8/5/2019 The Early Childhood Framework for Quality (EFQ) DECE’s vision for high -quality early childhood programs If you could describe quality in early childhood education, what word would you use? What is the Early Childhood Framework for Quality (EFQ)? 1
8/5/2019 The Early Childhood Framework for Quality (EFQ) describes the DECE’s vision for high-quality early childhood education programs in NYC. This framework replaced the Program Quality Standards (PQS) in the Fall of 2019. The EFQ is grounded on the following: • The Framework for Great Schools (FFGS) • The NYCDOE’s commitment to Equity and Excellence for All; • The Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS); and • The expertise and experience of the DECE’s central office, site support staff, programs, and community partners. Why a new Framework? As the DECE evolves, we need new tools to support our quality improvement work across multiple age groups and settings. The EFQ builds on the theoretical foundation of the Program Quality Standards (PQS) , which served as the Division’s vision for quality between 2014-2019. The implementation of the EFQ will start in the fall of 2019 as we move to a unified birth-to-five system and support the DECE’s mission to build the best early care and education system in the country. 2
8/5/2019 How is the Early Childhood Framework for Quality (EFQ) organized? Elements and Practices The EFQ is comprised of 6 research-based Elements of quality, aligned with the NYCDOE’s Framework for Great Schools. Each Element identifies 5 to 6 Practices for both leadership teams and teaching teams that are representative of high quality, and are applicable to all center-based early childhood age groups and settings. EFQ: Elements and Practices ● EFQ: 6 Elements and 68 Practices. ● Most Practices listed under program leadership teams have parallel Practices under program teaching teams . 3
8/5/2019 Framework for Great Schools The Division of Early Childhood Education (DECE) believes that high quality 0- 5 programs… 1. respect and value differences. {trust} 2. create safe and positive environments. {supportive environment} 3. advance play-based learning and responsive instruction {rigorous instruction} 4. promote families’ roles as primary caregivers, teachers, and advocates . {strong family-community ties} 5. work collaboratively towards continuous quality improvement. {collaborative teachers} 6. demonstrate strategic leadership. {effective school leadership} What are similarities and differences between the Early Childhood Framework for Quality (EFQ) and the Program Quality Standards (PQS)? (Think about structure & content!) 4
8/5/2019 Shifts from PQS Structural: • More direct alignment with the FFGS • Emphasis on leadership teams Content: • Emphasis on equity and access • Shift to 2-generational approach • Emphasis on data cycle (classroom and program level) • Amplified focus on operational quality Practices & Examples of Practice: Supplementary Resource Examples of Practice • Each Practice will have a set of Examples of Practice meant as a supplementary resource. • The Examples of Practice are not an exhaustive lists of look fors. They illustrate what the Practices could look like; ways to help you understand what the Practices mean. • The Examples of Practice are still in development and in the year 2019-2020 our site support staff may share with us as we set goals together. 5
8/5/2019 Putting it all together Let’s play! • We will break into teams • Each team will be given strips of papers with EFQ Practices . As you will notice they will not have the corresponding numbers on them. • You are tasked with matching the Practices to a group (either teaching teams or leadership teams ), and the corresponding Element. • Each group will have a checker . This is the only person who can flip through the EFQ to check the answers. Everyone else can only refer to page 2 of the EFQ, where all 6 Elements are listed. • It is okay to respectfully disagree or find some Practices confusing, this activity is designed to start conversations with colleagues about the practices. • We will save some time to debrief! It’s time to share! • What was hard about it? • Which practices did you find confusing? • What did you learn from your peers? 6
8/5/2019 Standards and other Frameworks for Early Childhood Education Quality Early 3-K for All and Childhood Pre-K for All Framework Policy for Quality Handbooks (EFQ) Early Head Start Program Childhood Performance Framework for Standards (HSPPS) Quality (EFQ) 7
8/5/2019 Early New York State Prekindergarten Childhood Foundation for Framework for the Common Quality (EFQ) Core New York State Prekindergarten Learning Standards Head Start Early Early Learning Childhood Outcomes Framework for Framework Quality (EFQ) (ELOF) Review: During this time together we learned: What the EFQ is How the EFQ is organized About the EFQ’s supplementary resource: the Examples of Practice Standards and other Frameworks for ECE quality 8
8/5/2019 Thank you! Please reach out with any questions: Early Childhood Framework for Quality (EFQ) , efq@schools.nyc.gov 9
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