children s online privacy and commercial

Childrens Online Privacy and Commercial Use of f Data: Growing up - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Childrens Online Privacy and Commercial Use of f Data: Growing up in in a dig igital age Prof f Sonia Li Livingstone Dr r Mariya Stoilova Childrens online activities raise new questions about th their pri rivacy and data lit

  1. Children’s Online Privacy and Commercial Use of f Data: Growing up in in a dig igital age Prof f Sonia Li Livingstone Dr r Mariya Stoilova

  2. Children’s online activities raise new questions about th their pri rivacy and data lit literacy, th their understanding of f th the online commercial environment, and th their capacity to consent.

  3. To provide evidence on children’s understandin ings, practic ices & vu vuln lnerabil ilit itie ies To enhance su support rt by develo lopin ing an onlin line toolki lkit for r child ildren To ide identify ify les lessons for r poli licy and practice informed by children’s vie views and exp xperi riences

  4. Literature revi Lit view and exp xpert consult ltatio ion to ide identify ify what we know Work rkshops with ith chil ildren aged 11-16 (y (years 7, , 9, , 11), ), parents and teachers Child ild delib liberatio ion panels ls for r polic licy and educatio ional l recommendatio ions

  5. Sugg ggestions and questions welcome! Sonia Livi ivingstone @Liv ivingstone_S


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