classicalization scrambling and thermalization in qcd at

Classicalization, Scrambling and Thermalization in QCD at high - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Classicalization, Scrambling and Thermalization in QCD at high energies Raju Venugopalan Brookhaven National Laboratory Galileo Institute School, February 27-March 3, 2020 Outline of lectures Lecture I: Classicalization: The hadron

  1. Classicalization, Scrambling and Thermalization in QCD at high energies Raju Venugopalan Brookhaven National Laboratory Galileo Institute School, February 27-March 3, 2020

  2. Outline of lectures Lecture I: Classicalization: The hadron wavefunction at high energies as a Color Glass Condensate Lecture II: The CGC Effective Field Theory Lecture III: From CGC to the Glasma, key features of the Glasma Lecture IV: Thermalization and interdisciplinary connections

  3. Particle production in presence of strong time-dependent sources P n obtained from cut vacuum graphs in field theories with strong time dependent sources 3

  4. From Glasma to Plasma Quant. fluctuations grow exponentially after collision increasing seed size 2500 Z hh T µ ν ii LLx+Linst . = [ D ρ 1 ][ D ρ 2 ] W Y beam − Y [ ρ 1 ] W Y beam +Y [ ρ 2 ] Z [ da ( u )] F init [ a ] T µ ν LO [ A cl ( ρ 1 , ρ 2 ) + a ] × Path integral over multiple initializations of classical trajectories in one event can lead to quasi-ergodic “eigenstate thermalization” Berry; Srednicki; Rigol et al.; … This scrambling of information is seen in many systems in nature and can be understood To lead to decoherence of the primordial classical fields

  5. In Init itia ial l condit itio ions in in the overpopula lated Gl Glasma Choose for the Gaussian random gauge fields for the initial conditions Stochastic random variables Polarization vectors ξ expressed in terms of Hankel functions in Fock-Schwinger gauge A τ =0 ✓ ◆ f ( p ⊥ , p z , t 0 ) = n 0 q p 2 ⊥ + ( ξ 0 p z ) 2 Θ Q − α S Controls “prolateness” or “oblateness” of initial momentum distribution

  6. Te Temporal evolution in the overpopulated QGP Solve Hamilton’s equation for 3+1-D SU(2) gauge theory in Fock-Schwinger gauge Berges,Boguslavski,Schlichting,Venugopalan arXiv: 1303.5650, 1311.3005 Fix residual gauge freedom imposing Coloumb gauge at each readout time ∂ i A i + t − 2 ∂ η A η = 0 Largest classical-statistical numerical simulations of expanding Yang-Mills to date: 256 2 × 4096 lattices

  7. From Glasma to Quark Gluon Plasma Glasma fields produced in the shock wave collision are unstable to quantum fluctuations… This instability leads to rapid overpopulation of all momentum modes Classical-statistical QFT numerical lattice simulations of gluon fields exploding into the vacuum Berges,Schenke,Schlichting,RV, NPA 931 (2014) 348

  8. From Glasma to Quark Gluon Plasma 1 ln 2 1 1 1 ln 2 1 τ = τ = τ >> Q S Q S Q S α S α S

  9. From Glasma to Quark Gluon Plasma

  10. Pr Pressure becomes increasingly anisotropic 1 1 n 0 = 1 x 0 =1 x 0 =1 Bulk Anisotropy: P L / P T 3/2 n 0 = 1/2 n 0 = 1/4 P L / P T free streaming x 0 =2 0.1 100 1000 4 = x 0 0.1 x 0 =6 100 1000 Time: Qt P L /P T approaches a universal τ -2/3 behavior

  11. Result: a universal non-th Re therm rmal fixed point f ( p ⊥ , p z , t ) = t α f S ( t β p T , t γ p z ) Conjecture: 2 x 10 -2 x 10 -2 x 10 -3 2 g 2 f(p T ) 6 n=0 10 6 Occupation number: g 2 f(p T ,p z =0) - a f(p T =Q,p z ,t) 4 n=2 - a p T 1.5 2 Rescaled moments: t r 1 0 0.5 1 1.5 4 1 g p z / Q) n t r 10 -1 Qt=500 2 Qt=1000 0.5 10 -2 Qt=2000 Qt=4000 (t r n Hard Q/p T 0 0 0.1 Transverse momentum: p T /Q 1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 g p z / Q Rescaled longitudinal momentum: t r Moments of distribution extracted over range of time slices lie on universal curves Distribution as function of p T displays 2-D thermal behavior

  12. Kinetic theory in the overoccupied regime For 1 < f < 1/α S a dual description is feasible either in terms of Mueller,Son (2002) kinetic theory or classical-statistical dynamics … Jeon (2005) Properties independent of initial conditions Self-similar evolution characterized by universal scaling exponents

  13. Kinetic theory in the overoccupied regime Different scenarios: q Elastic multiple scattering dominates in the Glasma BMSS: Baier,Mueller,Schiff,Son q Rescattering influenced by plasma (Weibel) instabilities DB: Bodeker KM: Kurkela, Moore q Transient Bose condensation+multiple scattering BGLMV: Blaizot,Gelis,Liao,McLerran,Venugopalan Gell-Mann’s totalitarian principle: Anything that is not forbidden is allowed

  14. Kinetic theory in the overoccupied regime Q Q_S m Debye Q Q_S Differences arise due to assumptions of non-perturbative behavior at p≈m Debye

  15. Non-thermal fixed point in overpopulated QGP Berges,Boguslavski,Schlichting,Venugopalan. PRD89 (2014) 114007 Increasing anisotropy BMSS: Baier,Mueller,Schiff,Son BD: Bodeker KM: Kurkela, Moore Decreasing occupancy with expansion BGLMV: Blaizot,Gelis,Liao,McLerran,Venugopalan

  16. Ki Kine neti tic interpr rpretati tion n of se self-si simi milar behavior For self-similar scaling solution, a) small angle elastic scattering b) energy conservation c) number conservation give unique results: α = -2/3, β = 0 , γ = 1/3 v These are the same exponents (within errors) extracted from our numerical simulations ! v The same exponents appear in the “bottom-up” thermalization scenario of Baier, Mueller, Schiff, Son (BMSS)

  17. Universal non-thermal attractor in QCD “ Big whorls have little whorls, which feed on their velocity, And little whorls have lesser whorls, and so on to viscosity. ”

  18. Quo vadis, thermal QGP? Baier,Mueller,Schiff,Son (2001) The “bottom-up” scenario: Q S Q_S Scale for scattering of produced gluons (t > 1/Q S ) set by m D Q S Q_S Build up p z (which fights the red shift of p z ~ 1/t) with multiple scattering Our simulations support this picture– no significant role of late time instabilities (imaginary component in m D )

  19. Quo vadis, thermal QGP? Occupation # Classical statistical simulations break down in this regime… have to switch to a quantum kinetic description

  20. Quo vadis, thermal QGP? Q S Q_S In the quantum regime, thermalization proceeds through number changing inelastic processes: m D i) Soft gluons first thermalize ii) hard gluons at scale Q S , that carry most of the energy, are quenched and lose energy to the bath Q S Q_S The final stage in “bottom up” thermalization – is identical to the “jet quenching” formalism that Prof. Blaizot discussed in his lectures 1 1 Thermalized soft bath of gluons for τ > α 5 / 2 Q S S Thermalization temperature of T i = α 2 / 5 S Q S

  21. Thermalization in the Regge limit A final consequence is that in the Regge limit: 𝛽 " → 0, 𝑔 𝛽 " = 1 thermalization occurs almost instantaneously in QCD compared to the lifetime of the system given by the size R ….

  22. Quo vadis, thermal QGP? Classical Regime Quantum Regime – described by kinetic theory 1 1 Thermalized soft bath of gluons for τ > α 5 / 2 Q S S Thermalization temperature of T i = α 2 / 5 S Q S

  23. Matching the Glasma to viscous hydrodynamics Kurkela, Zhu, arXiv: 1506.06647 α S =0.3 Good matching of quantitative implementation of kinetic theory to hydrodynamics at times ~ 1 fm … when extrapolated to realistic couplings (many caveats remain)

  24. Glasma to Plasma: from nuts to soup K. Boguslavski Glasma; Instabilities; Classical NTFP; Hydrodynamics, Constant anisotropy, Thermalization Radiational breakup;

  25. Universality: hotness is also cool Wolfgang Ketterle, Nobel Prize (2001) For the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates

  26. Non-Equilibrium dynamics of overoccupied scalar fields Scheppach,Berges,Gasenzer, PRA 81 (2010) 033611 In a non-relativistic limit, models cold atomic gases Nowak, Schole, Sexty, Gasenzer, PRA85 (2012) 043627 Nowak et al., arXiv 1302.1448 Berges, Sexty PRL 108 (2012) 161601 Berges,Boguslavski,Orioli, PRD 92, 025041 (2015) Berges,Boguslavskii,Schlichting,Venugopalan, JHEP 1405 (2014) 054

  27. Remarkable universality between world’s hottest and coolest fluids Leads to Bose-Einstein condensation Berges,Boguslavski,Schlichting,Venugopalan, PRL 114 (2015) 061601, Editor’s suggestion & PRD92 (2015) 096 006

  28. Remarkable universality between world’s hottest and coolest fluids In a wide inertial range, scalars and gauge fields have identical scaling exponents and scaling functions Very surprising from a kinetic theory perspective -- may reflect infrared dynamics consistent with a BEC Berges,Boguslavski,Schlichting, Venugopalan, PRD92 (2015) 096 006 Tanji, Venugopalan, PRD (2017)

  29. Turbulence is everywhere yet baffles deep thinkers I am an old man now, and when I die and go to heaven there are two matters on which I hope for enlightenment. One is quantum electrodynamics, and the other is the turbulent motion of fluids. And about the former I am rather optimistic. - Horace Lamb

  30. Non-thermal fixed points in quantum gases 87 Rb BEC in a quasi 1D optical trap a = 0.33 ± 0.08 b = 0.54 ± 0.06 only isotropic geometry thus far Oberthaler BEC Labs Prüfer et al, arXiv:1805.11881, Nature (2018)

  31. Topology in heavy-ion collisions:The Chiral Magnetic Effect Kharzeev,McLerran,Warringa (2007 ) L or B N = -2 -1 0 1 2 C S + Over the barrier topological (sphaleron) External (QED) magnetic field - As strong as 10 18 Gauss ! transitions … analogous to proposed mechanism for Electroweak Baryogenesis = Chiral magnetic effect


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