claudio acioly jr 1 head capacity development unit global

Claudio Acioly jr. 1 Head Capacity Development Unit GLOBAL URBAN - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Claudio Acioly jr. 1 Head Capacity Development Unit GLOBAL URBAN TRENDS Claudio Acioly Jr. How to use your Response Cards: Press the button with the letter that corresponds with your answer All answers are

  1. Claudio Acioly jr. 1 Head Capacity Development Unit

  2. GLOBAL URBAN TRENDS Claudio Acioly Jr.

  3. How to use your Response Cards: Press the button with the letter that corresponds with your answer

  4. All answers are anonymous You can click as many times as you want to change your answer, but it is only the last answer that will count

  5. Please leave your clicker on the table after the session is done

  6. 1 About yourself

  7. I work for: A. National Government B. Provincial Government 43% C. Local Government D. National Statistics Agency E. Private Sector 29% F. University/academic institution G. NGO/non profit 14% 14% H. Self-employed I. Other 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.

  8. My position in my organization A. I am the boss 29% 29% 29% B. Mayor C. Deputy Mayor D. Senior Director E. Head of Department F. Project Manager 14% G. Staff member H. Consultant I. None of the above 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.

  9. I am: 43% A. Urban Planner B. Architect C. Engineer D. Economist E. Geographer F. Social Scientist G. Statistician 14% 14% 14% 14% H. Business & Administrator I. Lawyer J. Other 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J.

  10. How many years of experience do you have working in the field of urban development? 43% A. Less than 1 year B. Between 1 and 3 years 29% C. Between 3 and 5 years D. Between 5 and 10 14% 14% years E. More than 10 years 0% 0% F. Not applicable A. B. C. D. E. F.

  11. Choose what applies to you: A. I have knowledge and experience with urban planning B. I have knowledge with urban 43% planning C. I have experience with urban planning 29% D. I have experience with urban planning but it is not my field of education 14% 14% E. I am familiar with urban planning 0% 0% F. I have no experience with A. B. C. D. E. F. urban planning

  12. Choose what applies to you: A. I have knowledge and experience with climate change B. I have knowledge about 57% climate change C. I have experience with climate 43% change D. I have experience with climate change but it is not my field of education E. I am familiar with climate change 0% 0% 0% 0% F. I have no experience with A. B. C. D. E. F. climate change

  13. Select what applies to you: 57% A. I know UN-Habitat , know its work and have worked with it B. I know UN-Habitat and know its work C. I know UN-Habitat but am not 29% familiar with its work D. I have heard about UN-Habitat E. I do not know about UN-Habitat 14% 0% 0% A. B. C. D. E.

  14. Select what applies to you: 43% A. I know ARCADIS, know its work and have worked with it B. I know ARCADIS and know its work 29% 29% C. I know ARCADIS but am not familiar with its work D. I have heard about ARCADIS E. I do not know about ARCADIS 0% 0% A. B. C. D. E.

  15. 15 1. The Mission of UN- Habitat: The United Nations agency for cities with the mandate emanated from the Habitat Agenda (1996) and various resolutions of the UN General Assembly. 04/09/2017 Claudio Acioly Jr. / UN-HABITAT

  16. 16 The Urban Agenda Timeline 2016 HABITAT III 2012 Conference Global Strategy for Shelter to the Year 2000 Rio+20 2001 Conference Istambul+5 The Future We Want. Conference New York 1996 Habitat Agenda HABITAT II Post MDG’s Conference Istambul 1992 Global Agenda 21 UNCED 1976 MDG’s Rio 92 Millenium Summit HABITAT I MDG Conference Vancouver 04/09/2017 Claudio Acioly Jr. / UN-HABITAT

  17. 17 1. Sustainable urban development 2. Adequate shelter for all 04/09/2017 Claudio Acioly Jr. / UN-HABITAT

  18. 19 2. UN-HABITAT Normative Mandate Making Knowledge & Evidences in Housing 04/09/2017 Claudio Acioly Jr. / UN-HABITAT

  19. UN- Habitat’s expertise 20

  20. 21 Sectoral Expertise: Housing 04/09/2017 Claudio Acioly Jr. / UN-HABITAT

  21. 22 04/09/2017 Claudio Acioly Jr. / UN-HABITAT

  22. 04/09/2017 Claudio Acioly Jr. / UN-HABITAT 23

  23. Sectoral Expertise: Housing 04/09/2017 Claudio Acioly Jr. / UN-HABITAT 24

  24. 25 Regional Knowledge: Quick Guides for Policy Makers 1. Urbanization 2. Low-Income Housing 3. Land 4. Eviction 5. Housing Finance 6. Community-Based Organizations 7. Rental Housing 04/09/2017 Claudio Acioly Jr. / UN-HABITAT

  25. 4 Urbanization

  26. 29 RAPID URBANIZATION GLOBAL POPULATION RURAL/URBAN RURAL URBAN RURAL URBAN RURAL URBAN 63% 37% 53% 47% 40% 60% 1970 2000 2030 Source: UN-HABITAT, 2008 04/09/2017 Claudio Acioly Jr. / UN-HABITAT

  27. Growth rates of urban agglomerations by size class, 1970-2011 30

  28. Growth rates of urban agglomerations by city size, 2011-2025 31

  29. • In 2015, about 471 million Africa Urbanization levels, 2015 people at 40% Urban • High diversity in urbanization patterns. • Countries with high per capita incomes are among the most urbanized. • Countries with low per capita incomes are among the least urbanized. • Low-income economies urban growth rate is highest ≈ above 4 % ( population double in about 17 years ).

  30. The Urban Transition in Africa Africa Eastern Africa Middle Africa 2050 2040 Western Africa 2030 Northern Africa 2020 2010 Southern Africa 2000 • Urban transition in about 20 years (i.e. from mid- 2030s) 1990 • Over 900 million people in cities when 50% 1980 urban • Southern and North Africa passed the “urban 1970 tipping point” in mid -90s and late 2000s, 1960 respectively. • Eastern Africa will not have reached the urban 1950 transition by 2050.

  31. 34 2% 100% 5% 16% 90% 11% 80% 70% 35% Accelerated growth (+4%) 42% 60% Rapid growth (2-4%) 50% Moderate (1-2%) Slow (0-1%) 40% Decline (-0%) 22% 30% 20% 40% 17% 10% 10% 0% Source: UN-HABITAT, 2008 Developed Countries Developing Countries 34 04/09/2017 Claudio Acioly Jr. / UN-HABITAT

  32. Prosperity and Decline: two faces of the same coin. 35 Source: UN-HABITAT, 2008 04/09/2017 Claudio Acioly Jr. / UN-HABITAT

  33. What is the UN Global Sample of Cities? • In preparation for the Habitat III Conference, UN-Habitat presents the UN Global Sample of Cities, comprised of 200 cities; a stratified sample of the universe of the 4231 cities of over 100.000 inhabitants in 2010. • This is a Sample that provides well-founded information on the process of urbanization world-wide in cities of over 100.000 inhabitants. UN-Habitat Global Urban Observatory (

  34. • Based on 200 cities, it represents the 5% of the Universe of 4,231 cities over 100,000 inhabitants in 2010. • Information can be disaggregated by regional classifications and by GDP per capita. Individual cities will not be singled out. UN-Habitat Global Urban Observatory (

  35. Worldwide population concentration (2015) UN-Habitat Global Urban Observatory (

  36. 9 billion 6.5 billion 6.3 billion 3 billion 3.6 billion 1 billion 2010 2050 2010 2050 2010 2050 Informal Urban Population World Population Urban Population Source: Population Numbers by UN and UN-Habitat, 2012, Middle Class by HSBC Global Research 2012,

  37. 9 billion 6.5 billion 6.3 billion 3 billion 3.6 billion 1.5 billion 1 billion 2010 2050 2010 2050 2010 2050 2010 Informal Urban Population World Population Urban Population Middle Class* Source: Christian Werthmann, Hannover University * Real Income between $3000 and $15,000 annually Source: Population Numbers by UN and UN-Habitat, 2012, Middle Class by HSBC Global Research 2012,

  38. 9 billion 6.5 billion 6.3 billion 4.5 billion 3 billion 3.6 billion 1.5 billion 1 billion 2010 2050 2010 2050 2010 2050 2010 2050 Informal Urban Population World Population Urban Population Middle Class* Source: Christian Werthmann, Hannover University * Real Income between $3000 and $15,000 annually Source: Population Numbers by UN and UN-Habitat, 2012, Middle Class by HSBC Global Research 2012,

  39. THE WORLD CITIES’ URBAN EXTENT IS DRAMATICALLY OVER EXPANDING Between 1990 and 2015 cities grew in a rate and in a form not commensurate with population growth In developed countries the • urban extent almost doubled (1.8), but the population increased only by 12% In developing countries • the area occupied by cities increased by 3.5 times and the urban population doubled The outward and upward growth of Panama City, Panama, 1930 – 2009

  40. URBAN EXTENT GROWTH IS NOT RELATED TO POPULATION GROWTH Urban expansion has been increasing without direct relation to population growth rate due to land speculation, poor planning, lifestyle practices that tend to consume more land

  41. 5. The Urban Land Cover: Cities expanding their land cover twice the rate of population growth meaning that the growth is low density & sprawl.

  42. Urban Densities falling as income increases

  43. Figure 3: The built-up area of Atlanta and Barcelona at the same scale. Knaap, 2005


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