change your space change your culture

Change Your Space, Change Your Culture Research by Rex Miller & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Change Your Space, Change Your Culture Research by Rex Miller & Co. [Image: One Haworth Center] 2 IBM asked more than 1,600 CEOs: What keeps you up at night? The answer: Innovation 3 Inside organizations: 50% of all workspace is

  1. Change Your Space, Change Your Culture Research by Rex Miller & Co.

  2. [Image: One Haworth Center] 2

  3. IBM asked more than 1,600 CEOs: What keeps you up at night? The answer: Innovation 3

  4. Inside organizations: • 50% of all workspace is wasted space.* • 70% of all employees are disengaged in their work.** • Disengagement adds up to an estimated cost of one trillion dollars a year.** *CoreNet **Gallup 4

  5. Innovation is a product of organizational cultures that make collaboration a priority. • A quality culture at work leads to engagement. • Engaged workers find solutions together. • When smart team collaborate they discover breakthrough ideas. 5

  6. “ Modern ” office: • Built around ideas more than half a century old • Average age of a building = 60 years old • The private office has existed more than 80 years. • The cubicle is 50+ years old. 6

  7. Old models focus on: • Lighting • Acoustics • Budgets • Standards • Ergonomics 7

  8. People are still using old ideas to design buildings. It’s time to shift the focus to designing spaces for how life happens at work. 8

  9. Paradigm Shift 9

  10. Focus on: • Agility • Culture • Innovation • Engagement • Collaboration • Resilience 10

  11. Use updated Most space decisions are stats – see July financially driven. issue book Average cost of a building: .05% - Design (part of Facilities) 5% - Facilities 3% - Operations & Maintenance 10% - Technology 82% - People - BOSTI 11

  12. Update stats per new book 12

  13. Digital Natives • Grew up with mobile devices • Space is less about a dedicated office • Go to work to connect, collaborate, and interact • Majority of the workforce by 2020 13

  14. Summits Conducted across the U.S. 14

  15. The participants engaged in workshops and brainstorming activities, listened to expert speakers, generated ideas, and problem solved. [Visual suggestion: see p. 12-13 of comic book; possibly use actual cards from participants] 15

  16. Culture is the catalyst for engagement, collaboration, and innovation. 16

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