Code Modification Forum Ashling Hotel, Dublin Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Agenda 1. Review of minutes from last meeting 2. Review of open actions 3. Update on Maintenance Activities 4. Brexit and ROI Gas Market – Update 5. Code Modification Proposal A087- New Framework for Suppliers in PPM Market 6. Code Modification Proposal A096 – Data Sharing Agreement 7. Code Modification A097 – Amendment of Final Allocation Date 8. Code Modification Proposal A098 – Reduction of Capacity Overrun Multipliers 9. Status of Code Modification Proposals 10. Shrinkage Gas 11. Gas and Electricity Interaction 12. GNI Vision 2050 Presentation 13. RGFI – Virtually Integrated Business Case for Biomethane Presentation 14. GNI Presentation on TLSI.1 Security withdrawal 15. AOB Items/ Date of next Meeting 2
1. Review of minutes from last meeting • Minutes of CMF meeting of 14 August were issued on 23 September 2019 • No comments were received 3
2. Review of open actions ID Action Responsibility Status Priority Propose C567 Transporter to carry out development work on its Website to make it more Transporter Medium to close user friendly for Shipper C568 Transporter to carry out a review of its operational procedures in the event Transporter Propose High to close of system repair resulting in the issue of Restricted Capacity Day Notices to minimise Shipper supply restriction consequences Propose C571 Transporter to issue letters to Shippers indicating each respective credit Transporter High to close position, issue Report to CRU, and settle each credit position through the Disbursement Account C572 Transporter to monitor on ongoing basis the adequacy of the initial 25% Transporter Open High Tolerance for RNG Entry Points C574 Shippers to forward Submissions to CRU of their post I-SEM experiences od Shippers Open High dead-band LDM capacity booking 4
3. Update on maintenance activities Maintenance Programme Gas Year 2018/2019 Date Duration Entry Points Commentary Station testing, valve check and validations at Cappagh South. 7th March 2019 1 Bellanaboy Deferred and combined with September date. Odourant injection system planned maintenance. Deferred to 13 th 9th May 2019 1 Inch August but not expect to interrupt flow Station testing, valve checks and validations at Beattock and 4th Jul 2019 1 Moffat Brighouse Bay compressor station. Complete ahead of schedule as no interruption to the entry point was required ESD testing at the Corrib Terminal. Combined with the Corrib 12th Sep 2019 1 Bellanaboy operator shut-down 5
2019/2020 Maintenance Days Maintenance Programme Gas Year 2018/2019 Date Duration Entry Points Commentary Station testing, valve check and validations at Cappagh 20 th May 2020 1 Bellanaboy South.. Odourant injection system planned maintenance. Deferred to 17 th June 2020 1 Inch 13 th August but not expect to interrupt flow ESD testing at the Corrib Terminal (will be coordinated with 9 th Sep 2020 1 Bellanaboy the annual Corrib planned maintenance) 6
4. Brexit and ROI Gas Market • Update 7
5. Code Mod A087- New Framework for Suppliers in PPM Market (1/2) • On 21st November, 2018 the CRU issued instruction approving A087 and implementation of a new framework. • The key change is that rather than GNI procuring and negotiating front office service agreements, suppliers will procure their own front office services as of 1 st July 2021 • A new agreement between GNI and suppliers will be required to ensure compatibility of such services with the back office system, to ensure the necessary information flow from the meter to the GNI system and ensure GNI has the ability to coordinate resolution of any industry wide issues. • This agreement will not address commercial terms related to front office services. 8
5. Code Mod A087- New Framework for Suppliers in PPM Market (2/2) • It is proposed to establish a working group to discuss and analyse the impacts of the proposed solution and develop the appropriate regulatory framework and procedures, implementation plan and system changes to ensure the proposed solution is implemented. Draft of proposed Terms of Reference for working group were circulated to the GMARG forum on 19 th Feb with GMARG • documentation. • GNI requested comments from the GMARG forum on circulated Terms of Reference for proposed Workgroup and nominated workgroup representatives by 7 th March. • GNI are reviewing comments and initial call with supplier working group representatives to be arranged. • Cod Mod related requirements will be brought to the Cod Mod forum as required. • TWO Meetings of Workgroup have taken place with third meeting scheduled for 16 October 2019 9
6. AO96 Data Sharing Agreement/A096A Model Clauses to address a Hard Brexit • A096 -Transporter Proposal – To provide for an updated data sharing regime between Transporter and Shippers to comply with provisions of Data Protection Act 2018 (implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679) • A096A – Transporter Proposal – To provide for the transfer of personal data between the Transporter and Shippers based outside the European Economic Area(EEA) through the introduction and application of Model Clauses under a Model Clause Procedure. It is proposed to come into effect on or before the Brexit deadline of 31 October 2019 • Update – The CRU has issued a ‘minded to’ notice which recognises a requirement for the adoption of Model Clauses and the possibility of a Controller to Controller relationship between GNI and Shippers prior to the BREXIT deadline. Relevant legal drafting has been circulated. 10
7. Code Mod A097 – Amendment of Final Allocation Date • CRU direction 11
8. Code Mod A098 – Reduction of Capacity Overrun Multiplier • CRU direction 12
9. Status of Code Modification Proposals Number Title of Proposal Proposer Status A087 New Framework for Suppliers in PPM Market GNI Live/ Implementation process review A096 Data Sharing Agreement GNI Live/Consultation A096A Model Clauses to address a Hard Brexit GNI Live/Consultation A097 Amendment of Final Allocation Date from D+5 to M+5 GNI Live/ Direction A098 Reduction of Capacity Overrun Multipliers GNI Live/Direction 13
10. Shrinkage Gas • Shrinkage Gas Report and Industry submissions • Information flow to Industry in respect of new tariff charging regime • Procurement of Shrinkage Gas by GNI 14
11. Gas and Electricity Interactions • Submissions in relation to post I-SEM experiences of dead-band capacity LDM capacity booking 15
12. GNI Vision 2050 Presentation • Separate slide pack 16
13. RGFI Presentation – Virtually Integrated Business Case for Biomethane • Separate slide pack 17
14.GNI Presentation on TLS1.1 Security Protocol Withdrawal • Relevant to users of GTMS and Delphi applications 18
What is TLS and why is it used? • Transport Layer Security or TLS is a cryptographic protocol that provides end-to-end communications security over networks and is widely used for internet communications and online transactions. • Many businesses use TLS to secure all communications between their Web servers and browsers regardless of whether sensitive data is being transmitted. • TLS allows shippers and other TSOs to communicate securely with Gas Networks Ireland’s ROI and NI Gas Transportation Management System (GTMS & Delphi). 19
Removal of TLS 1.1 • There are currently 4 version of TLS available – 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 • We successfully removed TLS 1.0 a number of years ago and we are now looking to shutdown TLS 1.1. From Dec 2020 we will only support TLS 1.2 and 1.3 • TLS 1.1 has security flaws associated with it and will be deprecated by all major browsers starting in 2020. • We want to disable all TLS 1.1 connections by December 2020 and only allow connections that use the TLS 1.2 and 1.3 protocols. • We will be conducting an exercise to determine how many shippers/TSOs are currently using TLS 1.1 to connect to our systems, and plan to send out appropriate communications to give them ample time to upgrade. We will be recommending that they upgrade to TLS 1.3. 20
15. AOB 1. 2019 Emergency Exercise Artic 2. Recent Nomination Behaviour 3. IGEM Gas Quality Working Group 4. Review of impact of VRF tariff 21
AOB 1: NEC Exercise Arctic The UK Network Emergency Coordinator (NEC) Exercise Arctic took place on 2 nd & 3 rd October. • • Aim of exercise is to demonstrate that the gas industry is prepared and able to meet its obligations in the event of a Network Gas Supply Emergency. • Validation of T/PM/E/1 – Procedure for Network Gas Supply Emergency. • GNI(UK) as the operator of the IC’s at Moffat obliged to participate. • 22
NEC Exercise Arctic NEC Exercise based on demand from 1 st March 2018. • • Simulated demand exceeding supply due to multiple supply failures and high demand due to extreme cold weather. • GNI provides load category breakdown for demand at Moffat (LDM/DM/NDM). • Scenario necessitated demand reduction at Moffat resulting in load shedding of gas-fired power generation initially. • Scenario based on 4-day duration. • Sample news reel as follows… 23
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