UN Affiliated 18 th EUROMEDITERRANEAN CONFERENCE CINEMA AND DIGITAL COMMUNICATION FOR A DEMOCRATIC AND HARMONIOUS MEDITERRANEAN in collabortion with: 69. Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica I N V I T A T I O N Friday 7 September 2012 ore 9.00am - Venice - Cà Giustinian, Biennale di Venezia
PROGRAMME 9.30 OPENING SESSION Paolo Baratta , President, Biennale di Venezia Stefano Queirolo Palmas , Coordinator for the Countries of the Persian Gulf, General Directorate for Political Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy Piergiacomo Ferrari , President, ExpoVenice 10.00 FIRST SESSION PEOPLES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN: GEOPOLITICAL LIMITS, REVOLUTIONS/ EVOLUTIONS, DEMOCRACY, FINANCE... WHICH SCENARIOS? The current difficult situation of the Mediterranean, shaken by crises and transformations, can still be the matrix for positive developments, or else mark the regional decline, with consequences at the global level. Never before in History a similar process has been developed in those forms, which open unprecedented perspectives for the new generation of decision makers. Now it is crucial to understand if the ongoing process will bring forth the opening of new perspectives for many or protect the interests of the happy few, considering that digital tools can lead to extreme forms of control as well as to widespread participation: how to concretely make the digital revolution a tool so that solidarity and democracy prevail ? Chaired by: Bruno Marasà , Head of the European Parliament Office in Milan Silvia Costa , Member of the European Parliament Pier Antonio Panzeri , Member of the European Parliament Niccolò Rinaldi , Member of the European Parliament Presentation: Mediterranean Platform of E-Services Coordinated by: Pierpaolo Saporito , President, OCCAM Maria Amata Garito , Dean, UNINETTUNO Francesco Sicurello , President, IITM Giuliano Berretta , Eutelsat Communications Serge Telle , Ambassador in charge of the Union for the Mediterranean, Presidency of the Republic of France Hossam Badrawi , Chairman, Nile Badrawi Foundation for Education & Development, Egypt Salmane Tariq El Alami , Fondation Rhamna Pour le Développemnt Durable , Morocco Nicos Costantinides , State Certifying Officer, Cyprus Nusser Aldden Swessi , Director General, Almadina Multimedia Center, Libya Luciano Adt , President, Worldwide Enterprises Consortium Corp., USA Andreas Hadjoudes , Asset and Network Manager, Caisse de Credit Commercial Ltd., Cyprus Alfonso Andria , President, Ravello Lab, Italy Pierluigi Malesani, Secretary General, COPEAM
PROGRAMME 12.00 SECOND SESSION CINEMA, TV AND NEW MEDIA: THE EUROMEDITERRANEAN DEVELOPMENT FACTORS In the specific praxis emerged from the peoples of the Southern Mediterranean shores, digital communication, through its social and new media has been granted a central role, both as tool to strenghten communities and as instrument to vehiculate on traditional media the events of the Arab Spings. Thus, new and old media have converged and intermingled, and we must reflect on the old canon of unidirectional media and the impact of the new interactive media had on communication. And on the public, which has become an active player. This revolution opens new perspectives to cinema and TV, which can become instruments of democracy and solidarity from being a simple tool to preserve the establishment. Chaired by: Valerio Caruso , Team Leader EUROMED AUDIOVISUAL III PROGRAMME, Regional Monitoring& Support Unit Lola Poggi Goujon , Secretary General, CICT-UNESCO Roberto Grossi , President, Federculture, Italy Edith Sepp , Filmart, Ministry of Culture, Esthonia David Alexander , President, Israeli National Film Council, Vincent Melilli , Director, École supérieure des arts visuels de Marrakech, Morocco Stella Belessi , Director, The Mediterranean Festival of New Filmmakers, Greece Massimo Cavallaro , Artistic Director, Salina Festival, Italy Vittorio Giacci , President, ACT-Multimedia, Italy Gabriele Tosi , President, Busto Arsizio Film Festival, Italy Antonio Rocca , Director, Genoa & Liguria Film Commission, Italy Presentation Signs of Change Film Festival 2013, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York Daniela Bas, Director, Division for Social Policy and Development, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Jasmina Bojic , Founder and Director, UNAFF Travelling Festival, USA Approval of the Final Declaration and proclamation of the winners of the Prix CICT- UNESCO “Enrico Fulchignoni” and the Smithers Foundation Award
Building on the positive results of the 2011, which saw the launch of the Mediterranean Platform of e- services for development, aimed at facilitating the cultural integration and supporting the social and economic development in particular of the Countries involved in the Arab Springs, this edition will focus on how the project is being implemented within the Union for the Mediterranean, and also on how cinema, television, web and new technologies can help the southern Mediterranean countries to fill the many gaps that have from their Northern counterparts, with particular reference to education, food security, etc. Considering the continuing economic crisis that is particularly affecting the European countries, the development of the southern Mediterranean is positive as a means of stabilization of these countries and as new opportunity to create synergies between all the Mediterranean countries. The situation affecting this strategic quadrant can lead to significant effects for the whole world, shaken by the profound changes brought about by digital revolution and globalization. The analysis that will begin in this 18th edition with representatives of governments, international organizations, public and private institutions, experts in new media, women and men of culture will address these issues and propose solutions and actions at various levels, capable of interacting with the dramatically changed political scene on the Southern shores, and to encourage a true integration of the Mediterranean in the field of dialogue and culture. The Final Declaration to be endorsed at the end of the Conference will seal the lines of work that the various member organizations will jointly develop, as a permanent forum of reference at the service of Mediterranean policies at various levels, from the European Parliament, the United Nations, national strategies, operations and local initiatives, where communication and new technologies are the means of effective dialogue for a more democratic and inclusive Mediterranean. Special thanks to: Organized by: European Parliament OCCAM Office in Milan Piazza Duomo, 21 Corso Magenta, 59 - 20123 Milano 20121 Milano Tel: +39024344171 Tel: +390286991392 Fax: +3902434417500 Fax: +39 028057573 epmilano@europarl.europa.eu occam@occam.org
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