamldep -map

  12. And submodule collisions? (* *) open B B open A A (* *) module A = struct end

  13. Don’t forget first class modules (* *) module type S = sig module A : sig end end let f () = let module M = struct module A = struct end A end in ( module M : S ) let () = let module M = ( val f ()) in let open M in let open A in ()

  14. Abstract module types? (* *) module type S = sig module type T module M : T end module F ( X : S )= struct module M = X . M end module X = struct A module type T = sig module A : sig end end module M = struct module A = struct end end end open F ( X ) open M open A

  15. Modules and compilation units Compilation units A concrete file or pair of files mapped to a module ◮ All compilation units are mapped to a module ◮ All modules do not come from compilation units

  16. Context matters ... open A

  17. Context matters module A = struct ... end open A

  18. Context matters (* start of the file *) open A

  19. Context matters open B (* Does B define a submodule A *) open A

  20. Dependency tracking in OCaml Recognizing compilation units from submodules.

  21. Naive dependencies ◮ All actual direct dependencies are recorded ◮ So many false positives ◮ Aliases are not tracked

  22. OCamldep’s way: local analysis Local analysis module Sub = struct ... end include Sub ◮ Every modules that is not of the current compilation unit submodules is a compilation unit ◮ Nearly an over-approximation ◮ False positive: post-processing phase ◮ Alias: manual map tracking with -map option

  23. OCamldep’s way: local analysis Local analysis module Sub = struct ... end include Sub ◮ Every modules that is not of the current compilation unit submodules is a compilation unit ◮ Nearly an over-approximation ◮ False positive: post-processing phase ◮ Alias: manual map tracking with -map option

  24. Going further: whole-project analysis How to get precise dependencies for a file A? What do you need for precise dependencies ◮ A signature for the universe

  25. Going further: whole-project analysis How to get precise dependencies for a file A? What do you need for precise dependencies ◮ A signature for the universe ◮ How to deal with first-class modules?

  26. Going further: whole-project analysis How to get precise dependencies for a file A? What do you need for precise dependencies ◮ A signature for the universe ◮ How to deal with first-class modules? ◮ A signature for all compilation units

  27. Going further: whole-project analysis How to get precise dependencies for a file A? What do you need for precise dependencies ◮ A signature for the universe ◮ How to deal with first-class modules? ◮ A signature for all compilation units ◮ A signature for all dependencies Codept core idea ◮ A dependency and signature analyzer ◮ ...than can stop on a missing signature and resume later

  28. Codept specification ◮ No warning, exact dependencies ◮ At worst, an over-approximation of dependencies ◮ All analysis results are serializable in machine readable formats Secondary goal ◮ Full compatibility with ocamldep

  29. 3 layers ◮ AST simplification ◮ Interruptible interpreter ◮ Dependency orchestration

  30. Simplified M2l Ast ◮ expressions ◮ classes ◮ patterns ◮ modules ◮ types ◮ module types type expression = | Open of module_expr | Include of module_expr | SigInclude of module_type | Bind of module_expr bind | Bind_sig of module_type bind | Bind_rec of module_expr bind list | Minor of annotation | Extension_node of extension and ... Full OCaml Parsetree: 960 LOC Simplified (M2l) AST : 80 LOC

  31. [ module M = module M = struct [ module X = [] (l2.2-l3.5)] module X = struct (l1.0-l4.3) end open [ M ](l5.0-6) end open [ X ](l5.7-13) open M open X open [ B ](l6.0-6) open B module C = [](l7.0-21) module C = struct end ]

  32. Interruptible interpreter ◮ How to represent partial evaluation result partial result, � , partial AST

  33. Interruptible interpreter ◮ How to represent partial evaluation result partial result, � , partial AST ◮ � : a still unknown module name

  34. Interruptible interpreter ◮ How to represent partial evaluation result partial result, � , partial AST ◮ � : a still unknown module name Zipper ◮ Add holes to the AST data type ◮ Holes are to be filled by the environment

  35. [ module M = [ module X = [] (l2.2-l3.5)] (l1.0-l4.3) Computation halted at: open [ M ](l5.0-6) ... open B ? open [ X ](l5.7-13) [ module C = [] (l7.0-21)] open [ B ](l6.0-6) module C = [](l7.0-21) ]

  36. Zipper example type ' hole me = ... | Ident : and module_expr = path_in_context me | Ident of | Apply_left : Paths . Simple .t M2l .module_expr | Apply of -> M2l .module_expr me { f: module_expr | Apply_right : ; x:module_expr module_expr } -> M2l .module_expr me ... | ...

  37. Evaluation ◮ Try to fill all holes ◮ Fail if there is a hole that the environment doesn’t know how to fill ◮ Return the signature and dependencies otherwise

  38. Orchestration ◮ Different strategies to compute whole-project signature and dependencies ◮ What to do with cycles?

  39. Cycles ◮ Report them? ◮ Try to remove them and go on with the rest of the computation? C D B A H E G F

  40. Codept in the real world How well does codept fare against its specification?

  41. Alias tracking E (* *) D module X = A module Y = B F Atlas module Z = C module W = D C A module R = E B module S = F

  42. And submodule collisions? (* *) open B A open A B (* *) module A = struct end

  43. Don’t forget first class modules (* *) ... let () = A let module M = ( val f ()) in let open M in let open A in () [ Warning ]:, first- class module M was opened while its signature was unknown. Local solution: (* *) ... let module M : S = ( val f ()) in ...

  44. Abstract module types? Work-in-progress.

  45. Performances Slower than ocamldep Not the right question:

  46. Library core, ocamldep compatible executable ◮ Codept executable, fully compatible with ocamldep

  47. Library core, ocamldep compatible executable ◮ Codept executable, fully compatible with ocamldep ◮ Core library, to be published on version 1.0

  48. Library core, ocamldep compatible executable ◮ Codept executable, fully compatible with ocamldep ◮ Core library, to be published on version 1.0 ◮ Too many options, a lighter executable planned

  49. Machine readable output ◮ JSON and sexp format available ◮ for signature and dependencies ◮ for the M2l AST

  50. { "version" : [0, 10, 3], "dependencies" : [{ "file" : "", "deps" : [["C"], ["B"], ["Atlas"]] }, { "file" : "" }, { "file" : "", "deps" : [["C" { "file" : "", "deps" : [["Atlas"]] }, { "file" : "", "deps" : [["Atlas"]] }, { "file" : "", "deps" : [["Atlas"]] }, { "file" : "", "deps" : [["Atlas"]] }], "local" : [{ "module" : ["A"], "ml" : "" }, { "module" : ["Atlas"], "ml" : "" }, { "module" : ["B"], "ml" : "" }, { "module" : ["C"], "ml" { "module" : ["D"], "ml" : "" }, { "module" : ["E"], "ml" { "module" : ["F"], "ml" : "" }] } Support incremental compilation

  51. Perspectives ◮ Library publication ◮ Lightweight executable ◮ Multi-zipper ◮ Dune integration Dune integration ◮ Not that straightforward: a full new layer of dependency computation ◮ But more opportunities for caching Past features from the future ◮ Full support for decoupling module names from filenames ◮ Full support for nested namespaces with -nested

  52. Thanks!

  53. Nearly an over-approximation (* *) module Sub = struct module SubSub = struct end (* *) end module Sub = struct end open B open Sub open SubSub


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