cisc 323 cisc 323 intro to software engineering intro to

CISC 323 CISC 323 Intro to Software Engineering Intro to Software - PDF document


  1. ❜ ❃ ❂ ❁ ❅ ❆ ❀ ❇ ❅ ❀ ❈ ❉ ● ❍ ❳ ❏ ❁ ❀ ❑ ✽ ◗ ❅ ❃ ◗ ✽ ❏ ❜ ✿ ❬ ❬ ✺ ❬ r ✾ ✽ ❈ ◆ ❃ ◗ ❙ ◆ ❚ ◗ ❅ ◗ ✿ ✽ ❏ ✽ ✻ ✈ ❜ P ❃ ❈ ❖ ▲ ▼ ◆ ◆ ❖ ❖ P ❁ ◗ ❃ P ❘ ✿ ❀ ❀ ❚ ❝ ❙ ❃ ▼ ▲ ❈ ❈ ❑ ✽ ❏ ✫ ❍ ● ✈ ◗ ❈ ❅ ❇ ◆ ❀ ❆ ❅ ❁ ❝ ❂ ❁ ❀ ❀ ✿ ✾ ✽ ✧ ✁ ◆ ❉ ❖ P ❖ ❃ ❁ ❀ ❀ ✿ ✿ ❘ P ❃ P ❖ ◗ CISC 323 CISC 323 Intro to Software Engineering Intro to Software Engineering �✂✁✄✁✆☎✞✝✠✟☛✡✌☞✄✍ ✎✑✏✓✒✆✔ ✁✖✕✗✔ ✘✚✙✜✛ ✎✢✁✄✘✣✎✥✤✜✔ ✭✮✁✄✘✣✎✥✤✜✔ ✁✯✝✌✰✲✱ ✦★✧ ☞☛✩✚✎✥✛ ✩✜✤✪✁✄✫✆✬ ✳✴✒✪✎✢✒✌✰ ✁✆✩✚✎✢✁✆✔ ✁✄✫✵✒✆✩✪✫✷✶✸✩✚✎✢✁✆✔★✹✜✔ ✁✪✎✢✁✆✔ ✕✗✔ ✘✚✙✜✛ ✎✢✁✄✘✣✎✥✤✜✔ ✒✆✺✪✡✄✎✑✻✜✺ ✁✌✼ Data-Centered Architecture Architectural Style Examples Style [Shaw&Garlan] ✁✆✹✪☞✜✼❫✛ ✎✢☞☛✔ ❯❲❱✮❳ ❨✣❩✮❬✗❭❫❪✮❴❛❵✲❳ ❩❡❞ s✉t ❯❲❢✥❭✣❣✣❩❡❞ ♣✜❜ ✇✮①✗❬✗❴❫❭✲❝ ❭②❝ ✇④③✣❩⑤❭❡❜ ✇✮①⑥❳ ❪✮⑦⑧❬✸⑨✣❭❡❞ ❩✮❴⑧❭❫⑩⑥✇✚❪✮⑦✮❬■❝✆❭⑤❬■❩✣❝ ✇✮❶✜❷✥✇✚⑩⑤❨✲✇✚❪✣❩❡❪✲❝ ❯❲❤✲✐✣❩❫❪✣❝ ❥✢❦✮❭✮❬■❩✮❴ ✒✄✘✚☎✚❹✪☞✌✒✆✔ ❯❲❧✌❭✣❝ ❭❫❥ ♠✚❩❫❪✣❝ ❩❡❞ ❩✮❴ s✉❸ ❯♦♥✑❪✣❝ ❩❡❞ ❨❫❞ ❩✣❝ ❩❡❞ ♣✄❷✥❝✑❳ ✐✲❩✓❞ ❩❡❨✣✇✮❬q❳ ✇✚❞ ❣❺❷✸✇✮✇✚❨✣❩❡❞ ❭✣❝✑❳ ✐✲❩✮❻✄❴✚❳ ❬★❝✑❞ ③❫❼✣❝ ❩✮❴⑧❴❫❩✮❷✲❳ ❬q❳ ✇❡❪ ❯❲❱q♣✄♠ ⑩❺❭❡❽✲❳ ❪✮⑦ ❃★❄ ❊✢❋ ❋■✽ ❃★❄ ❊✢❋ ❋■✽ 1

  2. ✾ ❆ � ❅ ❁ ❃ ❆ ❇ ❃ ❊ ❋ ❖ ❍ ● ■ ❆ ❃ ❏ ❑ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▼ ▼ ◆ ❖ ❁ ◆ P ✽ ❄ ✿ ✾ ✔ ✦ ✦ ✔ ▲ ✙ ✷ ✙ ✦ ✦ ✔ ✙ ✔ ✦ ✦ ❁ ✙ ✗ ❩ ● ❍ ● ❖ ✻ ✼ ✽ ✾ ✾ ✿ ❀ ✾ ✿ ✓ ❅ ▼ ❙ ✼ ✽ ✾ ✾ ✿ ❀ ✓ ✿ ❃ ❄ ✾ ❁ ◆ ❃ ❆ ❇ ▼ ❊ ❋ ▲ ❍ ● ■ ❆ ❆ ❏ ▼ ❖ ❁ ❘ ✽ ◆ ❖ ◗ ▲ ❘ ❖ ❃ ❁ ❖ ● ❍ ● ▲ ❁ ◗ ❖ ◆ ✽ ❁ ✦ ✿ ✾ ✾ ✽ ✥ P ◆ ✥ ✙ ✦ ❑ ◗ P ✏ ✒ ✦ ◗ ❙ ◆ ✦ ❬ ❬ P ❖ ❚ ◗ ✦ ❅ ❖ ✿ ✒ ◆ ❳ ❀ ❝ ✿ ❘ ✇ ❞ P ❝ ❯ ✔ ✥ ✓ ❝ ✔ ❣ ❃ ❃ ❖ ✓ ❁ ❁ ✽ ❀ ❏ ❆ ✽ ✦ ❅ ✥ ❃ ✔ ❂ ❁ ❀ ❀ ✿ ✾ ❭ ❇ ◗ ◆ ✽ ▼ ▲ ❈ ❃ ✙ ❈ ❑ ❏ ❅ ☛ ❍ ❭ ● ✥ ✔ ❉ ❈ ❀ Repository Example ✟✡✠☞☛☞✌✎✍✑✏ ✓✑✔✖✕✘✗✚✙ ✓✜✛✢☛☞✣✤✍✑✏ ✍✘✓✚✙✆✗✑✣✜✛✢✥ ✓☞✔ ✗✑✔ ✧✘★✑✏ ✓✜✧✩✦ ✪✚✔ ✓✤✙ ✫✑✒ ✗✑✔ ✓✎✦ ✓✜✓✯✏ ✙✆✧✩☛☞✌✎✍✑✒ ✓✘✰✱✛✚✗✜✦ ✗✢✙ ✪✘✧✩✦ ✪✑✔ ✬✮✭ ✍✘✗✚✙ ✓✜✛✯✕✘✓✜✦ ✲✆✓✜✓☞✣✢✍✚★✘✗✚✙ ✓✚✙ ❯ ✂✁ ❫❩✲❝✆✇✮❶✌❷✸✇✚⑩⑤❨✲✇❡❪✮❩❫❪✣❝ ✓✜✓✜✛✑✙✆✦ ☛✯✕✘✓✎✧✩☛☞✣✘✴✘✓☞✔ ✓✜✛✵✏ ✣✘✦ ☛✢✗✢✙ ✓✜✗✑✌ ✬✮✳ ★✘✗✜✦✶✧✩✗☞✣✢✕✘✓✤✍✘✗✚✙ ✓✜✛✢☛✚✴✘✓✑✔✞✗✯✍✑✏ ✍✘✓✢✷ ❬q⑨✣❭❡❞ ❩⑤❴❫❭✲❝ ☛✜✴✘✓✑✔ ★✘✓✜✗✜✛ ❯❲❤ ☎✄ ⑦ ✆✄ ❻✄❴✮❭✣❝ ❭❡③✣❭✣❬✥❩⑤✇✚❞✌❴❫❭✲❝ ✓✤✔ ✓✑✍✘☛✑✙✹✏ ☛✺✔ ✫✱✦ ☛✵✔ ✓✑✍✑✔ ✓✚✙ ✓✑✣✘✦✶✗☞✕✜✙ ✗✜✧✩✦ ✬✂✸ ✫✚✣✘✦ ✗✜✰✱✦ ✓✜✓ ❬■❝✑❞ ❼✣❷✥❝ ❼❡❞ ❩⑤❬✸⑨✮❭❡❞ ❩✮❴④③✲❣ program Scanner text ⑩⑤❼❡❜ ❝✑❳ ❨❫❜ ❩②❷✸✇❡⑩⑤❨✣✇❡❪✮❩❫❪✣❝ Repository tokens ♠✪✇✚❪❫❪✮❩✣❷✥❝ ✇✚❞ ❬⑥❨✣❩❡❞ ⑩⑤❳ Parser ❷✸✇✚⑩⑤❨✲✇✚❪✣❩❫❪✣❝ ❬✴❝ ❩✮❭✮❴ ✞✝ ✑①⑥❞ parse ❩②❝ ✇④❞ ❩❡❨✲✇❫❬q❳ ✇✚❞ Semantic tree Analyzer parse Code executable tree code Generator ❃★❄ ❊✢❋ ❋■✽ Compiling as Pipe and Filter Properties of Repository Architecture Architecture Augmented with Style Repository ❚❱❯✺❲❨❳ ❬☎❳ ❭❫❪✖❴✶❵✚❲ ☛☞✔✞✧✩☛☞✌✎✍✑✒ ✓✘✰✱✛✚✗✜✦ ❛❝❜ ✪✘✧✩✦ ✪✑✔ ✓✚✙ ❞✺✙ ✗✘✴✘✓✚✙✆☛✚✴✘✓☞✔ ★✘✓✜✗✜✛ c1 c2 ☛✚✥✖✍✘✗✚✙ ✙✹✏ ✣✘❡✢✛✚✗✚✦ ✗✢✙ ✪✘✧✩✦ ✪✚✔ program Scanner ☛☞✌❢☛✺✣✘✓✎✧✩☛☞✌✎✍✘☛☞✣✘✓☞✣✘✦✶✦ text Repository: ✗✑✣✘☛✚✦ ★✘✓☞✔ Parse Tree tokens Repository ✥✞✧✩☛☞✌✎✍✘☛☞✣✘✓☞✣✘✦ ✙✆☛✺✣✱✛✺✏ ✓✑✔ ✓☞✣✘✦ Parser ❛❤❣ ✌✐✗✜✧✘★✑✏ ✣✘✓✚✙ ❞☞✦ ★✑✏ ✙✆☛✜✴✘✓☞✔ ★✘✓✜✗✜✛ control ✌✢✏ ❡☞★✘✦❨✕✘✓✎✧✩☛✺✣✜✙✹✏ ✛✚✓✑✔ ✗☞✕✑✒ Semantic ✥✞✧✩☛☞✌✎✍✘☛☞✣✘✓☞✣✘✦ ✙✆☛✺✣✱✛✺✏ ✓✑✔ ✓☞✣✘✦ Analyzer ❛❤❣ c3 ✌✐✗✜✧✘★✑✏ ✣✘✓✚✙ ❞☞✧✩☛✑✙ ✦✶☛✚✥ ✗✜✧✩✧✩✓✚✙ ✙✹✏ ✣✘❡✯✔ ✓✑✍✘☛✑✙✹✏ ☛☞✔ ✫✢✌✢✏ ❡✺★✘✦ control Control information passed Code executable ✕✘✓✤★✑✏ ❡✺★ between phases rather than code Generator parse tree ❁✘❂ ❈✹❉ ❉✜● ❁✘❂ ❈✹❉ ❉✜● 2


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