charlotte a clinton e ring s photo history slides 1964

Charlotte A. & Clinton E. Rings Photo History (Slides) 1964 - PDF document

Charlotte A. & Clinton E. Rings Photo History (Slides) 1964 1971 By Al Ring 2007 Charlotte & Clinton Ring Vacation August, 1964 Iowa (Visit Eliz), South Dakota, Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone, Tetons, CratersMoon, Hailey, Salt

  1. Charlotte A. & Clinton E. Ring’s Photo History (Slides) 1964 — 1971 By Al Ring 2007

  2. Charlotte & Clinton Ring Vacation August, 1964 Iowa (Visit Eliz), South Dakota, Mt. Rushmore, Yellowstone, Tetons, Craters—Moon, Hailey, Salt Lake, Bryce, Zion, North Rim of Grand Canyon, Monument Valley Tucson & Bisbee. Al Ring’s 1964 car with pictures at 501 Kinglan Road 1964 Snowball pictures 1964 Graduation of Basic Training of Al Ring at Fort Knox, KY These were all slides. Start west 8/1/1964 Eliz. Iowa City Mitchell South Dakota Corn Palace

  3. Mine—Lead—South Dakota North Wyoming Wyoming—Ten Sleep Canyon Cody—Wyoming Yellowstone East Entrance Yellowstone—East Entrance Yellowstone Falls Canyon Yellowstone Falls Canyon Yellowstone Rainbow Grand Canyon Falls Yellowstone Grand Canyon Yellowstone Grand Canyon Yellowstone Norris Basin

  4. Wall Drug—South Dakota Bad Lands—South Dakota Bad Lands—South Dakota Mt. Rushmore Lodge Mt. Rushmore Rapid City Homestake Mine—South Dakota Mine—Lead—South Dakota

  5. Yellowstone—Norris Basin Yellowstone—Mud Pots Yellowstone—Morning Glory Yellowstone—O. F. Yellowstone—O.F. Yellowstone Beehive Geyser Yellowstone—Animals Yellowstone—Animals Yellowstone—Animals

  6. Yellowstone Animals Yellowstone—Mammoth Yellowstone—Mammoth Yellowstone—Tower Falls Yellowstone—Northeast Yellowstone—North Yellowstone—CAR in River Yellowstone—CAR in River Yellowstone Animals Chip Northeast

  7. Yellowstone—N. East Animal Chip Yellowstone—North Mammoth to Tower Yellowstone—Side Trip Yellowstone—Side Trip Yellowstone Lake Jackson—Tetons Tetons Tetons—Snake River Tetons Tetons—Jenny Lake

  8. Tetons – Jenny Lake—CAR Tetons—Jenny Lake Tetons Tetons Craters Moon Craters Moon S. V. Idaho—CAR Idaho Galena Summit S. V. Idaho S. V. Idaho Extra Sawtooth from Galena S. V. Idaho—CER

  9. CER—Sawtooth from Galena S. V. Idaho S. V. Idaho Hailey Hailey Hailey Hailey Salt Lake Salt Lake

  10. Sale Lake Bryce Bryce Zion—CAR Zion Zion Zion South Utah Grand Canyon North Rim

  11. Grand Canyon North Rim Glen Canyon Area Page—Glen Canyon Area Page—Glen Canyon Area Page—Glen Canyon Area Page—Glen Canyon Area

  12. Monument Valley Monument Valley Monument Valley Mexican Hat Bisbee Slides—Think at end of 1964 trip Granny, Robin, CAR Sharon, CAR & Robin

  13. Bisbee Slides—Think at end of 1964 trip U/A Gamma Phi Beta From Ghost Motel Al’s 1964 Chevy Malibu, 4 on the floor, buckets seats ADR & CAR 501 Kinglan Road Snowball

  14. Snowball Graduation from Basic Training at Fort Knox Kentucky, by Al Ring, 1964 Graduation from Basic Training at Fort Knox Kentucky, by Al Ring, 1964 Graduation from Basic Training at Fort Knox Kentucky, by Al Ring, 1964 CAR Graduation from Basic Training at Fort Knox Kentucky, by Al Ring, 1964 Al Al & CAR

  15. Al’s first service station on Shelbyville Road Al’s first service station on Shelbyville Road Al’s first service station on Shelbyville Road Clinton Ring Business Trip To Japan-Philippines-Hawaii June—W. G. (Bill) Cox and I (along with Ed Wunder of far east IGE) went to Japan to investigate factors involved in joint venture to manufacture room A. C. (marketing— distribution-manufacturing) - worked with Mitsui Co (eventual J. V. Partner) - in Toy- shina stayed (as guests) at real Japan Inn & were taken up in mountains (like our Rockies) to see dam under construction. Eventually joint venture set up & was suc- cessful & profitable to RAC & G. E. Co.) — while in Tokyo, major earthquake (7.7) across the island & we felt it in Tokyo ——- went to Manila alone — one of worst ty- phoons hit Manila midnight June 29 (no warning) - city wrecked & could only stay in Manila Hotel 3 days until airport fixed up — went on to Honolulu to visit our GE Dis- tributor, lots of sight seeing & entertainment. These were all slides. (Slides in bad condition)

  16. Hilton Hotel Steps to shrine Gate to shrine Shrine at hotel Mask stand at shrine Garden at hotel CER Bill at pool Diet Building Tokyo Tokyo tower

  17. Sand hotel from Hilton New Streets Main Streets Kimono Ladies on Main Street Philip Emb Ladies in Kimono on street Jap dinner Havena Mixing Sukiyaki Girls playing harp Jap dancers & CER

  18. House on side street Apt in Tokyo GB AC Car stalled Tsunashima Bill looking at AC in apt Tokyo Building Thinette Tokyo Thinette in Inn—Tokyo AC in new apt House in Tokyo near Olympic GR Yoshiba Apt Olympic Olympic symbol Olympic indoor sports Olympic outdoor sports

  19. Business Group at Matsumoto Office Fact Matsumoto Rear of Blanket Plant CER Rice paddy Matsumoto Bill plays Saki game Clint eats fish Jap Inn

  20. Dear end road, “Ed” 3 little girls Toyoshima CER @ Polynesian grill—Hotel New Japan CER, Arita et al. NDK headquarters in Tokyo N.D. service truck School girls on station School girls on station Jap palace Matsumoto Group in Matsumoto Castle Street Toyoshima Street Matsumoto Meeting Matsumoto Office Matsumoto office using towels

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