charter school funding formula

Charter School Funding Formula Business/Finance Committee Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Charter School Funding Formula Business/Finance Committee Meeting January 8, 2014 Charter School Expenditures School District of Pittsburgh 2014 Appropriations by Major Object Property Other Objects Other Purch. Services $4,750,747

  1. Charter School Funding Formula Business/Finance Committee Meeting January 8, 2014

  2. Charter School Expenditures School District of Pittsburgh 2014 Appropriations by Major Object Property Other Objects Other Purch. Services $4,750,747 $6,500,391 $14,548,498 0.89% 1.22% Other Finan. Uses Supplies 2.74% $1,273,160 Purch. Prop. Services $9,016,837 0.24% $3,766,622 1.70% 0.71% Prior Year Encumbrances $2,500,000 Purch. Prof. & Tech. Services 0.47% $12,026,968 2.26% Utilities $9,136,970 Transportation 1.72% $35,151,444 6.61% Charter Schools $54,936,157 10.33% Salaries & Benefits $259,598,974 48.83% Debt Service $52,978,952 9.97% Special Education $65,443,636 12.31% Total Appropriations $529,129,356 2 Prior Encumbrances $ 2,500,000

  3. Charter School Expenditures (continued) 3

  4. Charter School Law • On June 12, 1997, Senate Bill No. 123 bill allows for the establishment of charter schools in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. • Section 17-1725-A details how charter schools are funded. 4

  5. How Charter Schools Are Funded • Tuition Rate is based on prior year expenditures less deductions • Deductions include student transportation, pre-kindergarten, federal programs, and debt service • Expenditures are then divided by the average daily membership to determine the Charter School Tuition Rate 5

  6. Regular Education Funding Average Daily Total Total Membership Tuition Rate Expenditures Deductions (ADM) 6

  7. Special Education Funding Special Special Special Education Education Education Tuition Rate Expenditures Deductions ADM 7

  8. Issues with the funding formula • Foundation Funding • Special Education Funding • Double Dipping • Cyber Charter School Funding 8

  9. Other Charter School Funding • IDEA 611 Pass-Through Funding: Federal Funding for Special Education expenses. It is passed through the School District to the Charter School. The district made $471,485.00 in IDEA payments to charter schools in 2012-13 • Grant Funding: Charter schools are eligible to apply for grants 9

  10. Charter School Funding Reform and Challenges • A Charter School Reform Amendment is being considered by the State Senate. It includes: – Eliminating the pension double dip for Charter Schools – Universities and Colleges can become authorizers of charter schools instead of local school districts – 10-year renewals instead of 5-year renewals – Eliminating enrollment limits on charter schools • Charter Schools are challenging the funding formula 10

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